Barisone- New Thread

Oh it just occurred to me and I’m prob slow to this but I bet MB got a check from the ins Co for 50k. That’s why RG thought he was entitled to 50k. People like that can’t help but to count your money.


But now that he has watched LK/RG actually testify, why would he not realize the truth and approach his DA with recommendation to drop the case?


Attempt 2

Yay got it. Thanks!


One of the mental health guys, Schlesinger I think, said MB was having money problems due to a divorce and that is why he brought LK back to the NJ farm in 2019. Nancy Jaffre (?) had an article that said MHG testified it was hard for MB to feel good after VK “clipped” him for $965,000. I don’t consider that a clip since she co-owned every business he had and managed it, just her due. That is a lot of cash though. I kept falling asleep when I listened to MHG testimony and there is a lot of it. I don’t remember that part.

I’m going to try to listen again.

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Other testimony indicated he always made it work.

He should have charged LK more for boarding for all those horses and rent.


I thought about that. And I wondered if maybe contractors were totally backed up. The flood happened in January, they got back there in April. I have no clue what the availability of construction workers in the winter in NJ pre-COVID would be.


Water damage from a pipe break could easily be over $100,000.


The work and payments may have been delayed due to the possibility of multiple insurance policies. One for MB as farm renter & one held by the elderly owners. It may have taken more coordination than usual which in itself can be challenging. Especially if there is also a mortgage on the property as you then have to add them into the conversation and payment acceptance and dispersals.


And it could easily be 50k


But was this particular damage $100K to fix or are you just throwing out numbers to win a debate?


I’ve had this really weird thought lately wondering if RG actually shot LK. I don’t especially think it happened, but if they were both looking to maybe get some money or the farm (or both) out of this to fund the drugs and LK’s dressage dreams, and they both had faith in RG’s Marine gun training that he could shoot in a nonlethal place (but he missed), or even just planned to shoot AT her but then accidentally hit her…might explain why RG was originally acting like she hasn’t been shot, yelling at her to put the dog up.

As far as how RG got the gun, maybe MB came up to the house to actually either commit suicide or for some other reason, and RG was the one that acted like he wanted to talk things out then took the gun from MB.

Obviously, not really all that plausible. But honestly, no explanation really makes any sense. The only thing I can come up with that matches what both of them, ED, and the 911 call said is if it was sone sort of plan the two of them put together where she got “hurt” by MB, but then it went awry.

And then LK demoted RG to boyfriend from fiance since he effed it all up :joy:


Deleting my comment bc I chose not to engage.

MHG did testify to that text. But there really wasn’t context as to lump sum, or payments or anything.

Seriously! Let’s be real. MB and the broke crackhead were never going to go to court over the $30,000 to $50,000 of repairs RG never actually did. (But that LK REPEATEDLY claimed RG was owed compensation for).

MB didn’t have any reason to go to court against a broke, unlicensed drug addict… because RG never invoiced him. Remember? And there was fuzziness as to what the actual agreement even was. And the work in the farmhouse that was done was mainly tiling, and according to Michael McGrain’s testimony, MM did 70-80 % of that work, and MB purchased all materials.

But RG? Why the heck would he want to go to court?!? He hadn’t done anywhere close to a meaningful amount of work. He’d never invoiced Michael. The value of RGs work was supposedly bartered for board for an additional 1-2 horses for a few months. So a few thousand each month, for 2-3 months.

Bottom line… I have a hard time believing RG was owed ANY money in relation to work he had done, above and beyond that which was bartered for LKs extra horse’s board expenses. It was always a straight up shakedown. And RG was going to squat in that farmhouse until MB paid. Because RG was actively using drugs that summer, and had no other employment, and several thousand in easy cash? That would be ideal for him.


Don’t take away Boyd lol

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During Covid after the death of my father in January and during Covid I negotiated and settled his estate and renovated his house 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, terrace, kitchen, entryway from 1100 miles away and had it rented and tenant occupied by October 15 that same year.


Are we debating? I’m not. We had a lot of ice damage here last year. We were lucky. Our neighbor in a similar home had over $100,000. Houses all over the neighborhood were uninhabitable. People ran out of contractors. People did their own work. People were ripped off. People had to wait until contractors finished one house and went to another. There were big containers in driveways for months. Our area wasn’t hit as hard as other areas in the state. It was a mess.

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And LK and RG knew because of the recording?


But was MBs damage $100K?

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Are you available for hire, seriously ! That’s quite the impressive accomplishment. Well done