Barisone- New Thread

And it’s yet another deviation in the story we’ve been hearing….the cameras were only turned on when they were gone….


They weren’t allowed to explore. I think we’ll have to make some inferences……

  1. MB’s police lawsuit said JK threatened him to let her stay in the house after they came back from FL.
  2. Mr. B asked LK about an email/text she sent to RG/JK about being able to access the office and forge signatures, make contracts, and do whatever else they would need….

Do the Blink cameras take still photos? Or videos? Or both?

There was mention of RG getting a notification from one of the cameras at 1:42 PM that day, but it sounded like it was just a photo.

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It notifies you if it catches motion, and it takes a video. The length of video is up to the user to set. You can take a photo remotely but you have to be in the app and select the photo button. It’s the camera symbol in the lower right corner of each camera. On my case I have camera 1 and camera 2


Also, despite her constant refrain of having unlimited resources, on the stand RG said that there was no way they could pay rent either to MB or elsewhere while also paying $5000/month for the two horses.


Personally, I’m looking forward to the Major Motion Picture.


We only ever heard about the deal from them. And LK only obtained more than 2 horses after they came back from FL. I wonder how much say MB actually had in making that “deal”….


A few other things I found interesting….

I kept looking at the picture of the patio with the furniture askew and trying to figure out “the porch” that LK kept talking about. Turns out “the porch” was what I call a stoop (I kept looking for it to wrap around the house or something). It had a small wicker love seat—not much bigger than a chair and the red cantilevered umbrella sat in front of it to shade the “porch” and keep the rain out. RG said she was always out there—all.the.time. I remember that she complained on an earlier thread that it was really uncomfortable—so why? Coincidentally, it also faced the barn and she could probably see who was coming and going from the barn.

Also, you know she is one of those who’s phone is practically surgically attached to her hand, so why didn’t she answer it when ED called? Had she not put ED into her contacts so it was an unknown number? (Who does that with their lawyer?) or did she not want to know what he had to say? Maybe she was listening to the conversations in the barn and couldn’t be bothered to stop listening?
Although I’m guessing that when the de-bug guy found the listening devices they were removed? None of those questions could be asked.


Sooooo… I’m going to try and be as charitable as I can.

I think LK barely remembers any of the shooting, and immediate aftermath. After all… blood loss, surgery, subsequent coma, and lots of anesthesia & meds. Plus trauma.

Soooo… why then did she give such detailed testimony?!?! Why did the prosecutor solicit it from her?!?! Why not really limit the scope of her testimony, and rely more upon RGs? Simply to avoid all the inconsistencies?

I find this lack of key witness preparation by the prosecution prior to trial… weird. Really weird. Perhaps the prosecution felt they absolutely needed LK to get on the stand and say for sure she remembered MB shooting her, “unprovoked” in order to make the attempted murder case?

And… a less charitable comment.

The way RG and LK both used the word “lured” in their testimony stood out to me. It seemed like they coordinated that. Deliberately. They both intentionally embellished on that point to try and get MB prosecuted and plant a seed about premeditation. I can’t remember if the prosecution solicited the comment from each of them, concerning their belief MB “lured” them off the steps toward him. Or… if they both inserted it into their testimony on their own accord. But the way they both used that particular word really stood out to me. It was completely inconsistent with all other descriptions of how MB was behaving in the immediate lead up to the shooting.


I totally understand, I have cameras as well that I occasionally shut down although usually I just turn off the notifications. It’s a completely reasonable action for normal people. My issue is, considering all of the tactics LK & RG employed against MB and their stated goals of ruination & destruction I just don’t believe them. I stand by my belief that the cameras were shut down deliberately for Ill intent or deleted.


Yeah, the use of “lure” stood out to me, too. Also the way they would slip in statements like, “he tried to murder us” completely out of context of the questions they were answering.


I leave fairly near the island. While I can’t speak for everyone, we get tourists from the island as well, and in my area “Fudgie” is an affectionate name for tourists that visit the area because of Mackinac Island. It’s usually not derogatory, and from the people I know on the island, they love their lives and jobs and look forward to the island opening every spring.

Of course, there’s always a bad apple here or there, or stories about clueless people thinking they know All The Things about horses, but by and large, the people I know don’t feel that way. I do think, however, by fall they’re ready for a break. Tourist season is very intense there!


You have a point. Turning off recording devices is COMPLETELY inconsistent with all their other behavior. RG and LK were borderline obsessed with using recording devices (just my opinion… I don’t even have a ring doorbell, or other related devices though. Mostly, if I want to document stuff, I just send an email with a tracker. :woman_shrugging:).

Back to RG and LK. By August 7th… tensions were INCREDIBLY HIGH on that property. They had been served the day prior with an eviction notice. Given that… I would think they would have left all their cameras on, all the time.


Interesting, thanks.

I noticed that as well - the repeated statements that were just jammed into their testimony here and there saying “he wanted to murder us”. To me, that part MIGHT have been coached by the prosecution. Maybe it was part of a tactic during testimony, where the witness makes statements that are intended to try and periodically remind the jury that MB did shoot them, and MB is charged with attempted murder.

It did not come off well though. It came off to me that LK and RG were being disingenuous during their testimony, and those key lines were delivered in an attempt to get MB found guilty. It came across as heavy handed.

But… I am obviously biased. I don’t like the two key witnesses. I’ll own that.


Isn’t the porch on the back of the house? So facing away from the barn? That’s the way it looked to me in the police diagram.

I thought they established through the testimony of several witnesses that you could not see the barn from the house, and vice versa, due to the incline of the driveway.

Maybe she could see the driveway if she was turned in that direction. Or if they had a camera facing in that direction.


Sounds like projection with a capital P. Again.


I seem to recall that when the subject of the listening devices came up on the witness stand, either the lawyer or the witness said that “some” listening devices were removed by the debugging guy.

So I don’t know if that means there were more listening devices that were not found at the time, or if that was just an incidental use of the word some.

Because really, how do you know for sure if you have found them all?


You summed up nicely exactly the issues I have with her statements, even going back to the 09/05/19 statement. Granted we only know the parts of that statement that Mr B got in on cross, but those parts were extremely detailed. I would expect Lauren to not remember things. I would expect the words like “it’s shady in my mind”. It’s the level of details (that don’t match up when she retells the story) that bother me.

I think the prosecutor thought he had her prepped, especially after reviewing her testimony two weeks before the hearing, as was brought out on cross. I don’t think he expected her to go so off the rails on the stand. And other than his many objections to Mr B, a lot of which were overruled, there wasn’t much he could do at that point.

It took him 3 or 4 tries to get Lauren to say Rob handed her his phone. She was so off script at that point that he didn’t know what to do.


LK made at least one comment on SM about how they didn’t find her recorders fast enough.