Barisone News

If initiating party misses appearance- the case is dismissed based on UNAVAILABLE FACTS.

Your next paragraph with exception of “jurisdictional issues,” STILL boil down to FACTS NEEDED CANNOT BE PRESENTED. Therefore, DISMISSAL.


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You cannot diagnose someone with a personality disorder over the internet.


I don’t think they are allowed to assume anything. Since when are the cops supposed to assume anything involving behaviour? They are supposed to follow their
rules, and they didn’t. They aren’t allowed to “assume”.


It’s amazing to watch folks cling to this narrative so very voraciously. That’s not at all what’s going on, at all.

An event happened in the horse world where someone received bullets to the chest. Someone was subsequently arrested and is being brought to trial. Now this trial and the events leading up to it are being discussed JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CRIMINAL CASE IN THE NEWS.

But unlike other cases, for some reason, the injured party decided it would be prudent to come and write about it. When questions arose as to elements in question, or conflicting statements, or imagining likely scenarios, this injured party started personally attacking posters. Many were threatened openly and in messages. Many untrue statements were made. More threats. Insults. Demeaning assertions of people’s professions occurred with frequency and regularity.

So don’t for one minute pretend to be the bearer of pristine behavior. You’re not. You are just a chess piece.

So do take your false pretenses and absurd observations somewhere where they might stand a chance of actually being believed because that place ain’t here.


Show me where I mentioned who was afflicted with a personality disorder.


Ok. Are you a super duper law expert? Or, are you now a licensed psychiatrist also? You are perhaps THE most full of it poster on any of these threads. Even over EGGBUTT! She wins the title of most disturbingly obsessed and a second trophy for her for purposely distorting information and labeling them “facts.” All in all, you should both be very honored. Someone gave you a PRIZE!!!

Maybe not a prize you should be proud of, but, a prize nonetheless!! :kissing_closed_eyes:


Your statements are but amusement to me. You demean my law expertise yet you have none.

You demean my truths yet you’ve been caught in lie after lie.

You pretend I have a new profession yet of the two of us I’m the only one who had a profession at all.


Are you serious? LOL!!! You literally just posted it- and it was quoted a time or two as well! Are you like, OK?

Also, the “who,” doesn’t matter!! What does, is the fact that you believe you’re qualified to diagnose anyone at all with any type of “disorder.” Neither am I, but I’m positive that you need serious help. Stat.


Like 20 minutes ago.


I say personal attack time - a thing so heinous to a group of recent posters according to their own words - should be over now and we should return to discussing the case.

For instance discussing discrepancies about that day’s events based on testimony and assertions offered in court or in filed papers.


I assure you I’m quite fine and certainly better than many.

Did my post not meet your approval?



Had you read for comprehension you would note I never mentioned any name.

So how did I diagnose an unnamed person? Perhaps you think you know whom I’m referring to because you recognize those traits for someone too. I don’t know.


:lion: :snowflake:


You have VIOLATED COTH RULES by assigning alleged identity to a poster. You routinely admonish and threaten posters here. Shall I post your threats to me again and your statement that your subpoena revealed everyone’s names which COTH itself said was a lie?

Now either you read what’s written for comprehension or you can go off into the sunset calling upon whomever you think will fight your battles for you. I want to discuss the case.

You keep on inflicting your opinions onto others and quite frankly we are here to discuss a case not engage in kindergarten schoolyard wannabe bully games with you. I have no interest in you whatsoever at all. My interest is in law as that was my profession (not your profession) and that’s it.


More good advice for those who do not want to see the thread locked.


I think maybe certain people are actively trying to get the thread locked as they fear something. Maybe exposure. I don’t know but I’m starting to recognize a pattern of behavior after a development in the case.

Is it possible getting threads locked is a strategem?


Here- I’ll provide you with yours and Eggbutts favorite sentence: You go rummage through thousands of posts and find it yourself.

By “it,” I’m referring to MY full play by play of the day of the shooting. I’m sure it’s in your “vault,” of “evidence,” which you simply cannot share. Though, in the rare case it is not, please post it. THEN, I will more than gladly challenge you to locate even 1 “discrepancy,” in any statement I made in that comment or any statement I’ve made about the same, since that description. With the obvious exception of how many times I was shot- since even after my release from the hospital, my surgeons, myself and even the cops weren’t 100% sure. That actually took some several amounts of doctor visits to BE 100% sure. Anything else…. Have at it!!!

Silly you. You probably forgot all about that post, describing the exact events of the day of the shooting. I don’t need the post. I was there. You, however, DO. As you were NOT there. I’m not even sure you’re “all there,” in a much more general sense.

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Just wanted to say good morning to the moderators who will have to sort though this dumpster fire when they wake up and shut this thread down. Good morning. I hope you guys have a great day.


Yeah I don’t care about what you wrote here. Its gobbledygook.

Discussing the days events with someone who is emotionally invested, has been shown to be not truthful and was diminished by injury and lord knows what else is not something I’m interested in.


OMG did you just DIAGNOSE me???
