Barisone News

[quote] Hmmm….IM was “confused” when he said RC wasn’t testifying for the prosecution [quote]

I don’t believe that’s what IM said. What IM did say was, “I doubt the prosecution would want to go after an 80 yr old (or something) woman at the end stages of her life.” (Paraphrased.)

See? I can state what IM actually meant without adding in complete lies, like you, by simply paraphrasing what it is I believe IM meant.

Also, I do not believe IM mentioned anything about whether or not RC was “testifying,” for anyone- prosecution, or defense.

RC did, IN FACT, make several conflicting statements. I’m positive all of them will be presented before the jury. In at least ONE statement she said things which will beg the question, “if you are/were a medical professional in the field of psychology, how did you not notice you were in the presence of an “insane,” man you’ve known for years? And, why would you bring a gun to an already high tensioned situation & either “lend him your gun,” (one of her first statements) or, fail to recognize your GUN went missing 3 days prior to the shooting, and, if you did realize your GUN was missing, why did you not report it?”

No matter what, RC and her many contradicting statements will prove her a liar and complicit in the shooting.

Personally, I believe she was set up. Two people HATED her and those two people were not us. One hated her more than the other for reasons I can’t disclose……… here. But both of them were overheard saying that “Ruth has nothing to lose, let’s have HER do it,” Not the whole of the statements overheard, but I simply cannot share more here. The platform for that is 48 hrs.


Did someone SAY that?? Or, are you just unable to stop yourself from lying? How does MB still being incarcerated equal “RC is innocent?” Is it math at which you’re terrible? Or, logic? Both? Bad at everything?


… … …


Interesting….that seems to imply that you think there is a confession. I didn’t think we tried people who made confessions. I thought people who made confessions were also generally considered convicted and sentenced almost immediately not over 2 years later, especially since it’d really help the prosecution’s case. Really, she’s made statements, but still no charges for aiding abetting/plotting murder.

But you seem to think she’s not convicted yet.

Oh, by the way, isn’t it unusual for a prosecutor to be unable to turn a co-conspirator against their friends when they have the leverage of sentencing? Especially since it seems like you think there is a confession.

Really, this is all very interesting……


If there had been a confession then LKs civil suit wouldn’t have named John/Jane Does 1 to 10 (or whatever number) in addition to Cox as owner of the firearm, no?


Me, I’m pretty good at logic. You, your just predictable.


I was with you until this.

Should saving a life be priority? Ideally, yes.

But in a real-life traumatic, violent situation, police officers are generally trained to restrain shooters first; even if victims are literally dying right beside them. As cold as thar sounds, the reasoning behind it is that someone who has committed violence may hurt additional people if they aren’t stopped.

As for person 3, people often behave irrationally after traumatic events so even making moving the dog a priority isn’t unusual. But a lot of people really love their dogs like family, so it isn’t that surprising that someone might try to save their dog from being injured or killed (by potentially being shot by police) even if another loved one is badly injured Especially if moving the dog takes only a minute or two.

I think you’re right that initially, it sounds like there was only one officer trying to handle three people - at least one of whom is a shooter and one of whom is shot - and one biting dog. In that situation, things won’t go “by the book.”


I could easily not notice something has been missing for three days. Especially my gun. Since it lives somewhere that I do not check every day to see if it is still there. I have to assume that I am not the only one who does not check to make sure it is still there every day. (It is locked in a safe.)
This lack of checking holds true for so many things in my life. Like, once I put the snow brush into my car I assume it is still in there for when I need it. I don’t go looking every day to make sure it is still there.


Yes, and like others have been saying, this is how officers get killed.
They are trained to secure everyone. Even if that means they stand there holding them until someone else arrives. But one officer could have hand cuffed two people, and then attended to LK.


From your own notes 'did you take your gaurd off RG" officer answer “no”
Somehow in your mind that equates to RG going into the house down a hall, up the stairs to put his dog in a dog crate?
The last line “was he searched” was objected because the hearing was only about MB’s statements not being used in court. However, the fact that the officer never took his guard off RG would dictate that RG didn’t disappear from the scene. The officer couldn’t further respond to questions about RG because the hearing was solely about MB (the one who was indicted for 2 counts of 1st degree attempted murder).
You can twist things anyway you want. It hasn’t stopped you yet. However, the facts are quoted by you, and later twisted by you as well. I’m sure you will be disappointed when the trial comes. You are not objective to any facts that don’t align with… LK provoked the shooting and deserved to be shoot by an upstanding citizen protecting his life or family.
Overlooking that MB brought a gun to their house to confront LK. How can anyone twist that fact? If you need a gun to protect yourself that’s fine. But you can’t go instigate a scene so you can use your gun and claim self defense.


MB may have brought the gun or maybe he did not.

MB may have intentionally fired the gun to kill or maybe he did not.

These things have yet to be determined.

It doesn’t matter if LK says what happened here. On this forum no oaths are taken. Lying carries no criminal penalty here.

One day we will know for sure. Today is not that day.


Are you serious, his barn manager was arrested for illegal transfer of a firearm. The same firearm that was at the scene


Lots of people are arrested but later not convicted. I believe some posters here have been arrested for things but then were not convicted. I remember someone talking about that very thing.


Even if all charges were dropped against everyone…MB still brought RC’s gun to the house. That will never change. Stop trying to be slick! It doesn’t suit you well


There was a gun at the scene and it was fired. Two bullets entered the chest of a woman. There was a third bullet. C’est tout. That is what we know for fact.


That is, as of yet , unproven.


Um… ok. We also know about two weeks after the shooting RC was charged with illegal transfer of a firearm for unlawful purpose. I wonder how long it took to track the gun owner? What we don’t know is how they tracked it. Was it questioning of did they track serial number

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And you know this 100% for sure- “MB still brought RC’s gun to the house”???

Can you show valid proof that the gun was identified as RC’s???


Why else would a North Carolina resident be brought up on gun charges in New Jersey, two weeks after the shooting? I love how everyone loves to connect imaginary dots but has trouble with anything linking MB to a crime