Barisone- New Thread

REASONABLE DOUBT….There’s no way they can know.


I went back and watched the ear witness testimony again today. He was absolutely certain that he only heard two gunshots, and that he was on the line for another 10 or 15 seconds after that. Which means he completely contradicts the story from LK/RG that there were three shots close together.

He also consulted his phone records to verify that his call lasted four minutes, but he only spoke to RG long enough to ask to speak to LK, and that he did not hear anyone yelling or speaking loudly in the background before the gunshots. No mention of Rosie barking hysterically in the background, either, although he was not specifically asked about that.

So there are all sorts of contradictions in there to provide reasonable doubt.

It was also remarkable how many times he claimed he did not say something, only to have Mr. B point him to the transcript to verify that he did indeed say that exact thing.


There seems to be a logical disconnect here. LK was the one escalating the situation. She is the one who took the irrational approach of recording private conversations. Breaking into his office to plant bugs, bragging about being able to forging signatures and make fake contracts and other documents, called the BI/FM/SS (just a few days prior to the shooting) for retaliation.

Considering all of her other IRRATIONAL and aggressive acts because of being asked to leave, why on earth is it not more than likely that she and RG jumped to a physical reaction on the eve of having an actual legal eviction filed against her?

Also, just because MB took a gun does not make it an automatic leap in logic that it connects to the idea that he just pulled it out and shot her. So far, compared to her previous stunts…his behavior had been mild.


Once “diminished capacity” came up with the mental health professionals, then the “imperfect defense” as “diminished capacity is viable. I don’t think the judge has a choice on this by the law he was reading. If he left it out, the defense attorney could use that to appeal.

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I so want Rosie to tell us what’s up.

The ear witness was “in extremis”. So of course he wouldn’t remember what he said. I loved his reaction when Mr B pointed out the part of the transcript when he says Lauren dropped the phone, then picked it up and told him she’d been shot. Oh yeah, I remember now! It was kind of funny.


Between that and the huge disconnect on his mental calendar, I wonder if he will notice a dip in his client base after this performance.

And in case any of his clients missed it, he went on Court TV or whichever show it was to repeat his demonstration of the disconnect on his mental calendar.


That’s reasonable doubt. :wink:


He had the means-he took the gun out of the safe and told his defense psychiatrist that.

He had notice-he believed they were going to “take the children.”

He was at the location.

I have no idea what the jury will do with this.


Because they all thought MB would take the plea deal (was that the “bombshell”?) and when he didn’t it set off lots of scrambling both from the DA in NJ and those folks in FL.


Not guilty, because none of those things are evidence that he pulled the trigger. Police didn’t collect anything that provides that evidence…and that is ALL that matters.


But he’s got that “green”office going for him!!


One of the things that the ‘Stache said loudly and repeatedly was that IF MB was delusional, it wouldn’t end with the anesthesia, painkillers, etc. He said that if he’d had a psychotic break, he would wake up and still be delusional with his fears “but he didn’t do that.”

Ok, I haven’t rewatched all the testimony, but didn’t somebody testify that right when he woke up, MB was asking if his family was safe? Or were the kids safe? Wouldn’t that be what Stache said we should expect?


Somewhere in the last thread someone mentioned that LK was a chain smoker—it could have been speculation—I don’t remember except that I’m thinking that her preoccupation with her mouth while she was on the stand was because she was sucking on one (or more) of those nicotine lozenges and they were getting “stuck”.


I thought that whole jaw thing was this:


He keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Note- that is a paraphrase from the REAL Inigo Montoya. Not the pretender who has posted here using that name.


A story by Nancy Jaffer does a good job of summarizing the charge conference, if someone can post a link.

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I know I heard that at some point, but I don’t remember exactly when. It may have even been in the earlier hearing from the first responders on the scene or the hospital staff.

Hhhmmm…I’ve never seen those!

I’m pretty sure it’s dentures