Barisone- New Thread

And they were known not to pay their bills anywhere including vendors .I am sure they would send daddy bills then use as drug money probably why RG wanted to work off some of the board money $


OH MY GOD! who are you!? LK doesn’t hold a candle to MHG - not even close - the rest of the stuff you wrote is freeking CRAZY! WOW! Seek help. Seriously.


Huh. That’s an interesting take on it.

I wonder if the men on the jury really know the full extent of it, though. They might guess, but I’m not sure if the whole arrangement was really spelled out that clearly for them.

He certainly tried to make it sound like he was working on the house in exchange for the board money. Even if he was not actually doing that to any appreciable degree, based on the interior pictures of the house in August.

Regarding the cameras, I thought one of them claimed that there was one camera upstairs and one camera pointed out over the patio. But of course, who knows if that is accurate.


yes I want to say Samsung

I’m sorry to say he did not. I was hoping to get his version of that conversation.

Maybe they figured one farrier type witness was enough, and they’d rather have the retired policeman who advised MB to keep all his vehicles locked so there would be no way for anyone to plant drugs in them. That seemed to give a pretty good snapshot of the activity level there at the time.


I wonder, too. I’m surprised Bilinkas didn’t make more of a point to ask what he does for a living. Every other witness was asked.

Farrier friend is following along from FL so he definitely has a MUCH fuller picture of RG’s situation wrt how he keeps a roof over his head and food in his belly. He said aspects of the case/LK/RG all the gossip in every barn he visits.


I don’t know if Mr. B was allowed to, since he was only able to ask questions referring to what RG had said to the prosecutor, correct? If the prosecutor didn’t ask about RG’s job, maybe Mr. B could not ask any follow-up questions on the subject.

I feel like I’m this/close to being ready to take the bar at this point. Lol.

Did anyone else notice how RG tried to give the impression in his first minute or two on the stand that he was the typical indulgent boyfriend type, saying the sort of things that typical boyfriends of riders say?


I agree, that’s kind of what I thought. If Schellhorn didn’t ask what he does, Bilinkas couldn’t, which is crazy. It seems like background info should be okay no matter who asks: name, age, occupation, where they currently live.

I didn’t notice the indulgent boyfriend stuff. I don’t think I can stomach watching the RG testimony again. Ugh.

Farrier friend was noting that RG does all the grunt work wrt the horses even though it’s not his interest. He still gets stuck with all the responsibility and labour for someone else’s hobby. He said it’s like those guys who carry their girlfriend’s purses (which is bizarrely common in Asia, actually). He’s not his own person doing his own thing; he’s there to facilitate LK’s and JK’s lives and schemes. He said that, especially after learning what they learned about LK and seeing her on the stand, they cannot figure out why RG would sign up for that gig. They could only guess that it was easier money than a real job and more flexible to work around substance use.

It certainly is a curious life choice.


It’s quite brief at the very start, but it really jumped out at me.

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I wondered if MB was standing over by the table near the shrub because he thought they were going to sit down at table and discuss how to work things out. Gun was for protection. Somehow argument/struggle happens, LK makes comment about gun that ED hears, perhaps she tried to grab gun injuring her hand, two shots are fired and with one of them, it goes through her and hits window. Call with ED gets dropped. Someone tries to go to house, lets dog out, 911 gets called, dog is barking/biting, struggle continues until 1st cop arrives.


Bilinkas asked him what his job was. Here is the transcript from YouTube

um what is your job when you’re up here in the summer of 2018.

summer of 2018 i helped Lauren with the horses uh summer 2018

yeah i helped along with horses and what what what do you specifically mean by that is that like a nine to five

type job or no no not at all i get to i get to spend time with horses and animals that i love

i could spend time with Lauren uh spend time with my dog so

were you getting paid to do that was i getting paid yes uh

i guess so yeah in a sense what do you say you guess so in a sense was Lauren paying you money

Lauren give me money to pay my bills that is correct so you’re basically living for free in the



Oh, wow, I totally forgot that!



That’s a bit of a shame. We really enjoyed our visits to Mackinac and to know that the locals think the visitors to their island, who spend generally huge amounts of money whilst they’re there, are awful enough to get a bad nickname would upset many. I guess that makes me a Fudgy. :frowning:


I beg to differ…the beach In Wildwood Crest is not only huge but the sand is like powder.


What I saw at the beginning of his testimony, @MHM, RG was asked if being LK’s lakkey (oops, boyfriend) meant that he’d accompanied her to horse shows, events and the like. His answer was kind of shruggy-shrug-rolleyes “aaw yes, many times.” Poor, long suffering fella.

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How’s about Aphrodite Jones?

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He does all the laundry


Well, maybe I had the bad luck as a late teenager to ‘get in the way of’ accidently of a 14-year-old boy. I DID investigate the term, but maybe someone(s) DO know that the tourists are extremely important to their industry…

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A quick aside here (I NEED to go to bed—it’s 4:00 a.m.):

I have subscribed to Discovery+ and under the ID Channel, I’m watching a series (American Detective). Each episode is a homicide detective telling a particular memorable murder(s) that they dealt with.

Last night, in the process of identifying who-done-what, the homicide detective said, "…and then I checked for gunshot residue on everyone

(Edited to say it may have been the Detective Diaries series.)



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