Barisone- New Thread

Then how can the prosecutor propose that the shooting was first and the beating second?

ETA: There is no evidence on the record of anything that hasn’t come from the testimony of two pathological liars.


No, the jury.

“Shame she’s banned so we won’t get our ‘top 5 global blue chip law firm’ lecture on privilege.”

I believe the law firm is Arnold & Porter. There is a very close familial connection: her brother-in-law works for them.


Hostile? I just posted some legal facts. You must be thinking of someone else.


Since the jury is charged with not reading social media how then can social media be corrupting the jury?

Unless of course Bobby Blueme is projecting what THEY would/have done.


My guess is at least a couple are so confused they go looking for information……


The point is that the prosecution didn’t prove anything at all.


The jurors are not meant to be reading about the case. Or does anyone care anymore? Anyhow, I think it’s common knowledge that people can and will say anything about trials. What’s being said about this trial is nothing in terms of volume, nastiness, and vested interest compared to really high profile cases like anything involving police shootings or sexual assault. The stuff that gets said when a trial is politicized is exponentially worse than anything here. And imagine trying to keep jurors sequestered or unbiased when a case has already become a national protest movement. This case is such small potatoes.

I have to say if I was a juror and had to sit through all the testimony I wouldn’t be that compelled to go on obscure forums and Wade through people arguing with each other in fairly uninformed ways both in regards to points of law and to the actual testimony. I might be tempted to read what the professional commentators said.


For sure Bobby Bahooey is delusional thinking they can dial up the judge to kvetch about the mean youtube commenter.


Oh he was definitely way over the top! Good eye!

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Hmmmm. The other, more qualified gentleman (Simring) seemed to be able to do it in a much shorter time without boring the pants off the jury and everyone within a 50 mile radius. No one is obligated to talk THAT long about their qualifications. He just wanted to.


Again, what disgusting posts have been made about her by people here? I see posts discussing her disgusting posts, but no disgusting posts about her. Can you elaborate?


This is the best, most concise summary of the case so far.


So in rhetoric there are three kinds of “appeals” meaning how you try to convince people to agree with the argument you are making. You can appeal to logic, supply facts and figures. You can appeal to emotion, by trying to change how people feel about a subject. And you can appeal to your own authority and ethos, basically saying believe what I’m saying because of who I am or what I experienced.

All of these have a place in arguments and politics and in a trial. But if the appeal to logic is flawed, that is the facts don’t really support your claim, then you might end up trying to rely on an appeal to emotion or an appeal to authority to cover that up.

So if Mr Mustache knows his argument is weak on the factual side, he might overdo it on the appeal to authority. And he might get in some jabs to try to make the jurors dislike or distrust the defendent to change how they feel. I expect he was trying to do his best to argue a position that was obviously weak from a factual perspective.


I kind of wonder if he didn’t really kind of feel for MB. He pretty much flat out made the argument that MB and everyone on that farm had real, justified fear, and went well out of his way to detail why to the jury by going way in depth to to events and SM that the prosecution had been trying to keep out.


Maybe keeping those facts from the jury falls under that statute I posted earlier.


So, while wading through the insanity that is YouTube comments, I did see this one interesting thought.

They called the fire marshal allegedly because the two of them are too stupid to unplug a dryer that they were sure was going to start a fire, despite good ole Rob having worked on wiring, etc in the barn, right? (I added some editorial tweaks in there).

And, the two really awesome character witnesses got to be asked about barn fires, because that whole barn fire possibility was terrifying to LK, but not terrifying enough to pack up her horses and leave.

So, here’s the point the YouTube dude made. THe fire marshal didn’t find anything wrong in the barn, anything hazardous. They had to leave because it’s not rated for occupancy and they very nice health dept lady said the septic tank wasn’t big enough for that load. But there weren’t any fire hazard concerns, unlike in the farmhouse where someone had pulled out the fire alarms (and then someone was able to put them right back in.

It’s one of those things the jury may not catch, especially if they can’t take notes. But man LK and RG wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them and they went to great lengths to torment Michael Barisone.


Is that the same case where Brady Cops comes from?

I have no idea.

If that’s the case, would MB have to stay in jail pending an appeal? That could take years.

And the great state psych spelled out for the jury that the house got condemned because of RG’s renovations.