Barisone News

Law schools, I reckon. All those budding jurists just waiting to be guinea pigged!




Wait - Wouldnā€™t the real first priority be to save the life of a victim, IF that life was in jeopardy? Even if other people get away, or just wander around as they should not because they donā€™t obey an officerā€™s instructions.

BUT - According to this thread, not one but two people did other things BEFORE attending to Person #1, who was down, shot and bleeding, according to what has been posted here.

AND - Sometimes one officer is unable to control everyoneā€™s actions. One officer can only handcuff one person at a time, as far as I know. While the officer is doing that, other people either follow the officerā€™s instructions, or they donā€™t.

Not having enough officer presence to control the actions of all the people present at a crime scene has been a huge and disruptive issue in many other cases. Maybe it is here, as well.

Per the info in this thread:

  • Officer is FIRST occupied securing Person #2, who had been identified as the shooter.

  • Person #3 ignoreā€™s officerā€™s instructions and goes into the house with the dog. Officer canā€™t stop this action because officer is busy securing #2.

If in that moment the officer lets go of Person #2 to pursue #3, now both #2 AND #3 are on the loose. Officer has to catch up with #3 who is already in the house. While doing so #2 would be unattended. No control over anyone.

Clearly the officer chose to remain in control of #2, the identified shooter. Once #2 is secured with handcuffs, the officer can move on to reeling in #3. The officer is only one person.

BUT ā€” Shouldnā€™t the real priority be saving the life of Person #1, shot and laying on the ground? Even if that means Persons #2 and #3 flee the scene altogether. The life matters more.

BUT AGAIN ā€” In that moment, both the officer AND Person #3 did other things BEFORE attending to Person #1. Officer is securing #2. #3 is securing the dog.

Leading me to believe that something about the circumstances of Person #1 must have caused both men to believe that she was not in immediate danger of her life. So, it appeared rational to both of them to attend to next most urgent issue of the moment. Whatever the next most urgent issue was, in each of their minds.

Just a side note! Just speculation! But TWO people on the scene put their priority on things that were of less importance than saving a life, taking action on the next most important thing in each of their minds. No idea what was actually going through all of the heads at the scene, though.


Well I donā€™t typically remember a single posters opinion on a thread from a year ago so maybe you are a bit bitter.

Nothing wrong with emotions. Better to express them and acknowledge them. Women especially have been taught to always suppress our emotions because if we let them out weā€™re ā€œcRaZyā€ or ā€œuNhInGeDā€. Emotions are a good thing and itā€™s really ok to have them.

Nah. You tried to make a cheap shot at me for some weird thing I said about my dog once. Iā€™m not even that mad about it honestly. My dog is pretty freakin cute. If youā€™re going to derail the thread to talk about my dog, honestly Iā€™m cool with itā€¦ heā€™s adorable. Iā€™m happy to discuss all things related to my dog! You just let me know what you want to know!

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If the case went to trial, at that point the truth of the allegations would be argued. But instead, the case was dismissed without any finding at all on the validity of the allegations.

Barisoneā€™s lawyers did not need to establish the truth of any of the allegations they listed in order to file the case.


When did IM ever say anything to support the defense?

I mostly remember him pretty much parroting almost everything LK said. And on the rare occasions he strayed from her story, LK usually chimed in to say he had gotten that part wrong.


If you want pm me. Iā€™m out now. Early riding tomorrow. Tried to message you but your profile is private. I think we are talking past each other. And I wonā€™t further derail this thread.


Case in point.


He did mostly parrotā€¦.but he also tried to claim credible by being a key informant on things to both the prosecution and defense. Iā€™d also like to point outā€¦.I donā€™t think LK ever once corrected him in real time of the wrong information in those posts.

ETA: went back and reviewed IMā€™s post. He was never actually polite and did actually throw around insults in pretty much every post. He just wasnā€™t as over top and direct about it. And no, LK never addressed his inconsistencies at all in previous threads and only attacked his credibility in this thread once his claims started being used against her.


That was my thought, initially. But if youā€™re testing arguments in a mock trial, Iā€™d think itā€™s important to have mock jurors that reflect average jurors. Law students might respond quite differently from the average Joe.


He tried to claim being credible, for sure.

I believe LK did correct him any time he strayed from her party line, but Iā€™m not going to wade through those old threads to dig around in them.


I have nothing to say to you. Iā€™ll just go ahead and assume you were trying to pm me to apologize to me for derailing the thread to make a weird insult about my dog. Itā€™s ok all is forgiven. My memory is not as great as yours and I will not hang onto this for the next year like you.

Also Iā€™m pretty sure you can still PM people who have their profile on private right? I think you just go to messages and then type their name in and you can still message peopleā€¦ I think.

Nope but itā€™s fine. Iā€™m done.


Youā€™re missing the fact that the officer puts his safety first, so secure the alleged shooter (person#2) back up appears, attend to person #1.

Helping person #1 with an active shooter loose equals more injured/dead people.

It is a hard math, indeed.


That would be ideal, but real jurors have real jobs they canā€™t leave for three days to listen to trial trials, where law students get credit to sit there. At least where I was we didā€¦

That sounds harsh the way I wrote it, itā€™s not meant to be, I was trying to be succinct. And I really wanted to write ā€œa trial trialā€

Let me see if I can fix this quote malfunction for you so your responses make senseā€¦

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No, no I did not. I did quote her. I did NOT say ā€œthis, from reliable source, Nancy Jaffer.ā€ It is because you (g) believe she is ā€œreliable,ā€ that I quoted her. I find her repulsive. But, unless you are she, assume I know more about her tactics than you do.

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A long time ago, I was a juror in a mock trial put on at the Vermont Law School. Law students pretending to be both prosecutors and defense.


Wow!!! Turning my quote grey instead of white, helped the quote make so much more sense!!! Why, you must be a genius! Or just a detractor.

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Itā€™s adorable you think I somehow control the background color of the quote.
Just too cute.