Barisone News



Side topic of defense strategy used in criminal trials-In the Rittenhouse trial the defense attorney said they did mock trials, one with him testifying and one with him not. I think that would be interesting to participate in. I wonder where they get their jurors?


oh thank god we can move to a safe less controversial topic



:smile: I was hoping to point out the use of mock trials, just used that case as it was recent and used that strategy.
Anyone wanting to discuss that case hopefully will go to the thread specifically for it.


“Did the testimony make it clear” I missed that part of the testimony that makes any such claims. Did the officer explain how long RG was in the house? How about the part where he describes the layout of the house, and why the laundry room is not considered a part of the house? When exactly did he talk about a dog crate?
This is why people refer to stuff on this thread as common knowledge. Every part of this comment is a made up crazy conspiracy theory. Two months from now someone will ask a question. Someone else will reference your post as common knowledge and even direct them to look at your post a proof
 What a joke!

You also stated that the crime scene wasn’t secured! Questions about if the house was searched. So am I correct in saying that your opinion is
 it either wasn’t searched, or RG and father broke in to remove and destroy evidence. Where exactly did these comments come from? I only heard the testimony that said RG went into the house. Everything else is a wild story.


My mom has done some of the mock jury things. I know she finds a lot of stuff on Craigslist and Facebook. She also does backround acting stuff.


According to IM he has already pled “not guilty by reason of insanity”. If you could plead “not guilty” and get acquitted by claiming you did not shoot her at all, or by claiming it was self defense, why would you plead “not guilty by reason of insanity”?

I think he has not denied shooting her.


That sounds interesting to participate in.


Why is there no wild theories about why RC didn’t notice that MB was insane? As an advanced nurse practitioner in mental health i would think she could help or notice something was awry. She was also at the barn during the shooting. How did he have her gun? She has an impressive resume of medical degrees. Has testified as an expert witness is court.
So wouldn’t this be a huge hurdle for Bilinkas in his insanity defense?


@Equkelly you come on these threads as a supposed champion of people. Maybe you are maybe you aren’t but I’ve read these forums for enough years to remember. I think much of your knee jerk reactions to being a victim stem from your super black and white opinions about turnout and horse care. Where you challenged people that they shouldn’t even own horses if they didn’t keep them in the manner you found suitable. Then. I recall a thread where you kept a dog in less than ideal circumstances because it was the best you could do at the time given your circumstances. And it made the best sense for your animal. But you often vehemently fight on these forums people who do the same. Then you call this forum toxic. But you remain. I’ve seen you derail many threads. Projection ? Life is NEVER black and white. Your pushback and hard stands are confusing to me.


Yes. It was quite clear that RG picked up the dog, went inside the house for some period of time, and did so while the officer was getting MB off the gun. It is clear because he gave a description of how he (the officer) approached the scene and how RG moved and what he (the officer) was doing.

As for the condition of the house, I do believe the current owners were asked and reported on the condition of the house. LK has stated the door off the porch lead to the laundry and her apartment was upstairs numerous times over.


I assumed that they know the answer to this since the warrant against her was dropped.


That’s actually been discussed a bunch of times.


I do?

 what do my opinions on turnout and horse care have to do with this thread?

I think most of us agree not to own horses if you cannot provide for their basic needs. I didn’t think that was controversial. But then this is coth where we pick fights and nitpick anything for sport so ok.

Uhhh what? I’ve had one dog my entire adult life and he lives with me and has always had very ideal circumstances. Idk what my dog dog got brought up in this but he is livin his best life!

Wait are you talking about my horse? She got bit by the barn owner’s dog while he was away in Europe and I moved my horse to a new barn like 24 hours later.

 have you read your latest post? Your bringing up my barn drama from 3.5 years ago and my dog for some reason. You cannot seriously accuse me of derailing a thread.


Sorry maybe I made a mistake. Wasn’t it a barking thread ? And I’m not a dude. I’m a woman. Who is trying to understand your intentions.


Here you go again! What period of time did the officer claim RG was in the house? Oh, thats right, he didn’t. Why do you think that the officer disregards the laundry room as part of the house? You claim that in order to be in the house RG had to go down a hall and up the stairs. I honestly don’t recall that part of the testimony. You also imply that RG was in the house long enough to put his dog in a crate. Is this direct knowledge cause you were there? It certainly wasn’t said in court. So are you just assuming that all dog owners have crates? This is why I’m confused about every part of your post. Even more confused by your rebuttal. I thought that LK can’t be trusted in anything she says. Now you call on her layout, to explain that RG walked down a hall up some stairs to a dog crate to put his dog away. While somehow people are supposed to put that together because the officer said RG went inside the house. That sound normal




A warrant is issued for an arrest. If she turned herself in and posted bail, the warrant is dropped. She still has charges against her for her involvement. Or do you think the charges were dropped as well?


I think you are trying to confuse the issue:
The officer said that RG took the dog in the house - behind the door. I suppose there was a mention in passing on the time elapsed until he returned back to the scene.

LK has in the past apparently elaborated on the layout of the house.
The point of this is not the location of their living quarters, but the fact that RG was out of sight of the responding LEO.
And what he did inside is anybody’s guess.


I remember now. You kept a dog where you shouldn’t and had to employ a bark collar. None of which I oppose at all. Everything is a means to an end. I just think you are super black and white about your judgment. Perhaps I’m wrong. It’s happened before. I just wonder about your steadfast convictions. Anyway. Not meaning to derail. I just see you swoop in with your high indignation and wonder the source. Everyone carry on.