Barisone- New Thread

Yes, it’s what I remembered. On Aug 6, MB lawyer served her with an eviction complaint to scare her into leaving, even though neither MB nor the lawyer filed the eviction paperwork with the court.

How do you interpret that as saying LK agreed to leave by noon Aug 7?


I’ve asked since day one of the testimony where LK’s broken phone is - none of the phones in the photos look “broken”. I’m okay with them not covered in blood in the photos simply due to the rain, but she supposedly broke her phone on MB’s head/ear/face. I can’t sit down with my phone in my pocket without cracking the face of it - it’s certainly not going to survive beating someone semi-conscious without some signs of the damage.


Both sides contacted SS to complain about threats and bullying by the other. SS contacted CPS over issues of “neglect”, not issues of child sexual abuse. I think the situation was objectively dangerous for everyone, so it is not surprising to me that SS notified CPS. Frankly, I’m a little surprised the police department didn’t notify CPS as well.

I don’t think the lawyers had an agreement by dawn on Aug 7. That was my point.


Stephen Tarshus was negotiating an out for LK and her horses with JK. This took place over the course of multiple days, and culminated in an agreement between the two of them as of 8/5. LK, and all 5 of her horses would go to a nearby trainers farm, someone who was a PanAm Gold medalist, on 8/07.

However, JK had to run this agreed upon plan by LK. And it all hinted upon LK finding these arrangements “acceptable to her tastes”

LK said NO to this plan on 08/05, according to Tarshus’ testimony.

So at that point, JK engaged Ed David (real estate attorney) to represent LKs interests from there on out. Because the implication was that JK knew from Tarshus that eviction proceedings would be the next step on MBs side.

Meanwhile, Tarshus did begin putting together required eviction documents. But according to Ed David’s testimony, he and Tarshus did speak on 08/06, and came up with ANOTHER plan that might avoid a really ugly eviction proceeding. And though Stephen Tarshus sent LK a letter, and served an eviction claim (I might have the exact term wrong) to LK as of 08/06… that claim had not yet been filed. The intent was to “scare” her… which meant they wanted her to know they were serious about evicting her. But the actual eviction claim had not yet been legally filed. So Ed David went ahead and called LK on 08/07… according to his own testimony he had “good news” for her. The good news was that Wd David and Tarshus had come up with a “new plan” as to how and when Lk, RG and the horses would all be leaving MBs farm. But… the shooting happened in the middle of that call.

Bluntly… I have always had questions about the timing of the SafeSport complaint that LK made in early August regarding issues related to MHGs kids, and the complaints LK and RG made to the local BI/FM. It seems like they were acting on a parallel, but separate track from JK and Ed David. Upping the pressure on MB and the entire situation, while simultaneously negotiating how to quickly exit the farm? That doesn’t quite make coherent sense to me.



You really crack me up sometimes. I think you are probably EXACTLY on point with this.


See minute 49:30 where MB’s lawyer discussed the arrangements negotiated with JK for LK to voluntarily leave MB’s farm so that further legal means would not be necessary. JK negotiated on LK’s behalf for new accommodations that were acceptable to LK’s standards. The letter was only delivered AFTER LK did not leave the farm, as MB’s lawyer thought had been agreed to.


[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:1370, topic:771345, full:true”]

Everyone please remember that the letter/notification to LK from the attorney is the mandatory STEP 1 of the eviction process.

If it manages to get the tenant out, GREAT but before you proceed in court, and as part of the court record is proof that tenant was given notice to vacate/intent to evict.


The thing is, at the end of the day, we all see the grand canyon size holes in the whole story and timeline. We know the systemic bullying and terrorizing LK can and will do, due to some people’s IRL interactions with her and 2 1/2 years of posting from her. We can see how it could legitimately cause a psychotic break to someone who was prone to mental health issues already. The jury does not have that luxury.

We can sit and dissect the testimony in finite detail as it happens and compare it to what has been told to us over and over again. The jury does not have that luxury - they can’t even take notes during testimony to use during deliberations. I don’t quite understand why - a jury is tasked with potentially deciding someone’s future and may be listening to testimony for weeks. They are supposed to remember all the holes and questions that came up all the way through? It seems unfair to both the prosecution and the defense.


Thank you. I understand it better now.

I think both sides had some off ramps to avoid
the tragedy, but each insisted on not backing down out of ego.


MB had no more place to back up. He was already living outdoors of the barn like he was camping. Any more backing up he would be in Pennsylvania.


Here are some things that have been really been bugging me.

LK said she was beating MB with her phone and Rob was restraining MB. How did both of their phones get to the umbrella stand stacked right one on top of the other?

Why was MB’s phone found on the round table?

LK said that after the shooting, MB ran around the table and then she corrected herself. Why? Here is what she said:

And right then it was gone out of his pocket boom boom period. He runs around the table. I’m sorry excuse me I messed that up. Boom boom then he raises his hand up to Rob was standing on the porch shoots at the trajectory being the head

The eviction atty phone was call 4 minutes which seems like a long time to me. Atty said all he said to Rob was “can I speak to Lauren” and all Lauren said was “I’ve been shot in the chest”

Bilinkus was trying to make a big point with the eviction atty with the timeline of what he heard. I believe this is because it means that RG was confronting (and probably beating) MB before the shots.

His testimony was very confusing though because he constantly interrupted. I’m not sure it’s accurate, but this is what I have for the sequence of events.

From direct
He heard 2 gunshots (which means he didn’t hear the 3rd)
Heard LK say “I’ve been shot…”

From cross
When the phone was given to Lauren, he heard Rob yelling or speaking loudly in the background (does not match LK or RG stories at all)
Then he says he heard something that sounded like something dropping, but didn’t think it was gunshots.
Then he heard the phone drop
Then he heard someone pick up the phone
Lauren said, “I’ve been shot in the chest, I’m losing conciousness”
10-15 seconds goes by
Then he heard scuffling
Then he heard the phone drop again
Then he heard someone pick up the phone
Then he hung up


Maybe it’s me, but I’ve rented lots of apartments, and boarded plenty of places…and never did I have to negotiate leaving. Like ever. And never needed lawyers to do it.
IF I had ever been asked to leave or decided to leave… I gave notice and left. Seems pretty routine.

Am I the only one who thinks this whole line of argument is nonsense.


Thanks for adding this clarifying point.

I think Tarshus’ testimony, when he says they served LK with an eviction notification on 8/06 to “scare” her, got everyone thrown off. It would have been much more helpful to have worded that differently.

Also… it’s useful to listen to Ed David’s testimony again in conjunction with Stephen Tarshus testimony. To me… it all painted a picture. There were multiple people working on coming up with a negotiated, legal off-ramp to a bad situation that essentially amounted to a complex landlord tenant dispute…

And then there was MB and LK. According to Tarshus and other witnesses (MHG and JH), MB was becoming completely unglued as of the beginning of August. Tarshus says he was so stuck on paranoia over LK, he could barely communicate effectively with Tarshus on an actual plan to get LK out of the farm. Meanwhile, LK and RG were googling the DCPP number, reporting a complaint to SafeSport, writing letters to the local BI and FM, then turning around on 08/06 and putting smoke alarms right back in, and emailing the FM so that they could stay the night in the top floor apartment on 08/06

Both MB and LK made multiple calls to 911 those days. MB went up the town police in person. And both were apparently wandering around the property at night.

It was a mess. A serious mess.


I’m not talking about backing up, I’m talking about backing down. The fact that RG felt he was owed money for renovations was a sticking point. It’s MBs fault that he had written contracts for nothing- not the original two horses plus living quarters, not for free board for Jay-T, not for the ongoing renovations. All those verbal arrangements are nice when everyone is getting along, but it’s a mess when RG thinks he’s getting stiffed for $20,000 in labor, or whatever he thought he was owed.


No, NP has two books for sale on Amazon.

In The Name Of Love: Oceans Kept Them Apart, But Love Brought Them Together: Peronace, Nick: 9798734833551: AmazonSmile: Books

My perspective is different due to my job. 98% of people get along or vacate like civilized people.

It’s that 2% that gives us civil servants employment. And some cases get very messy. And when they do its always because the tenant refuses to leave and for whatever reason finds a way to stay.

The longest case to evict took 3 years. Guy was a hoarder. The inspection guy told me when he went in the walls were moving. But it was not the walls. It was the roaches.

But this building was a big one with like 50 units. Normally small rentals with one or two tenants go much faster and actually have different rules for some things.


My understanding was that JK and Tarshus had put together an agreement as of 8/5. Considering that JK was writing the checks, I can see how MB et al considered it a done deal. But LK was determined to “destroy” him. Ala “End the B*stard” from the morning of 8/7. So leaving as negotiated would not fit her plan.

For sure, both parties filed SS complaints, but MB’s complaints would likely not have triggered a mandatory CPS report. We don’t know what was in the CPS report as that was not allowed evidence/testimony. Just a basic “neglect” comment from the social worker.


Yes. There were some people who were trying to negotiate the smoothest possible legal path out of a very bad situation.

And then there were other people who were trying to think of any mean, nasty, petty, underhanded method to stir up trouble and wreck someone’s life in every conceivable direction. Drive him completely crazy, in fact.

Guess what? It worked.


LK and RG could have easily left the property and still pursued the $20,000 that RG thought he was owed, through other legal means.


It sounds like there was a proposed agreement between JK and Tarshus that LK did not sign on to.