Barisone- New Thread

Exactly. His in-house “attorney” (Lauren) failed to note that point too.



Got it.

So there was slim to none chance that RG could have sued to get $$$ from MB for any work done. They didn’t even have a documented contract.

All of LK’s noise about money owed to RG? Maybe just social media lies in an attempt to smear. Or… it was part of a shakedown effort.


I vote for the latter. Plus to continue to psychologically destroy MB.


Yes, but my point/question was, did they (LK and RG) learn of the check for the insurance via the recording devices they placed on the property to spy on MB in the office/barn/etc?


In my state contractors are required to charge and pay sales tax on the labor they charge. Does NJ do this as well? I wonder how barter arrangements play into that as well.


I’m not in NJ so am not sure but I’m inclined to think the state wants their money.


I have these same cameras and it’s not like I focus my life on turning them on and off. I forget a lot to turn them on when I’m not home due to life being busy, and I have mine there to protect me and are very important, but I still forget. They send you a notice if they are going off too much because it kills the battery. So I can see why they shut them off and then wouldn’t think to turn on if they didn’t need to if they are home. Especially in an emergency, my first thought is never the cameras.


He may have mentioned it to them or around them when he still thought she was a friendly client with a handyman boyfriend. Before their true natures were revealed.

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One impression I got from the two women who were prosecution witnesses is that they were the two sides to the same coin. Both women brought up with privilege who are able to pursue a passion which is very expensive and out of the reach of the average working person, certainly at that level. Both have fathers who are lawyers. I realize in saying this that I know nothing about MHG and could be very off the mark. But, the similarities ended there, MHG showed grace, empathy, kindness, a strong work ethic, caring parent and partner, credibility…

The other impression I got was that the witnesses for the defense, at least the athletes, were that they dressed quite casually, almost inappropriately for the court. I’m sure this was done upon instructions from Mr. Bilinkas to offset the physical appearance presented by LK - these are serious athletes who work hard and have no time to play dress up.

I tried to reflect this weekend on what the jury heard. They do not know what actually happened during the shooting. The only account is from two witnesses that impugned their credibility on the stand and actually their reliability because it is uncertain where they were at any point during the incident. There is so little forensic evidence that it does not provide sufficient evidence to support or impeach the eye witness testimony. For example, we don’t even know for certain that Barisone was the only person who handled the gun that day. Given that, it makes sense that the judge is not allowing self defense. There is simply no evidence to weigh.

I found the experts’ testimony conflicting (obviously lol) but challenging too. The diagnosis of delusion (forget the whole technical name) is a problem for me because they were out to get him and they were mounting a systematic campaign to do so. I would have found it helpful if they had spent more time explained what a psychotic break is, how a psychotic break affects your understanding of right and wrong, if is does; why they believe MB had a psychotic break.

The jury is faced with two victims who are people you hope never enter your life, the accused who seems to be well liked and respected in his home community and professional community and no clear idea of what transpired that day.

I don’t envy them. They have a hard job. I wouldn’t be surprised if the verdict was not guilty because the prosecution has not made out his case seeing we don’t actually know what happened, or a hung jury because some jurors may find the victims more credible than I do.


That I don’t know. But it is quite possible. Or perhaps they got the mail out of the mailbox and saw something from an insurance company that appeared to be a check.

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Have you ever dealt with the media or journalists?

I wouldn’t count on the story coming out any certain way until it’s aired. There is also a serious code of ethics in the media when dealing with victims.

It’s very common to hear stories from people who participate in these shows to have the story presented in a totally different way than expected.

I have no insight on the show but I would just not get too excited and confident about the outcome until you’ve seen it air. It’s very typical for the media and entertainment industry to play the game of acting like one thing is going to be presented but then presenting something totally different.


The media = vipers.

They contort the truth. They contort any lies.

People will be shocked.

I hope I’m wrong.


But can’t you turn off one, like the one in the house alerting to your own movement, while leaving on the one I overlooking the driveway?
They’re not necessarily all on/off, right?

Either it was incredibly fortunate or unfortunate that they were off… Depending on what wasn’t recorded. :woman_shrugging:


It is difficult to predict what the jury will find. Who thought OJ would not get convicted along with the woman in Florida who killed her own child (can’t remember her name.

You would think that with all the conflicting evidence provided by the prosecution there could only be a “not guilty” verdict in this case.

I really hope I am correct.


Okay, you all have sucked me enough to ask: Why wasn’t MB able to evict these people? Did they state that he hadn’t paid them for some construction work, or something? I understand she came from out of state to train with him, but why did he offer her housing? I mean, I know this isn’t totally uncommon, but you’d think you’d be more careful about the types of students you’d enter into this sort of relationship with? Why weren’t they evicted and why was the civil suit he brought against them to evict them thrown out?

I watched Phillip Dutton’s testimony. I love how he’s asked how many Olympics he’s competed in, and so casually he says, “seven.”


How so?

Boyd Martin wore a jacket and tie. Jamie Dancer and Alison Brock looked very stylish.

Phillip Dutton wore very similar attire to the ear witness lawyer. At least PD had the excuse that maybe he was headed straight to the barn afterwards to prepare for a big event this week (the Forks?). The ear witness lawyer, not so much. Lol.


Tourists everywhere develop nicknames given to them by the locals. Tourists too often then just because they’re on vacation, EVERYONE around them is on vacation, while locals are often in jobs having nothing to do with the industry. Or tourists too often act as though staff are beneath the visitors. I’m sure you don’t act that way.
My nephew is going into his 11th season on the Island. Local workers have a couple other funny tags: Angry August, and Surly September, to identify their own emotions. The tourist industry can be brutal for staff, and almost every operation on the Island gives staff bonuses if they can last to the end of the season.


I have blink cameras and it is just arm / disarm. All cameras at once. Might be more settings but on the home page it looks like this


I went back and watched LK’s testimony and about 3/4’s of RG’s. Here are a few things I missed originally:
—LK said that after she was shot, she went back into the house to warn RG not to come out.
—RG said no, she ran around the side of the house—out of sight, but he did not know at the time that she had been hit.
—MB came up on the porch and part way into the laundry room. RG clocked him, dazing him and when MB turned around to leave, jumped him and put him in a chokehold because he (RG) thought MB was going to go after LK who was out of his sight.
—then LK magically appeared and grabbed MB’s left arm that was holding the gun preventing him from using it again (although, at this point I don’t think there weren’t any bullets left in the gun).

I do think that RG’s testimony was the most consistent for both direct and cross.


Yeah, it’s an international thing. Places decide to create an industry based entirely around the tourism dollar, then start to hate the tourists who keep it afloat. Unfortunately, if the tourists leave, then everyone goes broke. I used to live in a tourist town and watched time and again shop keepers take the spend for granted and start to get a bit of an attitude - then I watched them slowly go bust. Horses and fudge though, that’s a winning combination for tourist spend. :slight_smile: