Barisone News

“Morally”? Posting and quoting public legal documents has nothing to do with morality does it? Some seem to forget more than 75%, my estimate, of posts refer to legitimate sources and as the thread meanders along, the original post with the source is forgotten and it becomes so-and-so made something up or whatever. In the last thread, if I recall correctly, IM was asked about the home situation and didn’t respond (I don’t necessarily blame him for not responding).


There’s no legal document that says “LK’s family wouldn’t let her live with them”. That is a rumor. That is speculation. That is not a fact.


See, here is a perfect example…I didn’t imply anything other than there are now gapping holes in some of the threads. Why moderators would delete or edit random posts without cause is beyond me but whatever.


Hold on…be right back!!

I’m back…see below



Pure speculation:

Except that MB says he has no memory of what happened. And if there was a second gun which was disposed of, do you think anyone else involved would have mentioned it?

And now, can the prosecutor definitively say that RG did not have a second gun? According to the testimony of the officer in the hearing the other day, the prosecutor cannot, since the officer said RG was out of his sight in the house before anyone searched him.


No, I was just trying to help Darcy with some of the history of what had been speculated countless times on these threads.


I didn’t say you did. I’m just reminding everyone of this because I know some have accused LK of doing this in the past.

Then again, I also know that there HAVE been cases when former cothers were going back and editing/ deleting posts to stir the pot and cause chaos.

Just wanted to clarify that missing posts doesn’t mean that anyone’s intentionally trying to be shady.

Did he say that RG “was out of his sight”?

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My notes say: went in the house.


Unless the policeman has x-ray vision, if he said RG went in the house.

This is where a transcript of the hearing would be extremely helpful.


Isn’t that the defences position though and not stated fact?

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I believe that the point is that the information came from a court document, not just someone here on COTH making it up.

Yes, this particular court document is not penned by LK or the prosecution.


I haven’t asked the attorneys if what they filed is their opinion nor have I asked them for proof of their statements. Mr. Montoya didn’t respond to any questions about the statement.


Ok so you get that that’s still not a fact right?

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Isn’t it? Do you know otherwise?

Again, attorneys can be disbarred for filing false information. I doubt the caliber of these attorneys would risk their license to post a rumor.


Just like now questions are being asked of me and @Sdel and others regarding what we heard at this week’s hearing and whether it is correct or not. We can all wait for the transcript…gladly. We may have a long wait however, since the transcript from the much earlier hearing has not been released, if in fact there is one.


But not “for several minutes”? Going into the house for a very short period of time to deposit the fog is quite different from “several minutes” if one wants to speculate on evidence tampering. Perhaps he did just go in the house to secure the dog!

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@eggbutt, do you have a PDF of the filing today in the Civil Suit?


The filing is a repost of the 11/17 dismissal. Why, I don’t know. The only new item is the attachment of the Janet Reno booklet without explanation.


Thank you