Barisone News

So tired of her getting away with calling people nasty names and shaming people. She just never stops. Gosh what stuff.


That farm is all of 52 acres. It is not a mile from the barn to the house. The house is visible from the road. These things are all easily verifiable!


Yet we are the ones who exaggerate!


Screen shot from Google Earth today of the farm. House visible from the road, as well as other homes in the immediate area. Barns that are NOT a mile behind the house.

This ain’t rocket science!


Thank you??

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I’ll play - no, the division does not matter when earning your USDF medals. The scores are from rated USDF/USEF shows, but the scores for the medals are tracked and verifiedUSDF, not USEF, and the medals are issued by USDF.

USEF is the organization that cares about the Open (let’s try to remember in dressage showing there is not a “pro” division, just AA or Open) designation. For purposes of earning medals - the division does not matter.

ETA - though if the rider was not eligible to compete in the division, the scores could be vacated after the fact - thus making the rider “lose” the medal earned by the score.


House …… BARN. Rest is all nothingness of grass and hills. People can draw their own conclusions.

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Street view of house from the road. Huh, I see another house.


Exactly, it is the law that crime victims and witnesses are kept informed.
Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses (N.J.S.A. § 52:4B-36)

The Legislature finds and declares that crime victims and witnesses are entitled to the following rights:

a. To be treated with dignity and compassion by the criminal justice system;

b. To be informed about the criminal justice process;

c. To be free from intimidation, harassment or abuse by any person including the defendant or any other person acting in support of or on behalf of the defendant, due to the involvement of the victim or witness in the criminal justice process;
k. To be advised of case progress and final disposition and to confer with the prosecutor’s representative so that the victim may be kept adequately informed;

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LOL! Funny, I see other houses!


Sadly for you, USDF, must comply with USEF rules, at rated shows, where medal scores can only be attained. If a paid employee is riding as an AA when collecting “remuneration,” and aiding in the sales of horses and participating in videos to sell said horses, that person MUST give up their AA status & every medal score received while riding as an AA to avoid facing fiercer competition.

That’s fact. Otherwise, no one would ride as a “pro,” and everyone would ride as AA. You may not train a horse or rider & accept “remuneration,” but refuse to turn in your AA dancing’ shoes and ride in the division USEF dictates you must. Anyone who does not comply with this rule, is stripped of any scores - including medal & qualifying scores - under USEF law, to which USDF must abide.

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@La-LaPopRider, I know you are so much smarter and more educated than the rest of us here, but basic mathematics and measurement seem to elude you. Google Earth offers a very spiffy measurement feature.

The length of a mile is 5,280 feet. The distance between the house and the barn is 1,471 feet. That would make the distance 0.2786 of a mile, or approximately 1/4 mile.

Picture for reference.


Thanks - but I don’t need your pity. I’m 100% certain that I know more about the USDF and USEF rules and procedures than you do.

I’d point out that I did actually say that if the rider was deemed ineligible for the division the scores may get vacated, but then you’d need to read for comprehension. Long before you “corrected” me.

I was addressing that USEF has nothing to do with the USDF medal system - USEF does not determine the necessary scores for the medals, USEF doesn’t award them and does not determine what qualifications are necessary to earn the medals.

USEF’s influence over the earning of USDF medals is pretty much limited to whether the scores were legitimately and legally earned per USEF rules.


Mkay. So I guess according to you, even at nearly 2000 ft instead of 5000, any naked human eye could see one single thing happening at the house, from the barn. Or, even see the house itself from the barn? Um, no. It has been stated numerous times, there is also a “crest,” on that road to the barn. If it were such a “straightforward,” and “close,” walk, why did every staff member and we - ALWAYS decide driving to the barn from the house was the easier option?

We could hear people shooting all the time at neighboring barns, yet, no one called 911 on them. Or, we’d have seen police cars - from the front the house- driving down the road. Yet, never once did we see that. God, give up already. Your photo only proves our point more vigorously.

By @cutter99 “Who knows why people choose to either walk or ride to and from the barn? Laziness, personal preference.

No one- I mean no one was allowed to “ride,” any horse, beyond the hill of the long driveway. So you can lose that “argument.” Are you saying we were all “lazy,” bc we all drive vehicles to the barn & back? That’s funny.


No, you still cannot do math, but good try. 1471 feet is well less than 2000 feet, let alone 5280 feet, which equals a mile.

Exaggeration or lie- YOU choose what YOU want to call what YOU stated.

Who knows why people choose to either walk or ride to and from the barn? Laziness, personal preference.

ETA- Noted that you edited your post @La-LaPopRider. Go right ahead. It does not change the facts of the truth.


Ah, the plot thickens…
Hired hunters to condition neighbors to ignore shots for when this broad daylight, premeditated, double murder went down, I suppose?


How about you post a virtual Google tour beginning from the barn entrance- to the back porch entrance on the right - if coming from from the barn?? Let’s examine here & now what can and can’t be seen from the barn - to the right back porch entrance? Do IT!

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Sorry @La-LaPopRider, Google doesn’t work that way. It does, however, measure ground correctly by use of satellite. Including crests, hills, mountains, you know things like that.


Huh ?? What in the name of mercy are you even talking about!!! Do you even know?? This should be fun. Next, everyone will assert that I SAID “there were HIRED HUNTERS!” How ridiculous do your posts need to become before even you can recognize how ridiculous you sound? “Hired hunters???” What. The. Hell.

