Barisone- New Thread

LOL…yep, FIBs too.

What is the penalty for perjury again?


Ow did I hear correctly that to impeach someone for purgury on the stand is up to the jury? Will that be part of “the charge” from the judge? How does that work?

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Or even after the first half of the trial. Lol.


Just adding to the earlier thoughts about how the 48 Hours program might move forward after the conclusion of the trial. No prescience just WAGs on my part!


Plus the nice lady boarder did not have as much of a personal connection to the situation, so she may have seemed more impartial to the jury than a relative of one of the parties involved.


One thing about this trial, as an aside. There were quite a few witnesses that I’d like to have a beer or coffee with, just because they seem like they’d be cool or interesting to talk to.

The ‘Stache didn’t make my list.


I want to hang with the surgeon and the hay guy :heartpulse:


I love the hay guy!


Yes. I’m still wondering how long each side will take.

If Mr. B brings up every single inconsistency in the witness testimony, that could take a LONG time.


In all fairness, I rode with him quite times and it was hit or miss how much he’d talk about himself and experiences that seemed to have little to do with the horse in front of him.

I certainly got a lot of help from him or I’d have not been willing to pay the substantial price attached to the rides.

That being said - before I get labeled fan girl yet again - I’m not a fan - I actually though he could be kind of a tool. There were reasons I stopped riding with him, even with the help I was getting, that I will not go into on this platform.

I still think the police and prosecutor did a terrible job making their case, that lots more happened during the altercation that ended up with LK shot, and LauBert are not the innocent victims they portray themselves to be.


Some judges/courts put time constraints on closing arguments, it would not surprise me if Taylor does this.

That part of the 911 calls still bothers me. (Along with the rest of it.) As you say, it does not look like a yappy type.

How hysterical must this dog have been to make a noise like that for that length of time? Poor Rosie.


I don’t think he will. He’ll lose the jury. I would think he’ll hit on whatever Shellhorn says, some of the more egregious SM posts, some of the key inconsistencies (2 shots, 3 shots, 5 shots, ran in the house, didn’t run in the house, no forensics) and hit hard on his experts’ testimony, with a reminder to his opening that NGRI doesn’t mean he gets set free, it means he gets help.


I wonder if that is because the location of the break might have been able to be implicated with him holding the gun. There was a picture of his hand that looks to me like there was a line of stitches across the right pointer finger and knuckle…


Which means that if RG wanted to get paid, his only option was to use refusal to leave as a bargaining chip. He was not in a position to leave and pursue legal means afterwards.

MB would not have been so vulnerable if he had had written contracts for all these agreements, hired licensed contractors, and pulled permits for the renovations and the occupancy of the barn.

RG clearly called the building department to harass MB, but MB created the situation in which he had numerous building code violations. If MB had played it by the book (much more time consuming and expensive), the building department would not have done anything.


I knew somebody who had a dog that bit one person. The person was a young kid, so in my mind, the kid might have done something like try to grab the dog, or whatever.

But regardless, the dog was seized by Animal Control, and after a long and expensive legal wrangle, the owner was able to get it back with the conditions that the dog could never be loose again, and it had to wear a muzzle every single time it left their house.

And the dog lived a long and happy life under those conditions without ever biting anyone again. Because, you know. It had a responsible owner.


The jury can determine for themselves whether they believe the testimony or not. In terms of charging someone with the crime of perjury, it would be the DA that does that.


The contractor gets the permits.