Barisone News

@BrendaJane I missed a major point. Who said that RG crossed a police tape line? I may be incorrect but I thought it was said that he went to the barn. Was the barn also a crime scene and if so Wasn’t the staff there as well?

well, while this is a great story for L&O of old, real life usually does not work this way.
Most departments don’t have spare personnel to park one at an almost murder scene.
And it seems that the department isn’t all that great on procedure.
But seeing that there was a victim in the shooting, I don’t see where the action of RG and LK’s father would have been enough to ask for a dismissal.
Then again, it seems the department had made up their mind on who the bad guy was, weeks in advance.

Alas, I am no lawyer and have not seen a Holiday Inn Express in a long while


It is buried somewhere in the previous threads. Happy digging.


In her response in the civil suit, LK says that the cameras, when they were recording, uploaded the video to the cloud. She also says that they were not recording at the time of the shooting. They may well have been in working order, but not set up to record at 1:30 pm on a weekday afternoon.

Why would anyone enter the house to remove “recording devices” or “tapes”, if any video created was recording to the cloud? All this speculation that RG entered the house to remove recording devices or remove “tapes” makes no sense. Whatever digital video files that were created were on some hard drive in Utah, or wherever “the cloud” resides.


Thought, just ramblings.
Maybe IM was playing lawyer word games. Of course there are no tapes. No one uses tape anymore. There might be digital copies of what the cameras got. There might be digital copies of what the audio recorders got.

With the new information from the police about what went on that day, it does add to the question of what could have been collected that next day.

I agree with your thought. For sure they should have protected the scene. But, from what I have read about this police force, doing what is logical and prudent does not fit their MO.


OK am I the only one who can not hear “maritime law” and not think of that story arc in Arrested Development?


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I’ve not seen this programme, but I hear it’s really good.

Oh, bless your heart.

In case anyone wonders, MB would not know me either.
Actually, I would not know MB if I was standing next to him (if that was possible, which clearly it is not right now). I basically did not know who MB was until all this happened.
I would also not know LK if she was standing next to me.
I have no idea who Eggbutt is either. Heck, I am not even sure I know what gender pronoun to use for them.


Um, is this post “on topic”? Why are you so disrespectful?

By the way, I don’t own a barn!


Sounds like some random unreliable cloth poster. At least I know not to waste my time.


I think we’re losing it….


Isn’t that always the objective of one particular rude poster? Ignore has been reactivated!


Seriously, people, I was finding the conversation educational and interesting earlier.

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take the bait…


If that’s so, it’s probably bc they could clearly see WHO THE BAD GUY WAS! You don’t think they talked to us also??? Pre-murder attempts? It is literally the job of the police to determine which party is the aggressor. I doubt they were entirely shocked that level of MBs aggression & his attempting to use the police as pawns - did not go unnoticed. And, it is the job of the LEO’s to NOTICE such things. They did their jobs.


I answered your questions (directed at me) in good faith.
You can’t be polite. Shameful


well, you can’t expect others to do the legwork for you.
Not for free anyhow.
In other worlds, you don’t like what you might find at the end of the trail.
Suit yourself. You ain’t the nice polite American Girl your Mama raised you to be.


I’m sorry you don’t want to “waste your time” but expect others to dig though hundreds of posts to answer your question to your satisfaction. I don’t think @BrendaJane was being snarky to you but directing you to use the search features or actually pick a thread and begin reading. These threads have been alive for over 2 years and obviously have lots of information, junk, facts, recipes, humor, arguments, etc just like a normal forum.


:snowflake: :lion: