Barisone News

The thing is - the mods don’t really care if threads stay “on topic”. They care if we digress into personal bickering and insults back and forth.

Threads on bulletin boards are organic - they rarely stay 100% on topic, and frankly, one person’s definition of “on topic” can be completely different than another person’s definition of “on topic”.

This one has stayed pretty good so far - let’s resist the temptation to engage in personal fighting, please.


Yes this thread is doing good, we have substance and discussion. :raised_hands:


Maybe! If that was said I’m sure we will see it play out. Should be an interesting twist. Can anyone else back that statement up? I might have missed that

Here’s the thing about hearings and legal documents, particularly sworn testimony…statements and accounts made become part of a record that can be referred to. The officer revealed information on his own that hadn’t been publicly known before, for example RG saying to the cop it was all captured on tape or words to that effect. All this time there have been many posts from key players regarding tapes and whether they exist or not, and here’s a police officer testifying what was said to him. No, that has nothing to do with whether Barisone’s utterances will be admitted in the criminal trial, but I can suspect RG’s unsolicited statement will!


And, by the way, the topic is Barisone News


“While a police officer bears the duty of investigation information from citizens regarding criminal or otherwise unlawful activity, their failure to make an arrest as it pertains to such activity does subject the municipality to tort liability.”

I suppose one could argue that LK/RG telling the cops about the recording devices could be seen as a confession of guilt and the failure to charge/arrest them for it was a tort.


Yes the tapes are confusing. Do they exist? Does the DA have them? Can we please see them please! Has anyone thought to ask nicely? Do we think the tape were erased or was Rg lying?
On a side note: do you think MB asking about his families well being, or any of the other statements, show that he was in a normal state of mind?

I have no idea. Mr Montoya insisted there were no tapes in a post on the last thread, so the RG comment to the officer was a surprise. Did IM mean there are no tapes in existence any longer, or was he not aware of the tape RG spoke of? No one knows but it raises questions. LK was adamant the newly installed camera wasn’t working that day and then said they were only turned on when they weren’t there. Questions arise.

As far as what MB said, I can speculate he was in shock, disbelief, drugged, afraid for his family, confused if in fact his memory was gone. Or he was 100% physically and mentally fine and is a good actor?


We know some of the same people! Unfortunately you moved out of NC before I had the chance to meet you at a friend’s farm. Can you PM me? I’ve reached out many times and haven’t gotten a response.

well, with the tapes in question there come the alleged actions of RG and LK’s father into play as they reportedly crossed police lines to enter the dwelling unaccompanied to do…what exactly? Remove the recording devices? Their own illegal firearm?
I mean, if the video supported their claims, why have they not been handed over to police?

Nothing is as it seems.


Speculation follows: if they were illegally placed cameras and therefore illegal recordings, that may have had a role.


I was wondering if him going to station and them failing to talk with him would fall under that category. I would think they should at least look into his claims and then if they didn’t feel they had merit so be it but it sounds like they didn’t even investigate.


Sound like the system could have been out and RG didn’t know. That sounds the most logical until we get more information on whether RG just threw the dog inside or went inside, down a hall, & upstairs". So many variables that people are making their own dots to connect. Am I the only on that heard RG was at the police station being questioned when he thought LK was in the hospital dying. Also wouldn’t the house be considered a crime scene after the shooting and subject to search?

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Just a review: from LK’s civil suit

So, recap. 3 cameras at the house, one of which was installed over the crime scene. One on her apartment door….and one in the hallway leading to her apartment (aka a general public space of the house not attached to her privately leased space). All installed sometime the day the building inspector condemned the house and kicked everyone out.

NONE working….and now we find RG was in the house by himself.


After saying there was a recording of the incident.


I’m don’t think cops do a 9 to 5 on a crime scene. So are you saying that RG and LK dad crossed an active crime scene and were able to take material evidence without consequences? Do you hear yourself? Maybe you can help me understand differently. Do police leave a crime scene before everything gets examined and processed. Where are all the legal experts now? We need help in making sence of all this breaking info. @Sdel you seem to know some legal talk. You also keep commenting on this very topic. So if RG was brought to the police station in handcuffs. To be questioned while his girlfriend was dying. All while the house became a crime scene… is there a break in custody?

Perhaps if the crime scene tape was still up it was considered an active scene. I’m not sure how you would secure an outdoor space other than having a cop stay there to watch it. I don’t know what the correct procedure is for that.


the police places tape around the scene and ropes it off.
This means - as the tape literally says ‘do not cross’ that it is off limits, whether or not cops are present.
The actions of the trespassers are in question. Why did they have to enter the crime scene without escort? What did they do?
The possibilities are endless: Remove illegal recording devices, illicit drugs, the actual gun…who knows. I suspect the evidence is somewhere on the bottom of the nearest river or the Atlantic ocean.
Underwear or makeup could have been gotten at the nearest department store.

Alas, I am a writer. I play the possibilities.


I believe missed my point. I’m assuming that a double attempted murder or any other active crime scene, would dictate that at least one officer would be at the scene to protect the chain of evidence. If that was not the case… I would think Bilinkas would have brought that up in pre trial for a quick dismissal.

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In the photos of the scene there was a crime scene trailer. Perhaps they had done all the work they needed but the tape is left up in case someone needs to go back for some reason.