Barisone- New Thread

who’s the COTH Author, Dressage rider… I forget what she wrote. Something about Elephants?
Judy Reene Singer? Horseplay and Still Life with Elephant.

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And he had wrapping experience. He wrapped Symphony’s leg twice a day.

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I actually like NJ quite a bit. I’m 100% Yankee and blunt and sweary, though. I do loathe the Turnpike and driving in general. And quite a few of the really awful people on the shore are transplants!

It is a very densely populated state, however, which can result on people getting on one another’s nerves. But there are many well-heeled dressage folk (I’m not one of them), dressage farms, and MB’s farm is in quite a nice area. So it’s particularly sad this powder keg of personalities got ignited, since, as I said before, I’m sure he had plenty of other students and horses he could have worked with instead.


:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:


Well, it didn’t take the police 7 minutes to get there (amount of time LK & RG beat Michael to pulp!!)!!!

THIS…and someone suggested somewhere (I can’t remember if it was here or on the L&C comments) that his injuries are more in line with being pistol whipped. Not hit with a phone.


Without Barisone’s testimony, you don’t HAVE to accept LK/RG testimony as necessarily true. You could conclude, especially in light of the lack of forensic evidence, that you truly DON’T KNOW (reasonable doubt). That is where I am right now.


Are you sure?

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An appeal is going to cost a lot of Money and take a Loooooooooooooooong


An all male jury getting bored while LK is testifying and defense attorney is getting called to side bar.

I wonder is if they speculated if there was something between MB and Lk?

I wonder if they speculated about MHG and LK somewhat resembling each other-age, hair, skin tone?

I wonder if they raised an eyebrow at hearing that MB just went through a divorce?

I wonder if they tried to figure out when the “romantic relationship” started with the nice young woman’s mom-if it was ongoing or prior?

I wonder if the nice loyal lawyer friend talking about 2 very wealthy and successful men in a sport of 90% women helped further that idea.

I wonder if they wondered if MB was chasing wealthy 40 year old clients and employees?

I wonder if the men thought MB was coming off as not so honest with women as with other men and foolish in his business as to do his business in his own backyard, not get references, not hire licensed contractors, not have contracts in place, etc.?

I wonder then if they think it’s likely MB drove over there in a very angry state with purpose and LK’s and RG’s basic story of MB came and fired his gun 2-3 times is likely?

I wonder if they envy him that he has the money to hire a good lawyer to try to get himself out of a situation brought about at least in part by his own bad decisions and the last decision to shoot being the part that now stuck them in court for 2 weeks listening to this mess?

Will they sympathize with all that and let him go? Or will have no sympathy and find him guilty?

It will be interesting to see.




I think someone had posted that MB paid the farrier as part of board (which is fairly typical when horses are in full training board) and the charge is passed on in the monthly board statement. If that was the case and if LK decided to withhold board payment then it would make sense that MB would tell the farrier not to shoe the horses.


I don’t remember who asked and I don’t want to wade thru the testimony again but I recall someone testifying (I think it was MBs attny) who sd he spoke to JK and they came to an agreement. The agreement was made that she would leave 8/7 and the paper to that effect was delivered to her on 8/6. I remember thinking “wow, I’m shocked JK would have agreed to that 24hr time frame”


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1335, topic:771345, full:true”]

Can you prove it?


Es frieren selbst im dicksten Rock der Saeufer und der blankidiblank…
Old german proverb.

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Yep, that was MB’s attorney/friend who also rides and owns a few race horses.


There is no comparison there. MHG won the pretty/not crazy battle hands down.


oh Boo hoo, that jury deliberated for 11 hours if I recall correctly and that included lunch! They just wanted out of that mess and did not want to argue with the younger jurors who were for acquittal. They completely miss understood the poorly given jury instructions

Just catching up on hundreds of posts but Sidebar:

Your husband is right :wink:. Northern NJ is awfully pretty with a fair few horse farms. And we don’t speak with that heavy accent at all.

I’ve lived here all my life and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve gone to the shore. Just yuck.


[quote=“Joanne, post:1338, topic:771345”]

Starts at 41:51

MB’s lawyer testified that he had a lengthy negotiation with Lauren’s father JK to come to an agreement for Lauren to move her horses to another facility (he testified that it was either 5 minutes away or 5 miles away, I can’t remember which one), with equal facilities and training. There were stalls available and the trainer at that facility agreed to accept LK. MB’s lawyer had the official agreement delivered to LK on Aug. 5th. So yes, short time frame, but not a surprise and supposed to be agreed upon between both parties.