Barisone- New Thread

As are yours, so what is your point?

When was the last time LK threatened you? A person is allowed to have an emotional response to being threatened by someone who has proven they are less then ethical.


That’s horrible!
I was using macaroon which hopefully doesn’t have any connotations aside from the dessert.


A crazy yummy dessert!


I did not say you “are the equivalent of LK in how you use social media”. I said that your repeating a horrible accusation about LK that you read on SM was disgusting unless you knew the accusation to be true.

The mods then edited out the unverified, horrible accusation.


And now I wonder if the writers slipped in a racial dig at the time or if they were unaware.

Well, now it will be “macaroon” (yum) or “macaron” (yummier) because I won’t use the other m words.


I am Team Macaron, personally.


I bet if juvenile records exist and were unsealed they would be enlightening.


And it appears that the couple that owns the farm have small children.


Both are amazing. I personally love those little balls of crazy sweet coconut. Yum.

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Anything is possible. People back in the day were even more disgusting than they are now.

My first horse was a QH who was old stock type. His ancestor from the early 1900s was a stallion whose name I cannot even type. Big N*****. You can look up the horse.

I’m so used to saying Maroon I’ll never be able to morph it so will have to train my brain to not use it at all.


And he had to drag them to the courthouse to do it after they tried to ditch at the last minute.



If I was Mr. B… here’s how I would go at closing…,

First, emphasize that MB had a psychotic break, driven by the many events of July and August leading up to the day of the shooting, as well as his pre/existing mental fragility. The nature of the psychotic break was such that he had delusions of persecutions.

This is known. By a preponderance of the evidence shown at trial. Friends and coworkers testifying to MBs distressed state in the days leading up to the shooting, and the testimony of expert witnesses who thoroughly examined him.

Then… the defense needs to shift gears, and talk about why there is doubt concerning what happened at the farmhouse that day. MB clearly had his head beaten in. This also caused some amnesia. The camera was allegedly turned off in the 20 minutes prior to the shooting, and the police didn’t collect or look for footage for months. So… everyone has to rely upon the testimony of LK, RG, the ear witness, the 911 call, and the forensics. The forensics are limited… because of what the police decided NOT to do. So the jury is very much left with testimony from the key witnesses - which contradict one another on certain details.

Then walk through the contradictions. Of timing. Etc. And emphasize LKs story about how she ran around like a super human person, finding phones, letting out dogs, calling 911, participating in a brawl… all supposedly AFTER she was shot twice in the chest.

Because judging from the comments I’v seen on YouTube… a LOT of people are doubting that particular aspect of her story. That she was upright and running around for so long AFTER she was shot. People just don’t believe it. She took two bullets to the chest.


Well anyone who knows LauBert is in their area would be wise to set up trail cams, security cameras, lock their cars in their garages if they have a garage, plant prickly things under their windows and consider stockade fencing. Have USPS hold your mail so they can’t grab it out of the mailboxes.


You misunderstand.

I’m not criticizing pointing out that statement XYZ is disgusting and vile. That’s what I did with a statement of VirginaHorseMom (who I otherwise greatly respect.) I characterized the statement as disgusting only if it was not known by VHM to be true.

Her statement was later edited out by the mods. (I did not flag it.)

What I’m objecting to is criticizing one person (LK) as being vile and disgusting for the nasty stuff she posts on SM, then posting nasty, vile, unverified stuff about her.


I’m wondering about all these same things.

Plus it really, really looked to me like the judge did not treat the prosecution and the defense in an even handed way. But this is the first time I’ve watched a whole trial like this, so I don’t know how it normally works.


Who cares what observers believe? What do observers have to do with this case? It doesn’t matter what Bilinkas believes. What matters is whether or not Bilinkas can prove a set of facts that mitigate the legal consequences of Barisone’s unlawful conduct. That’s all. Bilinkas wouldn’t be doing his job if he didn’t try to poke holes in the prosecution’s case through one of its witnesses. It’s Bilinkas’ job to vigorously defend his client. He doesn’t even have to believe his client is innocent. That’s not his job. It helps, but is not a requirement.


The old time coastal folk in this part of MA call people of a certain ilk “mackerals”. I have a friend who uses this to refer to her horse when he’s being a ditz or has lost his shoe in the mud…again.

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Wasn’t that the previous year in 2018? I thought by 2019, he was supposed to mostly be working on the house to repair the damage from the broken pipe.

I won’t swear to that being right, but I’m certainly not going to watch his testimony again to double check. Because… just no. :nauseated_face:


You are still entirely missing the point. LK isn’t vile and disgusting because she makes nasty social media posts. She’s vile and disgusting because of her vile and disgusting behaviour in real life. Not social media.


Mansplaining. Haha. That would be a cute trick on my part. You sure told me.