Barisone News


I see. Bc you drew a straight line, that must mean no one else can clearly see the right turn & left turn from the barn driveway, any driver or person walking would have to make, before even starting down the long, long driveway. I actually like your picture better than with with my circled areas. I’m still unclear as to what point you are trying so desperately to make?

Virtual tour, or give up. Anyone with eyeballs can see there is nothing around for miles here. You cannot see the back porch from the street. Perhaps someone was hiding in a tree? Is that what you are asserting, MB fan girl?

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Thank you @rothmpp for explaining the medal program for me.

Thank you @cutter99 for the google shots. The way it had been described I thought there was nothing near the barn property for miles.


Damn, I thought I was out of shape, but -whew- thinking this is “far” certainly resets the bar.
I guess everyone riding, boarding and working there was deaf too?


I have to say though I can see why they drove back and forth. I would have wanted the barn far closer to the house were this my place. But that’s me.


Google does “work that way.” That’s not debatable. I use it all the time.

Here, not a virtual tour, (that’s YOUR job) but more accurate than that misleading “straight line.” Those little green straight lines next to the drive path are TREES! Big ones! And all that grass I badly colored in was usually quite high - as it was needed for hay bailing. Wait!!! Do you have X ray vision!!! :thinking:

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Let’s make this simple for you. You said the barn is a mile from the house. It is not. It is slightly over a 1/4 mile from the house to the barn.

What do you not understand?

I know third graders who grasp the concept that 5,280 feet = 1mile.

So you take 1,471 feet and divide that number by 5,280. That equals 0.2786 of a mile, which means the distance from the house to the barn is a little over 1/4 mile, which is a quarter or 25% of a mile. Even with your turns to get to the barn, that puts you no where near a mile.

Exaggeration or lie- you choose!


At last, we agree on something!

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I think this got glossed over in the ensuing posting war, but…

I believe the previous poster meant that LK was relegated to working with the assistant trainer. Not becoming the assistant trainer.

Someone will correct me if I’m wrong. No doubt. Lol.


Not exactly but I know you want to bond with me.

It’s too far to walk all the time. I can’t tell what the visuals are IRL.


Ah ok. Now this makes sense given the previous dig about them.


Hmmmm, interesting! I thought you can’t see the house from anywhere. But this was taken from the neighbors!


I choose …… you do both! Even a quarter mile full of rocks, turns, hills, dirt, trees, bushes etc… can easily FEEL like a mile when you’re walking it. Also, it was another poster who first said it was “a mile.” Perhaps, that poster had the same experience walking it as everyone else did. The walk was not on cement. And it was not pleasant. If it were, like I’ll say again, we ALL would’ve walked everyday. Instead, we ALL drove. Including Barisone & co - when they eventually moved into the house. (In late April 2019.)

Your photo proves MY point. Not yours. Sorry. (Not really, sorry.)


Yeah, a neighbor who walked to the scene to get a better look. And even here, you STILL CANNOT SEE the back porch. Next?

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Please circle the entrance to the porch door which lead to the laundry room. Oh wait, there is a giant tree and the angle even from the road will not show the opposite side door where WE entered to get upstairs to our apartment. You are looking at the SIDE of the house. Also, a “neighbor,” (even if “next door,”) can easily be shown in your own picture as far, far away. Keep trying though!!! You probably onto something! Take that route! Though, I wouldn’t recommend walking it.

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I’m as guilty as others of being unable to look away from the current trainwreck.

People - we can all plainly see that there are plenty of houses near the house at the farm. We can all understand what google earth is showing. If LaLa wants to continue to insist that:

Bolded mine.

let her insist that there is nothing around. We know what the google image shows.

And I think we can all acknowledge that you cannot see the back porch from the street. That appears to be true.

Let’s let this go and get back to more productive discussion…



See that huge area of “house?” Well, I think you know very well that is where the stairs leading to the basement are located. The actual area there IS the basement. Therefore, blocking all view from where the shooting ACTUALLY took place. Try again!

I just can’t wrap my head around how this could possibly be so completely devastating to the people who received these messages - did you all really take them seriously and actually believe that she could do this? I would have laughed, deleted, and moved on with my life the minute I saw a message like that.


And I suspect you’ve threatened everyone you believe has done this, right? Of course the ammy rules are changing soon!


But yet the neighbor states right here he could hear the noises from his driveway, so it must not be that far away. Right @La-LaPopRider??? He lives in the nursery “right next door”. His words, not mine.