Barisone News

I see you got a handle on thequote function. Good for you.


Not the time for ‘Show Yourself’ yet?

I’m so over all of this drama. Can’t wait for the trial where all the truths will come out to settle these rumours. My prediction: MB will be found guilty, get 5 years. LK will have to testify and we’ll get to see if she really is a serial harasser and see the text messages, dm’s and emails . My prediction: she gets banned by safe sport


Well that’s bc it was made up of entirely fictional subject matter. Seems to me, the second that nonsense is called out strenuously, you find the conversation much less “interesting.” Makes perfect sense for those with an agenda of spinning a narrative. The only “educational,” info will certainly come from me & perhaps IM. Not to mention the rare occasion when a person comes forward to bravely share her strikingly similar experiences with the same dangerous man. Take that as “educational,” also. Anything else is rubbish. Sorry to disappoint.


I am surprised by this. Per IM they know all the details about everything and are in the know about all things you. How are they only perhaps?

I think you are missing the point of some of the conversation here. To me, most of it is just people talking thru the whole ‘how the heck do these thing happen’ thing. 99% of the posters make no claim to factual knowledge.
(Right now I have on in the background some show called ‘buried in the backyard’ about some murders, so clearly I am one of the people true crime TV is aimed at. Just like this thread.)

Though I do believe the summaries from the trial today, since they all seem to be saying the same thing. That does not mean I think they mean something other than what was said. I am not going to assume I know the point trying to be made, but I am going to discuss it.


Serious question -

Exactly how is the discussion of the under oath testimony of the first responding officer fictional? You can argue whether the testimony was factual, but it was his sworn testimony. That is what I was referring to when I called it educational.

The noise since then when some posters have reverted to previous behavior is not what I was referring to - including your habit of quoting a single sentence of a post to fit your narrative.

Here it is for your reference:




 there weren’t cops or anything who would have just allowed 1 of only 3 people to be out of sight for even a minute. (Sarcasm!!)


It isn’t. However, the (fictional) recap of that testimony is probably more “interesting,” to you than the ACTUAL testimony. The officer described what he saw and heard. Not one word of that was false. These fantastical (“notes based”) “transcription,” here on Coth, is false. I was wrong about 1 thing. The dog didn’t suddenly become a grizzly! It became a “bully breed!” How sensational!!! Yes, I can completely see how that would be “more interesting,” than the facts. At least to you. :roll_eyes:

I don’t see where anyone assigned a breed to your dog.

Someone asked how a ‘small dog’ could weigh that much and people listed breeds that appear to be small and weigh quite a bit. No one said your dog was any of those breeds. (I personally love bully breeds, so I would not find that insulting.)

(Another one that was not mentioned is Corgis. Short dog that weighs far more than it looks like it should.)

I would guess the notes people took are actually quite accurate. More likely what you are objecting to is how people are interpreting what was said.


I tried to do a search to see if any cases happen to have been dismissed or a case was lost that would have involved these officers. The one thing I did find was that the officer from yesterday has been there around 9 years. I would think there would be clear rules to follow on procedure. I also believe that from the sworn testimony that was shared yesterday that valid questions have been raised about what was done. As pointed out, a real disservice to the victim was done if what we are learning is in fact correct.

If anyone has ideas on searches to find out about previous cases that the cops may have been a part of I will give it another go. I am afraid I am a poor internet sleuth.

And remember, Santa is watching! :santa:


Well it is fact that the dog has now bitten, to some degree, at least two people: RC and this Officer.
So maybe not a grizzly, but also not benign.

It was obviously a guess that a breed that can be short, and weigh 50-60# was a bully breed, among others. It was an example.


And apparently Barisone since he had multiple dog bites.


Not when one of those specific topics has been closed. If you want to discuss Disneyland or fantasy novels - be my guest. That’s pretty much what you’re doing, anyway. For now, the topic of the civil suit against the cops - has been closed until further developments. Thus far, that case has been dismissed. If there is an appeal, that would count as a “new development.” IF and When that ever happens. Are you unable to stay on any topic? Or, you just unable to read when a moderator states: “This topic has been closed until there are further developments in this case.”

Maybe, you simply do not understand the difference between a DISMISSED civil suit and an ongoing criminal trial.That must be it.

I understood the civil suit was dismissed not because there was not factual information in it, but because there are very specific reasons you can sue the police and the municipality and this did not meet that.
I don’t think that has anything to do with the thread closing though.


It’s interesting that he has Field Training Officer listed in October 2018, which should indicate he’s been trained in crime scene, suspect/witness containment, etc. Perhaps this small police force is generally lax because they don’t have the type of crimes.

Didn’t the civil suit filing mention previous complaints of similar situations by citizens about this PD?


They don’t close topics, they close threads. Sometimes they close forums.

From the last Barisone thread
“We encourage everyone to step away and take a breather as we close yet another thread on this situation pending further developments in the related court cases”
(My bold)


What is the murder rate in this part of the world?
Was this maybe one of the most ‘exciting’ (for lack of a better word) calls of his career and he simply forgot all of his previous training for a short bit of time?


I think it was stated that others had complaints but I don’t remember by who, whom, what


I’m not sure what you are talking about. All I said was If it was some random poster its probably not a valid source, and I won’t wast my time. So let me ask again . What is the source name, was it a news source, was it a statement in court, part of the lawsuit? I need some guidance to verify other than @BrendaJane to make MY OWN decision. Just nonchalantly saying its somewhere on the forum and calling me rude because you yourself have dismissed its validity is crazy. @eggbutt is back to team up to try and chase away a valid point. Absolutely nothing rude has been said. I left the thread last time because of this behavior. Grow up!


It is not worth my time to do the leg work for you.
Cheerio, Miss Sophie