Barisone News

  1. The typing error on dog made me giggle. Let me go deposit my fog right over here, then my brain will work better. This darn computer program is being a jerk and the brain fog is getting pretty darn thick.
    Long day at work. Sorry.
  2. It takes no more time to toss a gun/anything else into the house than it does to put a dog in the house. Typically speaking, the police do not let anyone out of their sight ever, not even for a very short time to toss a dog into the house.

No one is saying that anything was actually tossed into the house, BTW. What is being said is that the defense can say - how do we know nothing was tossed into the house?


This place is beyond tame.
Even heated CE threads are mild compared to countless forums out there. I am always a bit bemused by hearing what a cesspool evil COTH isā€¦ right out of NPā€™s playbook and incessant campaign about COTH meanies bullying him etc. etc. etc.

A couple of hours of scrolling through certain sections of Reddit (just one example) or the old Parler or assorted other forums shows that ā€œthis placeā€ is unicorns and rainbows and sprinkles by comparison.

Back on topicā€¦ I am increasingly concerned that the first officer on sceneā€™s failure to secure the crime scene and the 2 obvious combatants will become a key factor at the trialā€¦


No argument from me on this. Going in the house to me indicates out of sight, and even if only for seconds would be enough time to do something to evidence. I am NOT saying that is the case, I wasnā€™t there, but it can be an issue to the jury, defense, and prosecution.


Coth differs in that it allows blatant victim blaming where every other forum Iā€™m on including the crime ones does not.


No it is not. This is not how facts work @eggbutt.

I think this is the problem you have on these threads. That document is what the defense is presenting to the court as their side. That does not make all of those things ā€œkNoWn FaCtSā€. That makes those things ā€œallegationsā€.

You know how you take things that LK alleges with a grain of salt? Ok try doing that for things MB and his defense allege too.


COTH allows a lot of stuff that would not fly on almost any other forum.


Most of the people that are here see no problem with how the majority of the posters on this thread treat the victim so Iā€™m sure to you, it is tame. FWIW, Iā€™m active on Reddit and this would so not fly on any true crime or equestrian subreddit. You can go make a post on Reddit right now about ā€œopinions of the CotH forumsā€ and Iā€™d suspect their assessment would be very different from yours.


The words ā€œreasonable doubtā€ spring to mind.


If being on a forum that ā€œallows a lot of stuff that would not fly on almost any other forumā€ is so upsetting, why come to it?

I believe we are discussing the things brought up by both sides.

In one of the older threads it was shoved down our throats that it has to be fact because it was published in a news article. I think a court filing is far more believable than a news article. Though no one is asking you to believe it. Why not discuss it further than screaming that it is not true? That is what the moderation staff has said we can do, discuss.


Luckily, no one can force me to go post on Reddit. Any more than anyone is forced to come here, either to read or post.


Would be mildly interested in this little experiment. Iā€™m not about to conduct it though.

I do think itā€™s a bit unfair to assume that smoofox supports treating a victim a certain or sees no problem with anything. Saying itā€™s tame in comparison to others does not mean one endorses certain behaviors.

Is there anything about the case youā€™d like to discuss?


I think not being allowed into the family home is actually a very reasonable explanation of why LK would not leave. If she did not have any place to go (easily), she was going to stay there, no matter that she felt her life was in danger (that is what she posted on social media and that is why people were offering to move her horses for her immediately).

So wanting to insist it is not a fact really just makes it even harder to think of a reason why someone in fear for their life would not jump at offers to move their horses and be out of there.


Didnā€™t she also have a lot of money so she could clearly have left and gone anywhere?


Sorry to continue to beat this almost dead horse some more but ALL the FACTS noted on the one single page of the large filing ARE provable with records except the one line about her family home. I donā€™t care to go search NJ protective orders to find anything about that. Strange though that Mr. Montoya addressed the other items on that page with something like that was in the past and people have changed their lives (totally paraphrasing and no, not going to go find his post saying that). Letā€™s just say that I and other choose to believe what was stated in the document over denials and deflection by others.

ETA in this civil case MB was the Plaintiff with the Town and police as defendants.


Come on. If court filings are to be believed then what is the point of the entire justice system? Why even proceed with rest of the court case. MBā€™s defense can just file it was self defense in his court filing and then I guess they can just let him go and thatā€™s that. Thatā€™s not how it works. You guys know that.

I am so exhausted of you asking this same question over and over again every time anyone criticizes the BS here despite me giving you my answer anyway. I post here because on some threads I can get good advice about topics Iā€™m interested in. I also can get bullied, cyber stalked, doxxed, mocked, harassed, and antagonized because thatā€™s just the norm here. Thatā€™s what everyone does. Snarky rude comments get more likes so thatā€™s what this whole forum has been conditioned to do.

I post here, because most days it doesnā€™t bother me and I can take the solid advice and experience from some of really great people on here Iā€™ve met. That doesnā€™t mean there are still parts of coth that are super problematic. Same thing with Reddit. I post on Reddit, but there are parts of Reddit that are also super problematic.

Iā€™m allowed to be here and Iā€™m allowed to criticize it here.


New crime scene questionā€¦it was reported by someone MB shot through the window in the porch door trying to hit RG. Once RG went through that door to put the dog up, wouldnā€™t that part of the crime scene be instantly compromised?


I also heard that went he went inside the house. However, I would like to comment about ā€œthe houseā€. The shooting happened on the back porch which was off a laundry room/common area. LKā€™s apartment was on the second floor. A dog crate would not likely be located at the door to the porch, but up in LKā€™s apartment. Also, the condition of the house was questionable since it had been condemned the day before. The new owners of the farm said there were multiple code violations for throughout the house. Building inspectors will rip out drywall so they can inspect work behind it. It was potentially dangerous for the dog to just be shoved through the door (which would not have taken RG ā€œinsideā€ either).

Also, letā€™s consider the greater crime sceneā€¦the testimony made it clear that this was happening while the officer getting MB up off the ground and collecting the weapon. The ā€œhouseā€ was at either directly behind the officer or at a right angle that would make it difficult to actually keep track of both at the same time.


Alrighty then. Iā€™m sure any moment now the prosecution will drop the charges as itā€™s clearly self defense because we can just all take MBā€™s defense attorneyā€™s word for it. They wrote it down and filed it therefore itā€™s true.


One final thing about that particular CIVIL court filing - it had nothing whatsoever to do with LK other than background information for a suit against the police department. As far as the CRIMINAL case, I can almost guarantee all of those items will be explored in detail.


I couldnā€™t remember if it was the door window or a regular one.

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