Barisone- New Thread

I already did.

I hope the jury is as smart as this poll! Latest update:


Guilty went down from 9 to 8%


It was a while back. I think they were just on the regular Morris County Courthouse live stream, so I don’t know if they would be archived anywhere that is available to the public.

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That’s cool. And it might mean that someone testified to it in court because I am pretty sure I heard it, not read it.

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I wonder if that could have been related to the farrier not shoeing the horses for extra leverage. That would be one more incentive to actually move the horses to a new place where they could get shod, like the barn down the road with the Pan Am medalist that was all ready to take them.

In addition to MB not wanting to get stuck with that last shoeing bill for those five horses, if that was any part of the arrangement they had.

One more reason for LK to be hopping mad that day after RG told her about the argument with the farrier.


One of the expert witnesses did. The guy with the mustache said, “And then he shot her, twice.” Of course he can’t possibly KNOW that… but he did say it in the video at 43:16 on day 9.

I remember because I expected Mr. B to object… and he did not.


Why doesn’t the poll include Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity? I think that is a fairly likely outcome.


Could be.

I am completely flabbergasted by this time that the jury is expected to remember all this material well enough to reach a verdict, even if the lawyers will do summaries tomorrow to remind them.

But think how many discussions we’ve had here on the BB when we didn’t remember what was said by the witnesses, or did not remember correctly until somebody double checked on the videotape.


I know. It freaks me out they couldn’t take notes! Every trial I’ve been a part of, and I’ve even been on a jury, allowed notes. We just had to turn them in to the bailiff every night. We couldn’t take them home.

How in the world are they going to connect all the dots for any verdict either way? I don’t envy them. I’m starting to think they might hang.


I spoke today with a friend of mine who is a public defender in criminal cases. I have been giving him updates on this trial since it started and he was quite surprised to hear that the jurors were not allowed to take notes. In our state (FL) he said that jurors were strongly encouraged to take notes. So I have no idea why NJ does not allow it. Makes no sense to me.


Interesting. So did the bailiff give your notes back to you the following day? Or were you just allowed to take them during that day to help you keep track, and then start with fresh notes the following day?


In WA, we could take notes. Left them on our chair each night. I believe they we collected at the end, or we had to leave them in the jury room. I know they were not allowed to leave the rooms.


I didn’t make the poll.

Very true. Tourists do seem to forget that the locals who are not involved with tourists are just trying to get through their daily routine. Here at our beach, the nickname for tourists is “towners.”

They come and think it might be nice to get a photo of their toddler up close and personal with the sea lions. They think they’re cute so how dangerous could they be. :roll_eyes:

I can’t remember how many times I’ve had to intervene and explain to them why not to do it. I like to mention the danger first but always end with the fact that they can be fined $11,000 and get a year in prison for approaching too closely. That usually does the trick. :smile:


The defense psychologist asked MB what was the first thing he remembered when he ‘woke up’ in the hospital and he said he asked for a priest and if his family was safe.


We got them back every morning. We started with a legal pad in a Manila envelope. You’d write your juror number on the envelope. Turn it in, get it back every day until the trial was over. We didn’t get to keep them at the end.

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Oh. Maybe that’s what I’m remembering.

Asked for a priest?

Clearly the move of a mass murderer.



I think they were coached by JK. I think one of the reasons she paused and had questions repeated so often was that she was trying to remember what Daddy told her to say. I think RG was surly during cross because he knew he couldn’t remember what he was supposed to say and that wouldn’t go over well with the K clan.