Barisone News

Please present known facts from a reliable prosecution source. I’ll wait. Oh yeah, there is the sworn testimony from three cops so far.

That’s it.


I must have missed that post. How does it take months to determine how many bullet holes there are?


You are the one who asserted an allegation as a “known fact”, I am not, therefore the burden of proof is not on me. I have never asserted that the living with the family thing is true or untrue because I don’t know these people, I don’t know if this was a real thing that was said and if it was what context it was said in. I have no idea and neither do you.

You can’t go around asserting rumors and allegations as “known facts” and then demand somebody prove you wrong.


Except for asking if his “family” is ok, stating “I’m sorry it happened,” (see Nancy Jaffer’s article) - stating “I had good life,” (repeatedly) and “this must be a dream, I gotta wake up!”

Yeah…. If I got caught red-handed trying to murder people bc my plan didn’t work out as planned, I’d be wishing it were all just a dream, too. And, CLEARLY he remembered everything. Or, why ask if his (non) family were “ok?” Why wouldn’t they be if he had zero recollection of what he’d just done? Was he always concerned for his “family’s safety,” that he called in to check on them every time he left the house, for the past 4 years prior to the shooting??? Guessing his phone records and texts would provide that answer. If he did NOT, why ask on THAT day only? H.e.l.l.o.


It doesn’t seem like they’re going for self defense. Maybe due to no evidence, maybe because it didn’t happen that way, maybe because there’s no memory of it for MB. We would probably know by now if he was claiming self defense though.


Getting sick of repeating myself. I was in the ICU for close to 20 days. It was not until a few thoracic surgeon appointments (post hospital) until we asked how many bullets actually hit me. Even the cops thought it may have been 3 early on- as in the first month after my release…. But before RC was charged formally. Another thing I clearly stated would happen. You all said that was a lie. And as usual, you were wrong.




He probably “googled it.”





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That would be me. Accept it or don’t. I guess if the prosecution does not find me “reliable,” you won’t see HIM put me on the stand. (Except you will.)
Bilinkas can, as MBs 5th, 6th and 14th BOR’s allow him due process of law, to confront his accusers, to not self incriminate, to be provided with effective counsel, etc, etc, etc. Look! You learned something new!




Sorry, I wasn’t responding to you.

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Ya’ll have fun tonight and try to behave. We have a Hanukkah/Christmas party tonight that will be marvelous! Ta-ta!


I care. What’s important, is that I was responding to you.

Maybe they were treating RG as a “victim” instead of a “witness”. On the next page it says victims (and family) are supposed to be “controlled and treated with compassion”, not controlled and “secured” like suspects and witnesses. Is shooting the dog rather than letting victim #2 put the dog in house treating the victims with compassion?


Holding the gun and firing it is not necessarily attempted murder. Plus he’s pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.


WHAT? We aren’t friends!!! Why didn’t anyone tell me!! On my quest for “allegiances,” I was certain I had you in the bag! No! Please! Be my friend! You’re exactly the type of person I dream of when hoping for “allegiances,” and I mean, we have been so close for so long! This abrupt breakup of our secret allegiance is absolutely devastating to me! Come backkkkk!!! An “endless climb,” is exactly what I’ve asked Santa to send down my chimney for Christmas. Who doesn’t want THAT?

