Barisone- New Thread

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Oh. Ok. I didn’t know you were there and had all these details.

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LOL thank you!!

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No idea. I said water damage from a pipe break could be easily over $100,000, not that MB’s house had that damage.


So then your initial point on expense meant nothing. Got it.


That’s right. @Kurplexed had a theory that the insurance check was for $50,000 and I responded with the damage could easily have been $100,000.

You, once again, chose to jump in half cocked and got nowhere. It was and is, a hypothetical conversation.


Oh. So hypothetical conversations about the dollar amounts involved in certain types of work are ok now?

Gee. I thought we were required to “be there” and “know all the details” before attempting to make these discussion points.


Just like the hypothetical barn violations they cited


you’d think if RG had an invoice documenting the owed $50k, which RG said he wanted to give to Michael so it must exist… the court would have that?
I mean it would be easy to prove the work was done, to that amount right?


Pardon my clumsy explanations go occupancy. Here.


Yup, its very unusual. Also, the first officer testified that MB and RG were to just the left of the medical bags (photo of crime scene) and LK was positioned where the medical bags are. How, then did RG and LK’s phones end up on top of one another on the umbrella stand? That’s at least 3-5 feet away from MB, RG, and LK.

Also, back to where MB was standing - if MB wasn’t next to the awning, in order to be behind the bush he would have to have positioned himself between the two chairs, the table and the bush. That’s a very weird spot to put yourself in. Given the height of the bush, unless he was at the very very edge (again contradicts all testimony), how could RG have seen the gun? That bush is tall and wide. I’m pretty sure its at least as tall as I am. And yet somehow RG saw MB fire the gun at what is chest height for LK.


I thought RG had made his own LLC at the urging of LK….


As I recall, RG said he only “worked” when he wanted to… to help pay off board. When he thought he had done enough, he just stopped. LK was the one who was howling about $50,000? All over this forum?

Someone tell me what RG’s actual paying job was again… that did not rely on LK’s money… I seem to have missed that… /s

I continue to be gobsmacked how so many excuses are made for this pair… they must never be held accountable for anything… and how at some points I apparently was following a completely different trial…


Somehow LK/RG did not feel the need to call the fire marshal any time in the previous year or so.

It was only when they were looking for yet another way to lash out at MB.


They must have had some system they (MB and RG) were using to track the dollar value of the work RG was doing in exchange for LKs extra horses’ board. I thought she added 1 horse (over and above the agreement) in May or June. Then bought one from MB… but she was never going to have to pay Board on that horse (a very sketchy sounding arrangement). Then… another horse was added in June or July? And by August, it meant she was keeping 5 horses at MBs?

If it’s $2500 per month, per horse, to board there… by my math, RG would have had to perform around $7500 in work, at a minimum, by the end of July to cover LKs extra board expenses.

I could see that being possible. Maybe with the electrical work he supposedly did in the barn. But after hearing Mike McGrains testimony about the tiling job, and seeing some of the pictures of the farmhouse (which was still unrepaired after all the water damage from the burst pipe)…

I don’t understand where another $30k to $50k of construction occurred. Especially given that RG is unlicensed, and MB was buying the materials for him .

The whole thing was BS. All along.

And I think LK telling RG not to invoice MB? Yeah. That was because LK and RG never actually wanted to pin down a real definite dollar amount in terms of work done. They wanted to claim it was all worth much more than it was. A total shakedown. It was completely part of “the plan.”


Making a LLC protects against personal liability and maybe even with that pesky treble damage problem.

In the face of a big judgment the LLC ceases to exist and a new one is formed.


Maybe they figured that by that time they might as well try to brazen their way through it. Especially since the whole thing had been covered by Law and Crime, Court TV, etc.

To drop it in the middle might have involved too much loss of face for them.


I just realized how pleasantly long its been since QFP has been needed


I think this is called co-dependent behavior….