Barisone News

True but that doesn’t mean Bilinkas was ready to move on either. He is waiting on a report to contest the state Dr

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Speculation: the forming of a theory or conjecture without evidence.

Lie: an intentionally false statement


Now who is making things fit their statements? Bilinkas has said he’ll be ready to go whenever Judge Taylor sets a date! Please get your facts straight.


It’s not possible for you to be more wrong but I completely understand that it gives you comfort to think so.

It’s been stated over and over again ad nauseam that we are seeking the truth as to the events of that day. Not a one of us WANTS MB to be our trainer. That’s what LK wanted.

Not one of us has threatened people to believe their scenario or post things which counters LKs narrative. That’s what LK has done here though.

I ask that you engage in a sound, logical debate absent from insults and name calling. If truly IM has departed because they were unable to debate without name calling and insults well then that says far more about them than about us or the validity of our questions and comments.

How about you?


The defense attorney waiting for a report to contest the state’s report sounds like a lawyer doing their job to me. Weren’t you previously making fun of him for not doing his job? Now he is wrong for doing his job?

You are clearly reading a different thread (threads) than I am. Discussion is happening. Minds made up?

I think you are using the wrong tense of that word. Wants, not wanted. Didn’t IM say that LK is not mad at MB or something like that?


I’ve heard this before. Is LK really that bad? Are you saying that she did something Criminal? Or just hurt your feelings?
If you are just sore about something she said, you should stop using the word threatened


Does it have to be criminal to be bad? Or is that where the line is drawn? If it is not criminal then it is OK?
Blatant lies with big threats seem to fall well above “hurt feelings” level, yet is still below criminal.
It did prove that LK is more than willing to say things that are not true in an attempt to get her way. It was done to more than one person too.
If one is willing to lie to a bunch of random strangers on a internet BB, where else are they willing to lie?


Since you’ve stated an untruth I’m obligated to answer that in her message to me and others she stated she had gotten our identities via a served subpoena and that she would sue me to put a lien on my house and farm and I could bet on that. Shall I post the messages again along with the official statement from COTH that there is no such subpoena?

It’s called harassment and in my jurisdiction is a crime. A misdemeanor but a crime nevertheless.


Sorry not up to speed on this. Through what channel did these messages come, and regarding what? Just very briefly is fine.

Did this all happen on a COTH thread and through COTH messaging? Or is this some other drama?

Sorry to ask if this has already been shared on COTH. This thread I really did read, well most of it, not all the personal remarks. There was a previous thread that became such a lengthy quagmire that I gave up on it months ago. So if it was there then I (& probably others) missed it.

Thx for your time. Your remarks have been cogent and interesting.

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Via the COTH message board. I then posted the 7 or so messages publically and the COTH mod verified there was no such subpoena. Would you like me to send them to you?


So your feelings were hurt. However, the word threatened is very strongly worded with no context. It implies that she did nothing wrong. So let’s be clear, if its not criminal she must have threatened you legally for spreading libelous claims. Just because you repeated something that is non factual doesn’t protect you. Sounds like it might have been warranted.
Unless someone is willing to say LK did something other than that I don’t care. I’ve seen many bold claims on here and only LK know what is a true lie. Be careful what you say


Interesting comment. Let’s see:

What did MB do: 1) try to enforce barn rules 2) relegated LK to the assistant trainer 3) refused to choose LK over his GF.

What did LK do: 1) bugged the barn/house 2)called SS, FEI, USEF on MB threatening his career 3)reported him to building inspector and fire marshal to get him evicted from his home 4)probably called CPS on MHG. And a lot of other things…


Harassment is criminal.

No one committed libel here. Google the definition of libel and learn about it.


Be careful what I say? Interesting.
There is a whole thread here about it and COTH confirmed that LK was lying and the threats had no basis.

Interesting that step 1 is threats.


Seriously? Thats it? Isn’t he in jail for trying to kill two people? Don’t say stupid things.


These similar posters really, really like the term, “be careful what you say” don’t they? Shall we discuss 1st Amendment Rights?




[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:965, topic:766887”]
Harassment is criminal.

Ok that is a serious claim. And now you need to reveal your identity as per forum rules. Should I post it here? @Moderator_1 please explain the rule about making new criminal claim and identify yourself by real name


[quote=“JumpinQueen, post:970, topic:766887, full:true”]


I claimed this long ago. For one.


Darn, JQ and LK are like internet twins. (Not saying they are the same person.)