Barisone News

I mean, FWIW, my arlo cameras miss events they should have captured. It’s possible that him being in the house has nothing to do with the recording being nonexistent, while he thought it would have been captured.

And before you think I’m a friend, I’m not a friend @La-LaPopRider. Find allegiance somewhere else.


Lol pot (most posters here on COTH, not you specifically), meet kettle. Here’s that self-awareness thing rearing its ugly head again. And again, and again, and again.


Other more likely reasons for things to be dismissed:

The initiating party misses an appearance.

A motion to dismiss is granted based on the merits of the motion such as improper service, jurisdictional issues, the party not following some court directive.

I’d write more but I don’t want to upset you with more factual knowledge as you seem to be so very fond of being incorrect and unversed in matters of law.


I mean your posts about her are beyond disrespectful so do you really expect courtesy back
This actually effects HER LIFE And it doesn’t effect yours so maybe stop for 5 seconds and consider why you’re so involved and so hateful about this all?


She’s the only one actually effected by this, right?


But would you then post all over the internet for almost two years the implication that you have a video of the missed event? Surely, in a situation like this, you’d pretty quickly realize that you did not in fact have a video and would refrain from implying or stating that you did.


Once a behavioral trait has been demonstrated it’s wise to expect more of the same. For instance: Once a liar, always a liar.


Thank you. There are countless tone deaf posters on these MB threads, but eggbutt gets the Most Tone Deaf Poster award for sure. If any of these people were capable of recognizing how hideous their posts really are, they wouldn’t be able to sleep at night or look themselves in the mirror in the morning. The saddest part here is that I’m not exaggerating.

How many posters have shown sympathy to MB for the fact that he was allegedly abused as a child and was, in their opinions, suffering from mental health issues in the days/weeks leading up to the shooting, as though that was a potential excuse? At the same time, these posters have portrayed LK as a crazy unlikeable bitch with mental health issues who, because of those issues, got herself shot by that poor innocent man with mental health issues.


[quote] Keeping up with your “truth” is extremely tedious! [quote]

Keeping up with your lies is equally so.


It’s pretty bad when these threads get called out by the freakin New York Times.


Responding to the bolded part: NO, LK DID THAT HERSELF. Her behavior to posters here speaks volumes.


Get over yourself. People here have responded to what they’ve read and experienced.

And we all recognize when someone is projecting as you are now.

Won’t work.


Okay @La-LaPopRider, I’ll bite.

What lies have I posted here?

You must have screenshotted them, so let’s see my lies!

I would love to see one lie I have posted here! Just one!


Do you seriously not recognize that you just confirmed what I said in my post that you quoted?? Maybe you meant something else but you are not doing yourself any favors with your wording here lol.

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Yeah you must have missed the part where we’ve been saying this for a very long time. Nice to see you finally agree with the truth.

As for “not doing myself favors”, WHAT favors? I’m just posting on a board. It’s not my life that’s a mess and on display. Perhaps not recognizing that explains some of your confusion.


That you thought posting this drivel was a good idea is certainly in keeping with the level of intellect projected overall in these threads for the last two years.


So let me see if I have this straight: Rather than post about the trial and Barisone news you’d rather post about me and the other COTH members and continually state how our “intellect” is lacking.

Got it.


If it wasn’t so sad and there weren’t real people involved, it would actually be a super interesting phenomenon concerning tribalism on social media and confirmation bias.


Actually no. It’s an examination of malignant narcissism and all its manifestations including the existence of Cognitive Dissonance and flying monkeys.


Yes - I guess I can kind of get how they have all joined together to support MB and hate LK, because some women can be jealous and bitchy when it comes to other women, especially when there is a man involved that they worship, but this group has kind of blossomed into something that rivals the Trump cult. It’s fascinating to watch.