Barisone News

I believe they may have meant only actions that were done by each party to one another prior to the major event.


well, semantics and the principle of law…I know Sdel gets it right…


Agreed, a successful trainer, educator is also smarter than murdering two people in broad daylight, with CPS on scene, after a protracted, well documented back and forth with the potential victims, including being face to face with LE such that your face and identity is well known to them… such that the finger would immediately point to you. :roll_eyes:


You do realize that I tagged a moderator and sent them messages too. Nothing I wrote was a “threat.” It was you who stated “it was interesting listening to arguments today and learning that comments made by KnightsMom and Cutter99 made it into evidence.” (Paraphrased a bit- but screenshot nonetheless.) Based on your assertions, I then understood this to mean that subpoenas for identities had already been distributed. No court is allowing “testimony,” by a username to “make it into evidence.”

Guess what else? The minute KnightsMom asserted that I - myself stated I own a “matching pink Ruger,” she committed libel. As a purported “lawyer,” she should know this. Oh. My name is Lauren Kanarek. I’m officially stating that KnightsMom committed defamation of character via libelous statements - numerous times. Asserting that I said/wrote/posted/ etc, that I own a Ruger, (false) and that Ruger is a ‘matching pink and black Ruger,” (also false) - she committed civil and criminal acts. Defamation is a serious civil matter. However, asserting that a victim of a shooting MADE CLAIMS OF OWNING THE EXACT MAKE AND MODEL OF THE GUN USED IN THAT SHOOTING - is possibly criminal obstruction of justice, interfering with an investigation, withholding pertinent information from law enforcement officers during an investigation of a crime, making erroneous claims, etc, etc, etc, - and also, HARASSMENT, STALKING, CYBER STALKING, Doxxing, other.

KnightsMom was asked to produce evidence of this post she claimed I MADE- Instead, she posted a post made on Facebook by a random person I do not know. That person may also face legal charges if I choose to pursue them, as she too made libelous statements and pertain to criminality in the same ways KnightsMom s fictitious statements, labeled as “fact,” would also be. Further, all statements made by any poster which assign mental disorders, false claims of “convictions,” & “criminal history/record,” will be dealt with sooner or later by legal action. Did you think I was joking ???


Just for the record. LK was never any type of trainer for MB. She was/is a low level AA at best.


Sure. Threat away.


I do find myself struggling with making sense of an otherwise successful guy using such poor judgment if the given scenario is true. I just don’t get it.


Yep, that’s true! I already have an attorney working on a libel issue now!


@Knights_Mom, I think that is what is so hard to believe for most people.

Let us go 100% with LK’s point that this was all planned ahead, and there are tapes that prove that.
Why would a person of even the most basic intelligence follow thru on murder in the middle of the day with lots of people around as witnesses? This has been asked several times, It just makes no sense.


Never said I was trainer - for anyone. Of course I WAS a lower level AA when I first arrived at MB’s. If my current trainers describe me differently- (which they do) - it’s likely bc they are doing their jobs properly.

FTR- all of MB s working students are lower level AA’s as far as riding skill goes. In fact, one or two of them, who are/were EMPLOYED by MB to help sell horses, ride them to gain a profit on a sale, and be paid to work as barn staff MUST ride in open classes and may not ride as AA’s. Any medals/scores etc, obtained during this time must be stripped from them according to USEF’s rules. The fact MB encouraged his paid employees to cheat and ride as AA’s instead “pro’s,” says everything. That they thought they were above the law (USEF law) also displays the contagious condition encouraged by MB & co to believe they would not be reported bc MB has “contacts,” within USEF. Using said contacts to allow paid employees to ride & compete as AA’s under false pretenses is kind of a big deal. And that is exactly what we are making of it. Thanks!

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Sounds like you disapprove, and yet you weren’t seeking to move somewhere matching your ethics better, where The trainers were “doing their jobs” and improving your skillset.


[quote=“La-LaPopRider, post:996, topic:766887, full:true”]

Oh please @La-LaPopRider, you have attempted to say our identities were known since July because you had them subpoenaed. It is a line of crap and lies, and nothing more, in an attempt to intimidate us into not commenting on this board. Moderator 1 has stated THERE HAVE BERN NO IDENTITIES GIVEN TO ANYONE AS THERE HAVE BEEN NO SUBPOENAS!

Keep trying. Your intimidation tactics do not work here!


They wouldn’t unless they snapped.

As to what qualifies as “snapped” that is to be determined in court.


This is a total tangent question for those who do the dressage thing - The medal system (bronze, etc), is that based totally on scores? Or does division matter? Does it matter if you are a pro or an ammy when getting your medals?


And yet, you stayed even with all the rule breaking.




What an unhappy person. I’ve been wondering, why does LK care so much about what gets posted on this BB? Whatever is said here means nothing. Why does she get herself so worked up? Like she constantly has to repeat her story, as though the court will in some way care about what anyone says here? The only thing the court will care about whatever was said here, is what she says here, because her stories change so much. But there’s nothing here for her, why would she care?


It seems that you are of the most basic intelligence. Where were these “lots of witnesses?” Behind a house, a mile away from the barn, hidden from the road with nothing but farmland around, makes PERFECT sense as a plan to commit 2 murders. Even if we were screaming, there would be NO ONE around to hear it. Are you more clear now?

Doubt it. But, I tried. I’m trying harder not to call you something mean. But you make it difficult. However, I have self control and calling you anything more than a follower would be true, but also pretty mean.

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My comment was not directed at you, but sure I’ll play for a minute. It is not unusual for working students to be lower level riders when they start. If MB’s WS rode as AA’s that is on them, not him, even if he did encourage it, THEY were the ones that did their USEF membership not him. There were clearly so many things that you hated about MB, his staff, the care, and the “dangerous” facility, why did you stay?