Barisone- New Thread

What? Seriously? And just what does this attention junky think will happen?

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And again, hiding all the facts from the jury. The jury should know so that they have the best chance of coming to a just verdict. Apparently, I don’t understand the purpose of our legal system at all.


At least IM has stopped lurking about.

So, does anyone think Paradigm is getting pressure to kick her to the curb, or threats from daddy demanding she stay? Same question regarding her traveling trainer.


“Vicious smears and attacks are uncalled for, unless they come from LK or her family.”

Fixed it for you, Bobby.

Edited in increase the group from whom we are supposed to expect and ignore smears and attacks.


I think it’s interesting to see how a lot of these legal talking heads seem to have done just about a complete 180 over the course of the last two weeks regarding this case.

At first, they thought it was completely ridiculous, and couldn’t even understand why it was going to trial, etc., etc.

But they seemed to completely change their tunes in the last week and a half, especially after they saw the prosecution’s star witnesses in action. Imagine that.


It’s a shame the judge has decided to keep moving the goal post.

The fault is the D A.'s for charging the wrong thing in the first place.


I don’t even understand how that’s possible.


I agree. Mr B did say he was going to move for a dismissal on Monday and Judge Taylor told him he would deny it, which is also too bad. He knows this is a joke, but is trying to fix it with lessers. He should fix it with a dismissal.


I thought I heard one of those talking heads suggesting that the prosecution shouldn’t have challenged the psych evaluation of one of their routine witnesses, they should have just accepted it and waived the charges.


OR, it could be IM … [edit]. Geez.


That’s standard though. Not just that court room in NJ. You never want custody in front of the jury because it could prejudice them. A vast majority of jury pools believe that locked up = guilty.


Yes. I wonder if that’s why they sent their state expert witness after Hasson much more than Simring. How would they explain how they have used Simring so much themselves if they found somebody else to say he was completely wrong on this case?


I heard that too. She said if you trust Simring enough to use him so often, how can you not trust him now in this case?


YES. She is all over YouTube threatening to report other people to the court for their comments criticizing minor issues that came up during the trial. She’s been doing it for days, from what I scan see. Some of the YouTube people said she was on Twitter doing it as well.

She’s bonkers.


More importantly going forward, why would Simring ever help them out again?


I made a suggested edit on your post for you.

We have had quite a good streak of not getting these threads locked lately. Could you please edit your post in order to continue that streak? Thanks.


I can’t explain what’s going on but criminal trial law is not my area of expertise. So to me what I’m seeing is beyond the norm.

I see an unfair burden placed on the defense. In criminal trials the defendant is supposed to get every consideration. It’s no where supposed to be a game of Gottcha.

Appeals are a last desperate try. Anything you send to the Appellate Court is so judge specific. I used to send the Appeals on different things all the time. One in ten was granted.

Appeals are not a retrying of the case. They are an examination as to whether proper procedure was followed.

I tried hard to understand methodology but reasons were never given. Not once. It was either Granted or Denied. Granted just got your case back on.


I mean… because they’re going to pay him? Isn’t that how it works?

If he has done work for both prosecutors and defense attorneys before, it may not be the first time it’s happened.


Thanks, good catch.

Thank you very much.

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