Barisone- New Thread

Maybe somebody already said this upthread and I missed it as I was scrolling to catch up.

But if LK/RG were listening very carefully to their illegal recording devices in the office to find more ways to drive MB completely crazy (which they did), they might have heard some mention of an insurance settlement check and figured they might as well scoop that up on their way out the door as well.

If we’re going along with the idea of a hypothetical insurance check of an undetermined amount.


I think the check happened way earlier.

Do we even know there actually was a check?

Because if it’s a hypothetical check anyway, I’m going to stick it in the narrative where it makes the most sense. Lol.

And really, who knows when they started coming up with the scam about the bill for RG’s “work”? That could have been simmering on the back burner for some time. Maybe from the day they heard about the hypothetical insurance check.



I actually live in such a barn apartment. Yes, I am on call 24/7/4/12. Aside from that link being advertising for that builder, is there another reason for a barn apartment discussion? Fine by me - I do have many answers to questions about that… as I have lived in barn apartments for… well, decades. Ouch - that was tough to admit! :smile:


I would be happier if I lived in a barn residence. That would be my happy place as I imagine it would for lots of equestrians.
ETA the fact that my elderly mother has recently moved in is also a factor lol


I love to look for horse properties with attached living quarters. I’ve had horses at the house and boarded. Either way is a lot of work and expense. I’ve never run a boarding facility. I never thought I would have the patience for it. It’s a really tough job.

It depends. Lol.

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I think LK claimed MG had received a check way back on one of the earlier threads. And was trying to claim he was committing insurance fraud - not sure if it was because the work hadn’t yet been finished, or because he hadn’t paid RG.


Yeah I kind of forgot to mention that my mother has recently moved in so there’s that factor lol


Ok, so the whole insurance check idea was based on something LK said on social media? After she testified under oath on the witness stand last week that she lies on social media all the time?

Got it.


I recall Lala saying several times months and months ago that the older couple/part owners of the farm acknowledged owing $50,000 to RG. Why do I think that was a bunch of hooey like asking her to stay at theFarm?

Side note - I’m watching 48 Hours about a woman faking emails and social media to kill her husband and frame someone else. She also accused her first husband of child abuse!

48 Hours will not be kind to the Kanareks. Awww. That’s too bad.


However note that the money claim evaporated during testimony when RG said he was only doing enough hours to cover the horses board barter. And other witnesses testified he wasn’t working much at all. The money claim was just more harassment with no basis in fact.


You could be right, but that’s sad if true. Again, the legal system doesn’t seem to be attached to the idea that there should be a just verdict rendered. :slightly_frowning_face:


Exactly !
LK attacked MB and smashed her phone on his ears as her dog attacked him
LK and Robs stories do not match and LK civil attorney don’t match .Her civil attorney only heard TWO shots and then the 911 call doesn’t match .
The fact they erased the camera
Says all we need to know


And I wonder if RG and LK caused the pipe damage with on purpose or ignorance due them being high on drugs, they were the last ones in that apartment


The camera has ALWAYS bugged me. ALWAYS.

I don’t fully understand the tech involved in it. Was it ever technically verified that it was truly turned off 15 to 20 minutes before the shooting happened? Or was that claim impossible to truly verify? I know the police didn’t bother collecting it until months later


The camera issue also bothers me. Even if RG had shut them down while he was doing laundry one would think that as soon as LK came upstairs and said MB is here that those cameras would have immediately been turned back on.


I think the testimony that bilinkas was trying to get out was that RB was told by the farrier that MB told him not to shoe his horses and that RB sd someting to the effect of “I’m going to kill that mofo” (pure speculation on my part)

So in my head I see MB coming down the DW and RB being pissed! Walks past camera and pulls the plug bc he fully intends on giving him an ass kicking. (Again, purely speculation)


I thought MB was not actually a part of the meeting but kept interrupting it because he wanted to get in the safe. He then went in the safe just after the meeting. Pretty close timing though. The state mental health expert believes he is malingering as far as memory loss.


So, way back in the day two weeks ago, when all I knew about Lauren Kanarek was what I saw in court, I had serious issues with her testimony. All of the social media posts speak for themselves. Hidden recordings and her obvious lies about where she put the recorders also speak for themselves. The fact that she thought her behavior was ok is disturbing. But her attitude - so arrogant when saying she wanted to destroy him, so meek when prosecutor dude is questioning, and when all else including fake tears fails, fall back on “I was on a lot of painkillers.” Or, I don’t know, he tried to murder me. Or variations of both.

I don’t expect a victim of a shooting to have perfect recall. They shouldn’t. But I do expect their testimony in court to reflect a statement they gave two weeks prior to court.

When I reference the 09/05/19 statement, LK agreed that’s what she said except for one instance she said she didn’t remember.

The more important part of her testimony is there are some glaring discrepancies between her version of events and Rob’s and ED’s.

So I wrote all this out in case anyone else is interested.

I did take note of one social media post that was brought in, because I’m not sure if it’s coincidence, a screw-up, a window into her plan karma, or what, but it kind of gives me the creeps.

“I only need 3 bullets, my aim is nearly perfect.” LK on Facebook July 2019.

09/5/19 statement:

  • [ ] When asked what she remembered, “it’s a bit shady in my mind”.
  • [ ] Heard 5 shots.
  • [ ] After shooting I disappeared.
  • [ ] No mention of dog biting in 09/05 statement
  • [ ] Michael was driving like a crazy person
  • [ ] Walked down to him like I’m “miss bad ass” because “I’m sick of everything”
  • [ ] She spoke first, loudly, said “how do we fix this, how do we settle Rob…right then he pulled his gun out of the pocket, boom boom, raised hand to Rob on porch and shot at him.
  • [ ] Mike runs up stairs, Rob is gone.
  • [ ] Took 2 in chest, blood everywhere, I ran, everything is “shady”, I disappeared. I think I went inside to get Robert.
  • [ ] Ran inside to yell to Rob because I didn’t want him to come outside. Yelled, Don’t come outside!
  • [ ] Rob was “not putting 2+2 together that I’d been shot.”
  • [ ] Rob put Mike in a chokehold
  • [ ] “Used my 7 minutes to help Rob by breaking my iPhone on his head and his ear.”was “bashing, bashing, bashing his head.
  • [ ] Michael was unconscious.
  • [ ] I was medvac’d in a helicopter
  • [ ] Told prosecutor she never saw a weapon.
  • [ ] Told prosecutor she definitely heard 5 shots.
  • [ ] She reviewed the video of her interview two weeks before trial.

Direct Exam in Court

  • [ ] Laying on loveseat, heard pebbles on road, saw Michael’s silver duelly, watched him park,
  • [ ] Ran upstairs to let Rob know. Rob is laying on bed talking to ED on phone. Rob continues to talk to ED as they walk downstairs and outside.
  • [ ] Michael was behind the bush, next to the chair. She could see him from the waist up, could see one arm. Rob is on porch with me, still on phone with ED. Eventually he hands it to me.
  • [ ] Rob and Mike talked. Heard Mike say “How do we fix this, I don’t want a war.” Rob said to let the lawyers figure it out.
  • [ ] Michael seemed calm. Not yelling.
  • [ ] She went down to talk to him, Rob stayed on porch.
  • [ ] Walked over to him and said, how do you plan to make things better, started to ask about Rob’s bill
    when he pulled out a gun and shot me twice in the chest. Still on the phone with ED. Saw gun pulled out, Boom Boom, raises arm to shoot at Rob, Rob disappears.
  • [ ] Immediately shot at Rob after her. Mike runs up stairs of porch.
  • [ ] I spun around in a circle, then we Rob restraining Mike. Still on phone with lawyer. Told him.
  • [ ] Vaguely remembers talking to 911 on phone under red umbrella.
  • [ ] Walked or crawled to Rob and Mike. Tried to call 911 from her iPhone but couldn’t get it open because her hands were covered in blood.
  • [ ] Called 911 from Rob’s phone. Started beating Mike on the head with iPhone.
  • [ ] She was standing 3-4 ft from Michael when she shot him
  • [ ] Police were there almost immediately. First cop separated Mike and Rob and did something with the gun.


  • [ ] “Disappeared” means disappeared mentally.
  • [ ] (States more than once she wanted to destroy him).
  • [ ] Ran around in one small circle after being shot.
  • [ ] Says Rosie was “nipping” at both Rob and Mike. Doesn’t know if she broke skin.
  • [ ] In reference to the morning of shooting. Q: “did you want that bastard finished?” A: Yes.
  • [ ] Admits to the whole backing him up to the truck incident that happened last week of July
  • [ ] Says he was driving like he always does. When asked about her 09/5 statement she says he always drives crazy.
  • [ ] Didn’t see him park. Ran upstairs to get Rob because she didn’t feel comfortable or safe. Rob was on phone with attorney.
  • [ ] She and Rob were on porch. Michael says, how do we fix thinks, Rob says let the lawyers figure it out
  • [ ] Says Mike was calm, sorrowful.
  • [ ] Mr B asks if she remembers testifying yesterday under direct about something I didn’t write down and Lauren says NO. And No, she does remember how she testified.
  • [ ] She takes her shoes off and demonstrates Mike shooting her, shooting at Rob and her little circle.
  • [ ] Says she disappeared “in my head.” Then she says she thinks she ran inside. THEN she says she doesn’t know what she said in September 2019 because she was on a lot of painkillers.
  • [ ] Then says she didn’t run into house.
  • [ ] Doesn’t remember saying she ran into house, even after looking at transcript.
  • [ ] Rob jumps on Mike, puts him in a headlock and puts his arm behind his back.

Ok, here’s where things get weird with the phones.

  • [ ] Still had Rob’s phone in her hand after being shot.
  • [ ] Started beating Mike with HER phone.
  • [ ] Just kept holding on to Rob’s phone, picked up her phone by the door.
  • [ ] At this point, Mr B has her draw her location on a pic that shows she’s standing between metal table and chair.
  • [ ] From there, she goes back upstairs to get her phone.
  • [ ] Drops Rob’s phone somewhere in porch area.
  • [ ] Can’t call 911 from her phone cuz of the bloody hands. Puts her phone down by laundry room, goes back and gets Rob’s phone, calls 911. (P.s. she’s crawling for all of this)
  • [ ] Called 911. Then Rob took his phone from her.
  • [ ] Now she has her phone again (NO IDEA HOW) and starts beating Michael with her phone for a few seconds.
  • [ ] Rob tried to move her but she came back to hit him some more. Rosie was “nipping” both Rob and Mike while she was beating him.

Redirect, Mr Shellhorn tried to use pics to demonstrate where she was when, and even with the pics, and watching it several times, I have no clue what she was trying to say.

She did not see the phone on the table. Parties stipulate that it was Michael’s.