Barisone- New Thread

I’ve been going back over the testimony for stuff I missed. This is such a gut wrenching unnecessary tragedy. If only, coulda, woulda, shoulda, hindsight. Such a train wreck. LK and MB were a terrible collision.

Mental health has a tremendous impact on people’s lives.

I really feel for their families and loved ones and for them. Just tragic.


I rode in a clinic with Michael Barisone and this was not my experience. He didn’t “yammer on” about himself, his horses, or his accomplishments.

He did mention one of his horses because it had a training weakness similar to mine.

I learned a lot about how to ride my horse.


Do closing arguments begin on Monday?

Also, just curious, what breed/size dog was Rosie? I was assuming a small yappy type, from the hysterical barking on the 911 call.

Mutt. Depending on the day and who LK was talking to, dachshund mix, Rotti mix, Rotti/shepherd mix, Doberman mix…weighing anywhere from 25 lbs on up.

Pictures that have reference points like the railing make her look very similar in size to my girl that weigh approx 50 lbs.


Here’s Rosie, not quite the sleepy Dachshund that LK would have you believe …


She’s a self admitted long term suboxone user, she still HAS addiction issues !


Which was never reported to LE…?


Somewhere way back in first thread, there was a pic or two of Rosie. FOUND IT.

Definitely not a small yappy type, lol.


Family like that is so challenging. I have also been saddled with step relatives who behave like LK & RG. It’s sad the steps we have to take to protect ourselves. Been there, done that and I have the emails, voicemails and videos :woman_facepalming:
The courthouse security video of them stealing our keys in the security line was EPIC!


Not FIBs? Lol


I find too many similarities to

A celebrated athlete whose defenders believed he did not deserve to ‘suffer’ for the ‘brief, unfortunate’ incident ( to paraphrase.)

The details are quite different, but the sex class dynamics are familiar.


Look at her hashtags: #dobermanpuppy. #dobermanshephard (spelled wrong). No dachshund like she said in court.


So, As far as we know, this dog bit, in just a matter of days; RC, MB, RG…
All with town officials or LE present and medical personnel, who are required to report that, aware.
But AC never showed up to deal with it?

Speaking of that, RC was bit while assisting the Fire Marshall, or Building Inspector, correct?
But no one mentioned it. Or did I miss that?

And the WS was being asked about her fear of the dog, before Prosecutor objected… So we’re there more, previously?

See to me, to be thorough, this trial could have taken another week, at least.


Surely she wouldn’t have been lying on the stand, under oath? #mindblown :wink:


Can you please elaborate on the similarities? Because I’m not seeing it yet.


To be fair, there wasn’t a lot of time between RC’s bite and the shooting. Info may not have trickled to AC by the time everything blew up.


Completely agree!

I went through a situation almost two years ago involving a neighbor’s dog, that had killed two small companion animals, bitten a child (but without breaking the skin), and been roaming loose and tried to chase and attack two children and an adult man… all over a period of 4 months.

My state is a “one bite” state. Which apparently makes it extra lenient when it comes to vicious dog issues. The police were very supportive… and especially after they were called out for a violent cat killing involving this dog… which was roaming free at the time. But they were clear… it’s easiest for LE to take action when the biting involves broken skin, and involves a human. And if there is more than one biting incident? The dog is almost always seized.

A dog that had this many biting incidents? I don’t understand why animal control didn’t take posession of it. Maybe because all the biting incidents were at LK and RGs home?

The dog I had issues with, which caused me to learn about dog bite laws, was allowed to roam repeatedly… that was a big part of the problem.


Excellent summary!

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Forgive me for the sidetrack. I recall someone up thread wondering about RG’s bandaged arm. According to this statement issued by JK, he broke his hand and had surgery. Interesting that the big man did not champion this. (Or be asked about it).


No, we didn’t get a lot of detail on any of the date/times I thought. But a while ago I found a press release from city that listed the time of the 911 call as 2:13 and the police response was listed as 2:15; it wasn’t very long before the first officer can be heard on the recording, so it was probably just a couple of minutes. Also, ED said his call was about 4 minutes….

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