Barisone- New Thread

And right in line with the retaliation of the BI/FM and CPS on the 6th and 7th….


And there are many times where he (Mr. B.) politely listens with hands demurely together in front of his body - quietly, subtly twirling his thumbs. What a cool way to project “borinnnngggg”…


I keep getting stuck on LK’s phone … she says that she was on the porch when MB drove up. She also said that she went back to the porch to get her phone after being shot. If she and her phone were both on the porch when the lawyer called (didn’t he say a couple of times before he called Rob?), why didn’t she answer it?
It makes sense that this whole thing was going on prior to the lawyer calling, and that’s why her phone was left on the porch.
Also, the lawyer said he called RG who then passed the phone to LK and she said “Michael Barisone’s here and he’s got a gun” and then, ‘boom, boom’. That doesn’t mesh at ALL with what RG & LK testified to.
So many questions …


Yes! Northern NJ - Hunterdon County, Amwell Valley, Morris County, Sussex County, just to name a few are beautiful areas. They don’t call it The Garden State for nothing. Also, this Florida native (and former California resident) thinks the beaches in Cape May are some of the prettiest.


Those areas of NJ are beautiful but my favorite part of the state are the diners. A NJ diner is a wonderful thing that doesn’t seem to translate to other states sadly.


All three of the psych witnesses testified that Barisone took the gun to the house. Because he told them that. His memory loss is only for the shooting.


What I remember is MBs lawyer communicating for the first time on Aug 5 that MB wanted them out, and that LK engaged her attorney the next day. I don’t remember any testimony that there was an agreement between the two sides, only that on Aug 6 and 7 LK thought the two lawyers were working on resolving it.

LK was represented by ED, not JK on the issue. That’s why he called on Aug 7.

Yes, succinct summary,


She also said she went upstairs to get RG, who was already on the phone with the lawyer when she got up there.

Lawyer says he spoke 4 words to RG before being handed off to LK, and he was on the phone for 4 minutes before hearing the two shots and dropped call 15-30 seconds later…


Your recollection is incorrect. You can rewatch the full testimony on Law & Crime’s YouTube channel for free.

Edited to add link. Testimony begins at the 30:10 minute mark.


… so many phones…

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Yes, that’s quite a large gap between the various accounts.


This! This is where I get stuck


Which witness said that LK actually agreed to move out by Aug 7? What time on Aug 7 was the deadline for moving out, noon? He shot her about 2:00 pm.

In this agreement the two sides supposedly had, what was the agreement on the amount MB owed RG for renovations? Did LK agree to move out by Aug 7 and RG agree that he was owed zero?

If there had been an agreement on all the issues, I don’t think the shooting would have occurred.


All of the but, but, but she was shot. Yep, she was. The circumstances around that will always be a question in my mind and the trial has only raised more questions. But, but, but isn’t she out living her sad life, still provoking, threatening, lying, with the ability to ride her horses with at least one trainer who may or may not be equal Michael Barisone? Of course she is and still blaming everyone else for any negativity.

The true victim in this mess IS Michael Barisone. A once vibrant, talented professional with 100’s of friends and supporters who was systematically targeted and destroyed by three people, apparently for sport and because they could…Finish the Ba**ard. Lauren Kanarek is not a victim. She is the true aggressor and one of a trio of guilty individuals.


Feel free to watch the testimony. I provided you with the link and the minute mark.


Exactly, and were any of them covered in LKs blood? She said she couldn’t dial 911because of all the blood. Whose blood?
Well, we know the lawyer isn’t stretching the truth because he writes his note right after something happens … “not 99% of the time, not 99.9% of the time, but 100% of the time”
Also, I think it’s funny that RG told the 911 operator that he “was a 5’6” guy holding down a 6’3” guy (paraphrasing), but then when he was asked by Bilinkas how tall he was he said, 5’8”. :roll_eyes:


As far as the prosecutor. Charges and trials get set in motion and seem like a good idea at the time. In my jurisdiction they don’t even press charges unless they are 99 per cent sure they will win the case. But even so there is surprise information or witnesses fail etc. Win most lose some after a valiant attempt is probably the prosecutor life. I doubt they are deeply personally invested in most cases. I’m sure LK looked like a much better witness 3 years ago.


yes he mentions MBs height twice in that call, seems like it may be a sore spot


You’re skipping over the part where CPS showed up based on reports made to SS. That’s not just MB saying “I’m tired of waiting for them to leave”. Threatening someone’s kids, which according to the psych testimony is what MB believed, is so beyond just waiting out an agreement.