Barisone News

Wrong. There are MANY reasons why a case might be dismissed. I highlighted what you got wrong. Again.


Me!! I have one! Ready? Because THEY DID NOT HAPPEN and it took them two years to come up with an accusation so vile, they were certain (at the very least) it would muddy the waters. I think it’s disgusting to allow your (then minor) kid to lie. If a minor were threatened …… you can bet there would be a 911 call about it. It doesn’t take 2 years to remember if your kid was “threatened.” Just vile.

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Okay, I’m done for the evening as well. I will not be party to rude, snide comments. Guess this will be the last time I dig out info for others.

Most of us on this thread and the others fully realize the truth of the majority of the posts.

Sleep well all.


Until the majority of the people in this thread take a hard look at their own behavior and how that behavior contributes to a cycle, the thread will eventually get locked again. And then those people will point fingers at someone else for “intentionally getting the thread locked” (as if that’s a thing any of us had the power to do) because they’re unable to take accountability for their own actions.

I give it 48 hours tops before y’all get this thing closed. Anyone else want to take bets?


Ok but before you go to bed, just know that Bigfoot does exist. His fur is pink, and if anyone ever doubts you… just refer to this post here and other verification on . Now on a more serious note, thank you for taking the time to guide me that way. It however, was not proof of anything other than you saying it. If that is the first post about it does that mean that you started that rumor. I guess I’m not done with my search after all. I will keep looking. Have a good rest

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Had you read the posts you would have clearly seen the reference to “this has been reported many times before” or words to that effect. But you go on and ridicule to your heart’s desire. Best of luck in your search for your truth.


I’m so glad you highlighted the word “usually.” You really made a great point there! Except…… in this case- re civil suit against the cops- it WAS dismissed bc there were NO FACTS found to substantiate the claim. Additionally, I honestly thought any logical person would consider it common knowledge that if a case is dismissed, it is USUALLY (to always) dismissed bc…… wait for it…… there are either not enough facts- or none at all- to do anything OTHER than dismiss it! Thank god you bolded the word “usually.” How would I have ever slept without your usual, ridiculous contribution. Whatever helps you feel important, lady!


You too! Except YOU will never find it. Bc, it is not “truth,” you are seeking. (It’s attention & validation- but still- you won’t find that either.)


Says the lady with highest post count of rude, ridiculing, fictional, rumor starting, outright lying, name-calling, misleading and frankly, dumb posts.


I did not say it was a bully breed… just gave that example of something that can be short but weigh 50 lbs. Also Basset Hounds and a bunch of others that seem small but aren’t on the scale.


This is absolutely hysterical, as we know how accurate you have been with other guesses about poster’s identities. Sure you don’t want to just subpoena COTH again???


This is hilarious - you and most others on this thread are the sources of all the misinformation on this thread, and all the previous locked threads. Yet again, the lack of self-awareness of the individuals posting here is mind boggling.


Definitely hilarious, but not in the way you think!

And there is a HUGE lack of self-awareness, but again definitely not in the way you think!


I don’t find anything about two people being gunned down by bullying, narcissistic POS to be “hysterical.” But I do find you hysterical. Just not in the way you would think. :wink:


I’ve been reading these threads for two years and I’m not a moron - I certainly don’t need any of the less than intelligent members posting here to tell me what to think. It’s all spelled out in ways that even a relatively smart first grader could easily recognize the blatant victim shaming/(alleged) perp worship.


There was a second person gunned down? Who? When? Where?


So true!


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@Sdel I see that you posted the gun charges for RC. Any chance you know her occupation? This question isn’t just for Sdel. Does anyone know the occupation of the lady who owned the handgun? It might make things more interesting. If we are going to go off topic let’s go with something that is verifiable. I’m tired of going down rabbit holes that all stem from randoms that change with the wind

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RG, I think you know this, yes? Unless you don’t consider being (almost) shot in the head but only avoiding it by VERY quick thinking, being “gunned down.” Then, to have the shooter RUN towards the porch and up two stairs to make sure he hit his target- who did disappear - to the point even I thought he’d been hit, to be NOT getting “gunned down.” Does someone have to die - or be literally shot in the head to believe that person was factually “gunned down,” - whether it was the bullet which literally brought him DOWN - OR ending up DOWN bc he dodged that bullet and landed on a floor, for you to comprehend that TWO people- not 1 - were attacked by a shooter shooting bullets, “gunning them down?” Wow. Just wow.