Barisone News

Hand raised! Thats why I asked who IM was, and why we should take his word on anything not involving facts. Random poster making claims that are not public should not be shared as the gospel. You and myself included

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It has also been posted LK came across the gun unattended a few days before the shooting. One can therefore speculate thatā€™s when SHE took possession of the gun.

See how that works?


Hmmā€¦Now who is posting fiction? I didnā€™t say anything about anyone getting shot. I said something about recording devices and litter box pictures.


Iā€™m going to put you on ignore. We literally have a map of events, charges, and how the defense plans on moving forward, and you still think LK or RG had the gun. I just canā€™t banter with you anymore. Not because I donā€™t see eye to eye, but Iā€™m just not impressed with ANYTHING you have to say. Donā€™t take offense to this. I also wouldnā€™t talk physics with a toddler


YOU have a map of how the DEFENSE will proceed? Now, thatā€™s so funny I spewed/spit my espresso laughing so hard! Thanks for that tidbit!


So then yā€™all are a TEAM then with Inigo Montoya and LK et al?

Thatā€™s basically what youā€™re saying.

How unusual for a Prosecutor to utilize a TEAM of people who are not employed by the State. Also unusual is knowing EXACTLY how the Defense will act given in every other criminal trial in the world the Defense modifies based on testimony offered at any given time. Only the PROSECUTIONā€™S strategy revealed.


Excellent point @trubandloki!


I thought you were totally unrelated to this case and had to consult a FB group with the moms of departed working students for your info.

Strange. Your the second random stranger on this thread to go from being a complete outsider to an insider with in-depth knowledge about the caseā€¦

That is just truly odd.


No it doesnā€™t seem like a strategized public relations manipulation by the LK folks at all.


Now why would there be a need for such a thing?


Does LKā€™s entire family post on these threads?

I wonder if USEF/SS are still monitoring these threads and gathering data about posters who, in their opinion, are damaging the reputation of the sport, per IMā€™s post in the other closed thread?


Eggbutt, in the civil case documents that you posted, Barisoneā€™s lawyers made extensive reference a NJ law on the rights of crime victims.
Barisoneā€™s lawyers claimed his rights as a victim (of LKs alleged harassment) had been violated.
Donā€™t you think the victims of the man charged with attempted murder have more rights to information than ā€œwitnessesā€?

Iā€™m fascinated with the puzzle of IMs identity. The one thing heā€™s said fo far that I have trouble believing is that heā€™s not a lawyer.


Letā€™s talk about motive.

What was MBā€™s motive for supposedly attempting to murder LK and RG?

What was MB to gain from this? What would he gain from hiding the bodies?

I think we can rule out that it was an attempt to gain LKā€™s horses, as if LK and RG went missing, it would take years to have them declared legally dead, thus leaving their estates in limbo until such time.


Did IM say he was not a lawyer or that he was not currently a practicing lawyer?

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Motive? Well he could have gone insaneā€¦


The filing regarding civil rights is a civil action. It has little to do with the criminal case or defense strategy IMO. Regardless, the defense has absolutely no obligation to provide any information regarding their trial strategy to the witnesses of the Plaintiff.


In such a statement do note the inclusion of the words ā€œpracticingā€ and ā€œcurrentlyā€ if itā€™s an exact quote of words.


They said a lot of things.
Graduate of Hudson U I guess.

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You obviously donā€™t follow crime stories regularly.


When and where did anyone confess?

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