Barisone- New Thread

the big problem of the horse world ‘oh, it’s so small, don’t burn bridges’

maybe it is time the bad actors get outed before they have decades worth of skeletons in their barns


She would have to wake up early and feed horses if she had them on her own farm. I think it would be unlikely the horses would have routine care.


RG does all her work for her now, he would just have to add to his list of chores he does.


She would also have to pay people for services rendered at the time. No sponging off of barn owners, paying later or trying to barter for Rob’s services.


Just curious. Did that work?


How would she find anyone willing to work for her?


Also, what I cannot understand is why LK is not listed anywhere on the USEF SS page.

Oh, yeah, and now she’s an Olympian…


Who cares what observers are posting?

Then why are YOU posting and why are you trying so very hard to prove your point to “observers”?

You say you think Bilinkas has the responsibility to vigorously protect his client right after you’re posting about plea deals.

Just admit that you want him to be found guilty.

And then you won’t have to post anymore because “Who cares what observers are posting?”.


The Training Level video I saw on Youtube doesn’t look remotely like that of an Olympic athlete. :woman_shrugging:


I was thinking vets, farriers, etc. People who come in, do the job or deliver the product, are often paid by barn owners who then turn around and try to collect the money owed from the client(s).

If LauBert has to find and pay up front that may be a problem. Of course, they are not obligated to agree to take her on.


I am shocked that they included the photo of LK using her middle finger to point out her bullet wound. (In the article linked above.)

And yet another article written by someone who does not do any research. OMFG.

Someone should send all these publications screen shots of exactly what LK said to GJ.


Barisone declined the plea and the lesser charge, right?

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I remember when the mayor of DC did that to push up her glasses at a press conference. She didn’t last long. Everyone got her message.


The “New York Times Post.” Sounds legit.


I can’t imagine NYTPost has anything to do with NYT. I left a comment there, not that I would suggest others might want to do the same.


I have a feeling it probably doesn’t even have anything to do with New York, and it may well not even be based in the US.


Mr. B has a lot of material to work with, that’s for sure.

I think I already asked this question upthread, but does anyone have any idea how long the summations might last? Or how long they normally last?

I’m just wondering at what point it gets to be too much information for the jury to take in right before they deliberate.


Some of the folks you are arguing with on this forum are crazy smart and very good attorneys. You come on here judging and second guessing Bilinkas, saying ineffective counsel, insane to not accept a plea, then you pick fights with others. Even if you watched every second of the trial, you cannot know everything. You were not in each sidebar or privy to all discussions, nor did you see all the discovery.
One of the first things one learns in law school is to know the facts before you judge.


Someone wants to write “moron” but writes “maroon” instead (oh, the joys of typing on a phone). And someone gets their knickers in a twist.

And this is not directed at you, or McGurk or VA Horse Mom or OMGitsme - just a general commentary about the sad fact that some people these days look for things to be offended by. :upside_down_face:


What does refusing the plea deal have to do with a legal defense at trial? I want the legal system to work. I want the judge to do his job and make sure the attorneys follow the rules in presenting their respective cases. Then it’s up to a jury. I’m glad the judge wants to include aggravated assault as a lesser included offense because I do believe LK and RG’s behavior toward Barisone are mitigating factors. However, I also believe that Barisone shot LK and shot at RG. That too was a crime. If Bilinkas calls more witnesses, that may shake my belief that Barisone committed a crime, then I will change my opinion. But my opinion doesn’t matter one bit. The jury has the final say for this trial. If they do find him guilty, there is always the sentencing phase. Compare the sentencing guidelines for attempted murder and aggravated assault.