Barisone News

If MB is an individual that plans and has some form of intelligence, I can’t understand why he would murder people this way. What kind of planner goes there in broad daylight, with just 3 bullets in a gun, and just shoots at people outside of a house. If they were really plotting the demise of LK and RG, one would think they’d have come up with a better plan.

Or is the stupidity that strong? It’s just hard to believe it was plotted and ended up so…sloppy. I mean, I don’t know all of the details, but just from my outsider point of view.

I mean, maybe that’s really what he planned and how it went down. If that’s how it really did, then fair enough. Just…odd, that’s all.


Mkay…just another example of your exaggeration of facts.


Give it up. You folks let nothing slide. Get back to the topic. I’m not the topic.


Nor from the barn. OR any other “house.” What you call a house - we would call a shed, storage area, unused barn, …. Etc. What you call “nearby,” we wouldn’t disagree. Just not “nearby,” enough- or a view unobstructed enough, for any “neighbor,” to have a view of any sort, of anything Michael did that day. I suppose, there will be TONS of eyewitnesses who watched what he did …… if you think they exist. We shouldn’t even have purchased cameras I guess, since we could’ve just asked any “neighbor,” to please keep an eye on our apartment entrance when we are away. They being SO “close by,” and all. :roll_eyes:

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Or we can wait for the trial and see the professional charts both the prosecution and defense display. Mkay?


No one said it was a “good plan.” Just that it was, in fact, planned.

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Cameras are useless if they don’t work. Or did they?


JQ’s shift must be over and Lala came to work. Who will take 3rd shift I wonder?


Lots of things of which you are unaware?? Absolutely.

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Ana: :lion: :snowflake:


Especially with Child Protective Services right there. On the property. At that moment.

I wonder how that fit into the “plan.”


And the inspectors or other officials coming back later in the day.

That would be like the worst plan ever.

Flip Side: Jails aren’t filled with the smartest planners either.


Whoever you call/dm/text (whatever) to come and cover you when you are called out repeatedly & decide to “go to bed/a party/tend to the mules/ “muck stalls” (riiiight) or anything else you can claim to you must be doing, to avoid battling your own battles. “Ta-ta!”

[quote=“cutter99, post:1004, topic:766887, full:true”]

I just don’t get this obsession with real life identities. Who cares? I mean who really cares? Sure I have commented that X poster sure sounds like Y poster but I don’t scrounge around trying to ID anyone via bully tactics! I’ve got several friends (although someone on this forum says I have no friends), true friends on this forum that I’ve known for YEARS, in 4 cases over 10 years, yet I don’t know who they are IRL and don’t care! Perhaps most of us are secure enough in our lives to not be so paranoid or threatening.


Once again, my full post:
Or we can wait for the trial and see the professional charts both the prosecution and defense display. Mkay?

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But I doubt the jails are filled with too many people who have gotten to the Olympics with horses. I’m sure it’s hard enough to get to the Olympics in any sport.

But to get there with anything involving a horse? That requires a combination of talent/brains/drive/planning ability that would probably outdo the entire crew in Ocean’s Eleven.


:rofl: :rofl:

The reality is I actually HAVE a life that is productive and full.

Mkay? I never realized how fun that annoying, condescending tiny word is to use until Lala began using it! What a cute word.


I never suggested that the houses were in view of the back porch. Not once. It’s your propensity to exaggerate that makes some posters here question things that you said. You had doubled down on the claim that there was “nothing” around for miles. That has been clearly shown to be untrue / exaggerated. That naturally leads some to ask, “If she exaggerates this minor detail, what else is she exaggerating?”

I don’t remember a single poster here claiming that there were eyewitnesses to the events of the back porch events of that afternoon other than you, RG, & MB. There have been questions asked about the video that has been alluded to, but it absolutely makes sense to me that any video or audio that was captured that afternoon would not be released to the public prior to any of the trials.

I’ve never asked once about any recordings. I may have made comments about whether anything that was recorded is admissible. Different states have different standards for eavesdropping - some are single party consent, some are all party consent, and there are also different standards for what is considered public space where a party does not have the expectation of privacy. That’s it.


I find it funny that there was supposedly no one around for MILES. It’s not like this occurred in the middle of the Pine Barrens. There is a cute house across the street.


I 10000% agree. Clearly the man worked his ass off, and I’m assuming studied his craft and made the necessary sacrifices and correct networking and decisions.

Which again begs questioning WTF happened here?!