Barisone News

If he had pleaded guilty there would be no reason for a trial. He pleaded not guilty at the arraignment, and since then, I believe there was discussion of a plea deal, but either it was never offered or he declined what was offered.

If he’d pleaded guilty they would have long since moved on to the sentencing phase, and he’d be serving his sentence in the NJ state prison system.


I thought he had plead guilty to some charges but not all. I thought there was a firearm charge(s) and attempted murder charge(s).

Ok ok. So he pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder charges. He is pleading temporary insanity.

We’ve not seen concrete proof of what actually happened that day and how the shooting/altercation actually went down. So…that brings me back to…I still have no bloody idea what’s going on or what’s going to happen.


Yeaahhhh, I’m just going to go with that.

Sorry for my confusion all :sweat_smile:

It actually makes no sense at all…now that I think about it. :woman_facepalming: I swear I’m not always this dysfunctional.

Edit: did some quick reading to refamiliarize myself and I do actually have a lot of questions re the police actions, or inaction, and procedures…and what actually went down that say.


But alas, it was a distraction from petty insults, snark, and hating coth.



I will happily help you here. The gun only had 3 bullets. We did not know this at the time but later found out. In earlier testimony by another cop, an entire fully loaded magazine was also recovered from Barisone. I can’t elaborate further there. On the subject of “securing the crime scene,” the only thing I can disclose is, it was fully secure.

You can take this however you want, call me a liar, whatever. Something everyone here is going to have to accept is that, while you may have questions & feel that the hearing presented more, the answers will not be disclosed until the trial. This said, if you were to take a genuine look at everything I’ve said thus far, the cop’s testimony didn’t present more questions. It precisely confirmed what I have been stating all along.


Well, I personally think there are definitely questions that don’t support or disagree with LK’s posts. The cop did NOT secure the scene, assumed RG was not the shooter and took his word apparently for everything, RG tainted the crime scene by entering the house, RG made an unsolicited comment about it all being on tape but that tape has never appeared…at least to the defense.


Are you stating this as fact or opinion?

Between you and LLPR only LLPR was there.


And I believe she was unconscious wasn’t she, or bleeding out when the cop arrived? I’m saying this because I heard with my own ears what the cop testified to. Lala just posted those questions will be answered during the trial as all of us expect.


I think this position is in question, as MB is on record as to not having any recollection of the events.




I’m sure she is privy to more details than we ever will be.


Yep. And, if he were going to deny it, the optimal time to do so would’ve been when the cop asked, “who is the shooter.” The cop stated that RG stated “right here,” then shook MBs shoulders to gesture it was Barisone. Barisone was not unable to speak. He knew what he had done and almost as soon as he was cuffed, repeated “I had a good life,” 2-3 times.” He clearly knew exactly what he had done and even what the consequence maybe. So, saying “I had a good life,” makes perfect sense. He could have said, “no! I’m not the shooter!” (If that were true.) But he did not. Bc he was. And knew his life would be fully altered because of his own actions.



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Well you go with that, then. Don’t you comprehend that the entire reason the judge cut off questioning which was outside the scope of a statements admission hearing, was to stop Bilinkas from fishing the waters of the prosecutions case? No, you comprehend nothing- and that’s the problem here. Actually, that’s really your own problem.


This is really I think the basis of how these threads started to go off the rails. @eggbutt tends to take things like the defense’s allegations which sure, aren’t nothing, but definitely aren’t “Known Facts”. I think the bar for what is credible and what is not really just depends on who the “known fact” supports.


Oooh…. You quoted my comment. I’m shakin’ in my boots!




[Edit] I think it was yesterday that you posted it took months of doctors visits to determine how many times (2,3, or 4) you’d been shot.


Actually, we know exactly what Bilinkas was doing. His job!

Please don’t start with the insults again tonight.