Barisone News

I’m sorry you didn’t actually bother to read the words I wrote.


“Behind the door” that was not at all said by the officer

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Please listen to your words,

“And I believe she was unconscious wasn’t she, or bleeding out when the cop arrived?”

The victim is a living breathing human being. She has feelings, she has family that cares about her, she has friends, she is real, not an imaginary person. Please do not post such a graphic description in a public forum describing what could have been a shooting victim’s last minutes alive, especially when we know the victim is reading the posts.

Attack me if you’d like. I am not related to the victim, have never met her, have never been a victim of a shooting. Please have some humanity and compassion for the person who was shot.

I sincerely ask that everyone consider this. It’s not about how much we liked the victim’s words before or after the shooting. It’s not about her as much as it’s about us as a community of horse lovers and a society.


Yeah, that’s why most take screenshots!


LOL! This is so true!!! First, why would RG and I have a “crate,” to tote around our GRIZZLY BEAR sized dogs! Ok, well one of them is pretty big. No crate ever was mentioned. The other, during officer testimony, was said to be carried (CARRIED) to the door and put inside. Officer also stated upon questioning “how did you handle the dog biting at you,” with “uh, I just kind of shooed it off my boot.”

Obviously, these people have no clue. If they’re not wondering how it is I didn’t die, what circumstances EXACTLY had to (repeat: HAD TO) have just miraculously been occurring that day specifically, to get the response times of all personnel involved so quickly, well, let them wonder. Barisone is a planner. My gut says he called the cops on all those days specifically to clock the response times of the cops for every different reason on the planet to make sure he would have enough time to kill us, either get the barn staff together and corroborate his story, or, hide / bury our bodies. If you listen to the 911 calls, he has a different reason each time. All fake. But different. Maybe he hoped to learn of saying “we are in fear for our lives,” the cops would arrive faster & he’d know THAT response time.

On the day, things weren’t as they usually were. I’m probably only alive bc of that & RG’s courageous move to restrain the guy who just shot his gf and tried to off him too. It is a loud noise when a gun jams or something. I can say with certainty I thought the gun jammed bc MB looked confused when I heard that sound- but I may have been confused too, bc i thought “none of this could be real, maybe I’m dreaming?” Yet, I’m not claiming insanity!! I remember that day. MB kept heading towards the door RG jumped through, bc he likely thought he fixed the gun issue. When it’s “fight or flight,” bullets run faster. If a gun sounds like it may have jammed, a split second to take advantage of that and FIGHT to stop the shooting was both an act of bravery and serious CHANCE! RG took that chance and probably saved lives.

Every move the first officer made was the right move. These clueless posters have well, no clue, the distance to the door from the cop, how many officers arrived (and WHEN) or basically anything else.

I’ve already explained to them the building inspectors listed code violations the day RC lied to the cops and said she was “just gonna leave the paper on the washing machine of the enclosed “common area.” Of that, there is surveillance and I’m so glad my dogs refused to let her into our apartment. She probably wanted in so she plant evidence. Dogs said “leave NOW!!” Just bc no one here knows what took place after that …. doesn’t mean they get to make up stories. Sdel never gets it right EVER. Not once.

Eggbutt thinks broken glass caused by Barisone’s BULLET tainted the crime scene which he himself created. How ridiculous. The glass was part of the crime scene!!! Does she, I wonder, think the house wasn’t searched in its entirety? (Probably. But…… “Eggbutt-itus,” is an incurable disease.) Actually, so is Sdelitis!

My hope, is that Bilinkas reads all these comments and argues his case based on these people’s posts! Then he can tell the judge “you can just Coth it, your honor!” Hahaha……

At least you make great points and call out the foolish ones. Honestly, when I read this post from Sdel I almost spit up my Vitamin Water - that would be two times in one week, except the first time it was Espresso. Keep asking these questions and keep calling out the lies & made up stories. This…. THIS is what keeps the thread interesting. But to the victim blaming/shaming posters …… they likely don’t find being called out “interesting.” But I do! So keep it up! You are so on point! You, and handful of others.


Yes. Yes we do!

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but not the point.


That put me in a better mood hahahahaha


Is it cute that JQ called you out for adding words to the cop’s testimony? Or, is it cute you added words to the testimony.

Not cute. And very much the point.




WHO CARES what she says on other threads??? These forums are toxic!* But it is not Equkelly making them so. The other threads are just that. OTHER threads- about completely different topics! And WHO CARES if she chooses to take “hard stands,” or light ones! I have read her comments on the horse blankets thread and agreed! If others didn’t, that’s their own prerogative. Also, if you’d like to discuss horse blankets - GO TO THAT THREAD!!! Nobody here cares what confuses you. Maybe…… make notes. Then a canvas board. Put the pieces together & you will be less confused. Just a suggestion.


Who needs to speculate?

Per Inigo-Montoya
I believe RC was arrested and charged with a felony although NJ may not be as interested in seriously pursuing charges against out of staters who bring their guns to NJ as one might think. I can’t say if she will be a witness but she is represented by counsel.“

“ RC is 70+ and has had recent heart surgery. Probably not going to jail…nor should she.”

So, just charged? No convictions…

Well it’s already decreed by LK…just charges equals squeaky clean. So….

“ “ And no, I have zero convictions on my record. That makes it CLEAN.”


For those of you that watched the hearing, did the cop tell RG to stay by his side? This article says he did.




Don’t take the bait. Let them chat among themselves. They do sound a lot alike. Musical chairs!


No, he did not.


QFP …… saving 79 people the trouble


Take a deep breath and repeat three times:

I will not help get the thread locked.
I will not help get the thread locked.
I will not help get the thread locked.



Ironically, stuff like what you just posted is the source of why I post on these LK/ MB threads at all. You just made a speculation on my character and just ran with it as a snarky little jab at me.

For one, it wasn’t relevant to the discussion. Two, it was out of context. Three it was incorrect. But it was mean and rude and exactly the type of thing that gets rewarded on these threads and that’s the type of thing people here have been conditioned to do. Your comment about me and my dog now has 12 likes and will probably get more and thankfully for me, that’s not a biggie because that little tidbit of misinformation won’t ruin my life but that is not the case for what’s being said about @La-LaPopRider.

There are stories and rumors about her history and her character for tens of thousands of posts over a two year period. I personally think it’s very unlikely that @eggbutt and others have always gotten it right and are only reporting “known facts.” I just watched you, @ThreeWishes, get it wrong over something small and insignificant to my life so IMO, it’s very possible here that this thread is getting the big stuff about LK and her life wrong too.

The worst part, is that I actually don’t think @eggbutt is trying to ruin somebody’s life intentionally. I think in her mind, the things that she posts and repeats and spreads on here is factual. She’s actually always been fair to me even though we’ve had disagreements so I don’t think she’s this awful human. I think she’s just incredibly reckless and doesn’t understand the damage she’s doing. I think she and others think this is just COTH true crime playing out in real time.

I started skimming these threads in the very beginning and never found myself needing to get involved and I’ll admit, sometimes the dumpster fire was entertaining as heck. But now that I’ve been on this site for a few years and have experienced the bullying, gaslighting, being intentionally misunderstood, the cyber stalking, the pile ons, and all the other nasty nonsense that gets encouraged here, I’m way more empathetic to @La-LaPopRider. I don’t see her as a character in some crazy true crime story. I see her as a person who has experienced a trauma and is the target of the same nonsense I experience on coth all the time except for her, it’s on a much, much, much larger scale and probably impacts her in real life.


How many edits did you make? :wink:

You do seem to spit/spew quite a lot. Might need to get help for that! :joy: