Barisone- New Thread

I’m guessing 5/5 on the vet lameness scale.

Also, it sounds like she was actually referring to the hay guy who was sitting in his car at night to guard the barn.

How completely ridiculous would the prosecutor have looked if he had let her spout off about the supposed hit man, and then the jury had seen the hay guy himself on the witness stand?

That would have been priceless, actually. Now I’m sorry the prosecutor didn’t do it. Lol.


This makes complete sense to me.

For people with cluster b/personality disorders, lying is their MO. About everything. Big and small. It’s different than a “compulsive liar” - who makes up stories that are fantastical for attention or other reasons that are just not comprehensible to normal people.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder people, and Sociopaths (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  • if they have a goal in mind concerning controlling a situation, or manipulating a particular target? They will simply tell lies. In a completely relaxed, straight faced way.

I think LK very very very much wants to see MB convicted. Which is understandable. But I think her desire to see him convicted is fundamentally different in it’s underlying nature, than how a non-disordered shooting victim would feel in the same situation.

LK wants to see MB convicted because she wants to be “right” about everything. After all… she’s been on these forums arguing with people for 2.5 years over this case. And all her arguments amounted to her claiming to be “right” about everything.

It’s indicative of a very controlling personality.

So… I could totally see her simply lying in multiple sworn statements, including her testimony on the stand, adding in stuff she doesn’t actually remember, because she thinks it will help get MB convicted. And the prosecutor is in a sticky spot, ethically speaking, if he admits at all that he actually KNOWS she is doing this. Sooooo… maybe he tried coaching her, and advised her NOT to say anything she doesn’t CLEARLY remember.

But a leopard doesn’t change its spots. And LK believes she is smarter than everyone else. Soooo… when she got on the stand, she testified in a manner that she THOUGHT was most useful to her key goal. Getting MB convicted. Because if he is convicted, she “wins.” And she is in control.

The funny thing about these sorts of NPD/sociopath people, is they underestimate how frequently other people catch on to their lying… but just let it go… because it’s not worth arguing with a liar about their tendency to lie. They will just lie about that too. Double down, and dig in.

What a mess.


IDK. I couldn’t see the camera in any of the photos.

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In terms of inconsistencies between the two eye witnesses and the ear witness, I think the easiest thing to point out to the jury would be the timeline after the shooting.

Ed states LK said she was losing consciousness and dropped the phone.

Rob says she ran around the house.

LK says she crawled into the house to get her phone (why was it inside??) and then crawled back outside to get the phone she dropped after the call with Ed to call 9-1-1.

But then during the call with 9-1-1, she’s well enough to be wrangling Rosie?

Was Rosie still outside when the first cop arrived?

If the beating happened after the shooting, where in this timeline does it fit? Spoiled alert - it doesn’t.


Needs to be repeated. With a 2 minute response time….there isn’t enough time….


I’m sure I remember her saying on SM that she’d overheard (and recorded) RC and MB planning her murder so they MHG could take possession of her horses (yeah, because that’s how that’d work, uh huh). Of course, now she admits that everything she puts on SM is lies, so …


Couple things he did get out of ED:

He heard Rob yelling or talking loudly in the background, but it’s unclear when he heard that, mostly because he was “in extremist”. And something about “gestalt.” And it was 4 years ago after all.

He heard what he thought was Lauren dropping the phone and she must have picked it back up before she told him she got shot. Honestly, getting shot and dropping the phone makes way more sense than what LK has said.

Lauren told him she was losing consciousness, then went silent.

I think it’s completely bizarre that there’s no mention of Rosie by him. Mr B asked him about background noise. She almost drowns out the 911 call.


Interesting. Did we hear testimony concerning the time stamp about when the call with ED cut off, and when the call on that same phone 1 RGs phone, was initiated? And then, how long did the call to 911 last… before the first officer actually arrived on the scene?

That window of time - from the end of the ED phone call until the first officer arrives on the scene - seems like it can be completely defined by actual, factual, evidence. Plugging in bits of LKs and RGs testimony into that specific timeframe would be interesting.


Interestingly, that’s also a pattern I have seen with heroin addicts in my life. They think you don’t have a clue they’re lying to you. They think their lies are so smooth. The more convoluted the lie, the prouder they seem to be. And they manage to convince themselves that the lie is the truth.

On a base level, if Michael Barisone really did shoot her the way she says it happened, she should absolutely want to see him convicted, but I think you right in that her motivations are very different. And I also think it didn’t happen anywhere close to her version.


Yes. Rosie bit/"nipped’ Heymer, the cop too


The officer said he was there in about one minute after the call was dispatched. But weren’t there more than one 911 calls? I think I assumed the guy, the neighbor who heard the shots was the first call. I think Lauren’s call was 2nd and by the time ED called, they were already there. At least he said that they told him they were already there.


“Repeated attempts by 48 Hours to interview the family after the court case were unsuccessful.”


I lived for several years in a very high end resort community, filled with out of state wealthy people who had summer homes there. Also many weekend and vacation tourists. Some were great, others not so much. They tended to treat locals and business owners as some sort of backwoods hicks. One local bar at a main intersection always had a huge end of season outdoor party on Labor Day, with signs saying Goodbye! to the tourists. It wasn’t supposed to be a polite farewell as much as a good riddance party. Many of the worst toursit offenders were from the state to our south…we called them Illinnoying.


Crack too.
My siblings battered face, front teeth shoved up into her gums… Sure. You tripped over a pine cone. :roll_eyes:
So many other examples…


I think he has to mention that Lauren has claimed up to 5 shots, depending on the day, and the ear witness has consistently said the whole time there were two shots. Which eliminates the attempt/gun charge towards Rob.


Was that actually a neighbor, or MHGs dad, who Heymer saw walking in the driveway with his phone to his ear (?) as Heymer arrived in scene?
Why wasn’t the neighbor/MHGs dad presented as witnesses or at least mentioned?

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I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard variations of, “well I did this side job for someone but they stiffed me/I have a side job lined up but I need to buy parts/payroll didn’t go through…can you just loan me fifty for a few days?”



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I don’t know if it was a neighbor or MHG’s dad. I imagine the state didn’t call them because the 911 call is in evidence. Mr B could have called MHG’s dad just to testify about the terror, but I think the nice lady boarder did that well. At some point it would become overkill.


but the assistant trainer stole it and hacked her SM?