Barisone News

I agree @Moderator_1 shut it down.

It seems no matter how delicately I try to refer to people who are personally involved in the case someone has to self interpret the worse.

As I was referring to more than one individual I’m not sure what term to use for such a group of people. Perhaps @seahorse can give me a term they prefer to describe such a group.


Exactly. If, and I’m not saying there was here, but if LK or RG had a gun pointed at MB and he thought they were about to use it, THEN he may have had a self defense claim. I highly doubt that’s the case or it would have probably come out well before now.

@seahorse we’re having a discussion about the case like any other case. If you don’t want to participate, you certainly don’t have to, and the moderator has already gone through the thread and stated that it can continue.


Except if Barisone can’t remember anything from the time CPS arrived at the barn until sometime at the trauma center.


Before it was not really an option because how would it (the extra gun) have gone missing? Now that it has been mentioned that RG was allowed to be out of the site of the responding officer, it does add all kinds of interesting options.


Oh dear, dear, dear Darcy. That was the first $64,000 question. There were several people on Facebook or IM or somewhere else that offered to “come right now and help get your horses off the farm”, but she did not want that.

IIRC, the answer to that question was that she did not want to be separated from her horses. I interpreted that to mean that these nice helpful people had room for the horses, but not LK and RG and where were they going to go? They would be separated from the horses :grimacing:!

Speculation was she could not go to her parent’s house (in NJ) because she had been “asked” not to come back there— that is strictly speculation. More speculation is that JK, LK’s father, was paying MB to let her live on the farm so she would not come back home :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:Who knows?!


For the love of God, why can’t certain people resist the urge to nit pick every freaking post that goes up. Just move on if all you want to do is disrupt the discussions.


If the defense is arguing self defense, isn’t the burden on the prosecution to prove otherwise? It does seem that this creates a big hole for the prosecution.


The reason you’ve all had to resort to those dumb little acronyms is because deep down you all know it’s inappropriate to mock the shooting victim, stalk her on social media, speculate about her relationship with her family, antagonize her, judge her character, accuse her of being a drug addict, diagnose her with sociopathy or other personality disorders, and then call her “cRaZy aNd uNhInGeD!!1” when she gets understandably pissed and defends herself.

You know it’s wrong. But you put that stupid little acronym there to cover your bases. If you need to clarify that “nobody deserves to get shot” after the content of your post, maybe rethink the content of your post.

No it’s not. This place has a reputation.


This appears to be the same as the link I posted if anyone wants to try that instead of the NJ court site.


If you do not like it here, and you do not like the reputation, why stay? Just like LK at the barn. Can’t leave?

Would you be happier if I wrote it all out?


I think it is the prosecutions job to prove everything, actually.

These police officers did not help their case much.


Please ignore the trolls. There’s plenty to discuss without reacting to them. It’s been made crystal clear their goal is the shut the thread down.


You are so right @eggbutt , I am sorry.

:snowflake: :lion:


Don’t be sorry…please.

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From a legal perspective, how incriminating are the statements he made in front of the cops? Even the one that he was sorry it happened doesn’t seem to be an admission of guilt.


I really don’t get it. This poster constantly says how bad it is here, but here they are, also accompanied by a poor attitude.

While I agree to some extent with that particular post from that poster, there is also a need for a disclaimer when people on here consistent twist words, take things to mean the worst, and purpose misinterpret to fit their narrative.

I do think people take it a bit far with the victim sometimes…or with their interest in this in general, but I’m not going to tell them how to live nor am I here to moderate.

People who complain about the conservation, maybe steer or redirect the conversation in a constructive manner? Just a suggestion.

I’ll admit since the beginning my views on the matter have shifted a bit, but I think that’s a bit natural as things evolve/more details are revealed. I do think it’s wise to no longer engage with certain posters or type of posts.


So you’re morally ok with publicly speculating about the shooting victim’s relationship with her family knowing that she’s here reading the threads as a fellow cother? Like you can do that and sleep well at night and not feel like that’s an incredibly cruel thing to do?


Last night I went back to the earliest threads looking for a particular post a person had posted about crossing the crime scene tape (post now deleted).
I was amazed at how constant the posts have been questioning, discussing and trying to fit square pegs into round holes of reason/speculation. Even the animosity has remained constant toward posters who haven’t supported the one “official narrative”. Even as new FACTS come to light via court filings or sworn testimony, posters are called out for making falsehoods or promoting rumors.

Reading the early, early threads is interesting, even with the holes of deleted posts.


I don’t know. He doesn’t deny shooting LK as far as I know. However, his level of consciousness is in question and I’m interested to see how they prove what his level of consciousness was. The “I had a nice life” or whatever he said along those lines can be interpreted as “I did something/I effed up” or it can be interpreted as “these people ruined it all” or other things.


I’ve had my own posts get deleted on here and they were posts that did not break any rules so I think we should be mindful that not everyone is on here trying to scheme and manipulate when posts disappear.

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