Barisone- New Thread

By his own testimony he only “worked” enough to cover the board for any given month. He didn’t work ahead. He was owed nothing.


Verrrrrrrrry interesting.

From that Kanarek statement:

“Lauren’s fiance, Rob Goodwin, had surgery on Aug. 13 to repair his broken hand, sustained when he disarmed Barisone in a brawl that ensued after the shooting.”

And yet, when RG was asked about that subject on the witness stand, he could barely remember if he even went to the hospital to be checked? Or when that hospital visit happened?


Still looking stuff up and found this about New Jersey removing building permits for many residential maintenance jobs.

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Or at least googled things that LK would never look up!

I got the feeling that she knew right away it was missing hence finding JH in his vehicle “trying to break into it”.

I thought he was focused on incident testimony and was confused by the questions. He finally said he went to the hospital the next morning.

I found Phillip’s testimony (and thought him dressed quite respectfully and professionally; court isn’t a black tie affair), and found him very credible and well, very Phillip. Boyd’s testimony was actually quite moving in describing how much MB helped him prepare for the Olympics and through the terrible fire at his barn.

What day (s) did the other equestrian professionals speak as character witnesses? I’d like to see them on video, but they’re hard to find.


Yes, I’m sure he will be looking for the balance between relevant information and information overload.

What happens if he says something in summation that the judge thinks he should not have said?

Does the judge interrupt him? Does the judge address it with the jury after the summation? Are there any consequences to the lawyer if that happens?


I think you mean RG?
Because frankly if he’s the professional renovator, contractor…

Should one trust the pro? Well, I guess not, but the due diligence in this case really goes both ways.
How sad that this is the way we look at things, that we shouldn’t trust professionals to be professional, that we should expect to get ripped off and harassed and defamed if we don’t make everything legal.
But blaming one side for not doing so does show biase.


VERY interesting.

Jamie Dancer and Alison Brock start at around 43 minutes.

@MHM the barefoot trimmer starts at or just after about 3:08 hours.


Yes. Finally.

After struggling with a straightforward question for quite a long time.


Thank you! <3

Wow, that was hard to watch. Both witnesses were incredibly moving and credible as well.

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It’s very faint…but there is a dark line that could be stitches. From my own attempts to photograph my stitches from my broken hand, I know they don’t really show up well until you get really close…

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That would be suppression of testimony which would lead to dismissal under that law I posted about the other day.


A coworker of mine right now is having a Tesla charger installed in his garage. It “requires” a permit from the city ($225). The Tesla charger costs $495.

The licensed electrician is charging $450 for the work, and $150 for the service of pulling the permit. The bid made it clear that my coworker can just pay the $450 to have it installed, unpermitted, or pay an extra $375 (permit plus permit pulling fee) to have the electrician install it with permit.
A third option was that the electrician would provide all documentation and the homeowner, my coworker, could pull the permit himself.

The point: 1) It is the homeowner’s decision as to whether to obtain the legally required permit or not. 2) It is the homeowners responsibility to pay the permit fee. 3) In this case the homeowner could pull the permit himself if he wanted to save the electrician’s permit service fee of $150.

I’m not sure whether he’ll have it installed without permit or whether he’s going to get the permit himself. But in either case, he’ll have it installed by a licensed contractor with a clear written contract.

I wonder how much he would have to pay to get it installed if he just used an unlicensed contractor, didn’t bother with the permit, and just had a verbal agreement?


This may be in TL;DR territory for some…

I lived and worked on a farm that was on the western slopes of the Canadian Rockies. The farm was owned by a member of the family that owned the neighboring resort that had amazing views, mountains on both sides of the Columbia River valley, natural hot springs - the RV park was immense and reserved/booked solid every summer.

Tourists were the mainstay and also a PITA - but one had to be polite to them. I am not sure why - but the resort was often stuffed with huge land yacht RVs - many of them with Texas plates. What a long drive that was! At least many of them had large satellite dishes on top - so they would not miss any TV while they were on vacation!

The resort village had a one room post office/general store/liquor store at that time… and tourists were constantly complaining that they could not get things there. I stood in line behind a very angry man with a Southern accent who demanded that the store produce the Dallas newspaper - that day’s edition, no less! It was politely suggested that he go into the nearest town (about a 25 - 30 min. picturesque drive away) and inquire if the local bookstore/newstand could arrange for that to be delivered - but not on the actual day. The guy lost his mind - yelling and banging on the counter about what a despicable third world country Canada was and that he would never spend any more money here etc. etc. Sadly, those kinds of display were common. It seems that area attracted the ugliest of Americans and most of the nice ones went elsewhere (likely avoiding the ugly ones).

One memorable freakout was about July 4th. The lodge at the resort got heated questions about why there were no fireworks on the 4th… 3 days after a spectacular fireworks display up and down the valley off all of the ski hills for Canada Day (July 1). Apparently they felt that was just a “practice”.

Even worse were the Alberta tourists who left trash at their bush bashes on the May long weekend. Disgusting. They were not even supposed to be on that land but did not care - they could party wherever they wanted, dammit! Gross things like used tampons left hanging in the trees around the illegal fire pits… I would help the resort staff clean up as I knew exactly where these clowns had partied. They went right past the gate of the farm (last inhabited place on that road along the river) in their pathetic party convoys - and I knew where they would set up - on both Crown and private land. So yeah, the arrival of Labour Day was a blessing in many ways. The oncoming ski tourists were never much of an issue.

Back on topic - I have related my tales about dealing with LK types in the past. Having never seen or heard LK, I could only surmise what she must be like going from her SM rants and rages… just based on experience. Having seen her testify, it reminded of The Meeting years ago with the lying, scheming, manipulative TBFH (as some of us privately referred to her) in residence then at the big boarding barn. TBFH (Trainer Beyotch From Hell) and Mr. TBFH were in attendance, as well as the BO, the BO’s adult contractor son, me, a barn coworker and two longtime boarders who TBFH was trying to oust - simply because they called her out on her sh-stuff. It got heated - Mr. TBFH looked like he wanted to punch me and/or the boarders. TBFH herself tried the innocent, eyelash-batting, soft approach… playing to the BO’s son who had never met her and trying to show she was the victim and not the relentless, raging bully that we were capably demonstrating she actually was.

The Meeting finally ended with new boundaries and deadlines established (temporarily), accusations from TBFH debunked etc. as TBFH continued her Poor Me routine. The TBFHs left - and the BO’s son turned to his mom and said incredulously… "every word that comes out of that woman’s mouth or keyboard IS A LIE! She needs to get out of that house, out of the barn and off the property ASAP! " He nailed it. And that was the beginning of the end of TBFH’s reign. It took someone On The Outside to help the BO realize what was going on. The boarders were teary - in relief.

I watched LK (and after that, RG) on the stand… and sadly, the words of the BO’s son rang in my ears.


Has anyone read this article:

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No, I mean MB. MB made the decision to hire an unlicensed contractor to perform unpermitted renovations, and didn’t bother with written contracts for anything. It was completely predictable that there would be an acrimonious dispute about who owed who what when the “friendly verbal agreement” broke down.


I know a horse show family that has a couple of gigantic RVs that turn up at various horse shows in different parts of the country. They don’t drive those vehicles or set them up themselves. They have a guy for that.

I will say that at least this family actually stays in the RVs during the shows. I know of another horse show family that used to quite famously bring their own giant RVs just so they had a place to sit down during the show day. At night, they were staying in a hotel. Probably the Four Seasons, or the closest equivalent.