Barisone- New Thread

They may have screwed up being so wasted on their drug of the week.
The sorounding area at the scene looked like a crack house with all the litter and CIg butts around the ground .
EVERYONE said they were always late for her lessons .
Neither has a job and they live on site and can not make her lesson on time !?!?
I have heard other former trainers say the same and how she sometimes would not even show up at the show grounds when showing and leave trainers hanging


Bilinkas introduced it as an exhibit. RG got texted a clip from the camera at 1:42pm, so it was turned off sometime after that.


Two weeks?!? She demonstrated on the witness stand that she could not remember what she said the previous day! But she says that MB should be put away for life based on things she claims she remembers from 2 1/2 years ago?

Or four years ago, if you count the same way her bombshell ear witness attorney does.


I do too @Rowdy.


I still don’t understand why she can’t dial on her phone because of bloody hands but can apparently dial on Rob’s. Unless his wasn’t a touch screen. I think it was stated somewhere what the phones were though (I think LK and MB both had iPhones but can’t recall what RG’s phone was), if anyone remembers. I want to say Galaxy S7 but not sure.


Haha! I meant to say reviewed, not gave, but you got it. Maybe they all count time funny. I don’t know. I do know none of her versions line up with the ear witness or the 911 call which is why I believe she broke her phone bashing Mike’s head in and got her hand bloody in the process (head wounds bleed a ton). Then, in the struggle, she gets shot, while attorney is still on phone.

Did ED mention if he heard Rosie losing her mind? Because my gut tells me she was still inside and got loose when Rob came running out the house to tackle MB after the shots.


MB - Google Phone
LK - iPhone
RG - Galaxy

My theory is that she couldn’t call on the iPhone because she broke it on Michael’s head before the shooting.


“I only need 3 bullets, my aim is nearly perfect.” LK on Facebook July 2019.

Good catch
That is creepy all things considered


Aaaah . So there would have been more clips on RGs cell phone if the camera had been left on?


he said he turned it off because it kept going off as he walked by it doing laundry?
But the camera that would have caught the events of the [outdoor] patio, wouldn’t be going off inside the house?


That’s my issue with that. I think I don’t understand the house set up well. Did he have to go outside to get to the laundry room? Otherwise, why not just disarm the camera you’re setting off. Because Lauren testified that there were several in the house.

She said they were Blink cameras. I have those. I can disarm any of them or all of them.


She couldn’t even remember what she said from sentence to sentence
Both her and RG should have drug tested . They both should be charged with purgery and tampering with evidence


Agree that RG & LKs statements make no logical sense


Just one lie after the other .
And not a single officer took any of the cameras at the crime scene.
That being said, MB should have made sure he had cameras attached to him and in his vehicle at all times .
I am disappointed that nobody helped to make sure MB was never alone and maybe instead of paying the Hay guy a hundred bucks a night they should have had the entire place rigged with cameras


If LK & RG had more coherent thinking it would have made more sense for them to lie and say they were off because LK was outside on the patio and that was setting them off.


I believe those cameras were either deliberately turned off by LK & RG because they had ill intent or they were deleted.


As far as men v. women on the jury, a male friend (American) who is following along in the US (he’s a farrier) made a point I hadn’t thought about. [caveat: gender stereotyping ahead]

Farrier said that, in the US, men generally do not respect a man who is kept by a woman. Even worse to be kept by some woman’s dad - it’s very emasculating. And RG is vain so you know this must bother him. (I also laughed out loud when he said he was 5’8" in court knowing he said he was 5’6" on the 911 call)

So, as far as the men on the jury see it, RG is: an admitted active drug user; kept in all aspects of his life by the father of some woman; does all her errands and chores, including her laundry, taking care of her horses, being her driver, etc.; with no capacity to make his own decisions as it would render him homeless and with no source of income. So, for instance, he wasn’t allowed to invoice for whatever money he thought he was owed for his work b/c the woman and her father said that would ruin their whole plan. He and his ability to do work are utterly at their disposal; he does not even own his own labour; they ‘own’ him. He cannot make an independent move at all.

Given that he was then slovenly, rude, and aggressive on the stand, as farrier asked, ‘How was this guy ever a Marine? He cannot even buy a frozen burrito without that woman’s okay.’ He said to him and his guy friends, RG presents as more of an employee than anything else b/c his entire economic situation is tied up in keeping the woman and her father happy. He has to do what they say or he’s homeless.

I’m not an American man so I cannot comment on concepts of American masculinity. But, I agree to the extent that, as I said awhile ago, given RG’s current life situation, he was literally singing for his supper up there on the witness stand.


an image of CPS arriving?


I highly doubt he was a Marine .
Rumour has it , he was kicked out of Bootcamp .
I don’t care what turns in and x Marines life may accur even drug addiction , every marine I know always speaks with respect to authority and Doas not sloutch like he did on that stand.
There is a way to check on his military status .
I know many addicts that will pretend to have military backgrounds and go as far as getting tattoos and stickers .

How can JK be proud of his evil spawn addict daughter and her jobless addict boy toy?
Daddy K is as much to blame as the demonic beast he raised and has enabled to destroy so many lives including children .


The farrier who had the encounter with RG never testified did he? That would have been interesting to hear what he had to say and if he warned MB to be careful or something similar.