Barisone News

Are we referring to another random poster on cloth as fact? Who is IM and why would RC be arrested and charged if the didn’t want to pursue the charges?

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From Elsa to Ana


Take a deep breath and repeat three times:

I’m sick because I want to keep a moot topic open.

I’m sick because I want to keep a moot topic open.

I’m sick because I want to keep a moot topic open.

Then add- “As long we have a safe place unmonitored by @Moderator_1 to blame victims of a shooting FOR that shooting, we can feel better about our own sorry lives.



Wasn’t horse blankets Lauren was turnout. Primarily horses living on the west coast where horses don’t have pasture. But you do you. Wasn’t trying to derail this thread but your “champion” loves to claim victimhood and I found it curious when she took a controversial stance about dogs. Anyway. My life is full and cool. Don’t need this level of crazy. Just grew tired of the mantra of everyone is mean and a bully and has opinions. Carry on. Good luck. In the end the trial will set you free. Barfing your emotions here won’t.


EXACTLY!!! If RC were smart, she would cooperate with the prosecution and not risk being a huge embarrassment to her proudly touted alumni college. Even her car is painted red and black to relive her years at FSU. I doubt her peers from college would want to do anything besides distance themselves from a woman who helped a man commit murder- (attempted.) Her best bet would be to (for once) tell the truth- and save what’s left of her already tarnished reputation. But, RC only cooperates when MB gives her orders. Listening to MB laugh about it, make fun of her the minute she is out of ear shot did sort of make me feel badly for her. “Ruth! Go get us all pizza!” Rc- “can I? Can I? I will be RIGHT back!! I promise! Pizzas coming up!!” MB- “what a stupid woman! Hahahaha.” The prosecution isn’t dropping the charges against her, I’d bet.

IM must have been confused. Rare. But this thread is pretty ridiculous.

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When RG gets up of MB the officer directs him move to the right side. And then RG gets the dog and goes inside the house while the officer gets MB up. Once MB is handcuffed then the officer turned his attention to LK. By that time another officer had arrived and was told to get the medical bag from the cop car.


That’s exactly what you were trying to do because you’re bitter about my opinion on freakin turnout. Let it go. It’s just my opinion and I believe the turnout thread was a year ago.

That’s a mean thing to say to the victim here. Again.

Well then stop being one.


It’d be pretty pointless to put it in there of it weren’t true. :roll_eyes:



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The trial will set ME free? I didn’t realize I was incarcerated. Also, I’m barfing up your emotions. And others. I’m literally laying in bed, waiting to do night check and watching a movie. But yeah, I’m a total wreck. Total. :rofl:


There isn’t a single part of me that is bitter. Just simply observant. I don’t wield all the emotions you do. Just saw a pattern. And noted it.


Free. Emotionally. Not physically. An end to this.


Another question, when was RG handcuffed?
If he wasn’t, why not?


Who is IM? Why, he’s only been an instrumental part of the building of both the defense and prosecutions case. You read the last thread….try to keep up, it was a hard claim to miss. He was very insightful on a lot of things.


So wait, three bullets, but the gun jammed.
Two shots injured LK, a third went into the window… But I thought bullet three was jammed?


So…… in your opinion, RG was inside the house? Or, inside the house for all that time?

How many seconds do you think, it would take to toss a dog inside a door that was already open and simply close it? Or, is your expert opinion that this move would take 30 minutes? I’m guessing you’ll choose whatever you believe is more sensational. You sound just like that horrid wannabe “journalist,” Nancy Jaffer. Off topic, but, if that woman doesn’t realize people read her distorted and biased articles and laugh hysterically at her spin, she is seriously deluded.

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Didn’t you just cite Nancy Jaffer today as a reliable source?

Why, yes. Yes, you did.


[quote]But I thought bullet three was jammed?[quote]

What??? Who HERE EVER said the gun was definitely jammed? Or, that it was definitely out of bullets?

The COP testified that the gun was out of bullets.

I said I thought it was possible the gun jammed.

Three shots were fired. That means that the gun IN FACT was out of bullets. To us, it would make the same sound. Why would we assume the gun was out of bullets after he just shot 3!!! We assumed it possibly jammed- and possibly got fixed. In that split second, RG restrained the murderer so he couldn’t get another shot off. We’ve been over this ad nauseum.