Barisone News
nice shots of the barn, few of the house


Ainā€™t that the truth (the flipside). Mightā€™ve been a planner, but not a very good one.


If CPS was there, and I was on the porch all morning and early afternoon- the question IS, why did they not stop at the house? The house is the very first dwelling you see and would need to DRIVE PAST at the address of 411 West Mill rd. How, I wonder, would CPS know there was even a barn way down that very long driveway. If CPS was there/came to the property that day ā€¦ā€¦. How would they know to go straight to the barn?? Someone had to have directed them not to stop at the actual house. Butā€¦ā€¦. How would that someone know CPS was on its way. Tip off? CPS typically doesnā€™t give prior warning to their arrival. They want to see whatā€™s going on before the party they came to investigate has time to make the situation look more suitable for minors. Or, have time to ensure any minors stick with a possible story concocted by adults.

I have no idea if CPS was really there that day. I do know, IF they were there, they did not stop at the house. This makes zero sense. Unless ā€¦ā€¦ tip off to MB. But by whom, I wonder? Not one person I know who has had a visit by CPS received a tip off as to when exactly they were coming. More shadeā€¦ā€¦ and then some.

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Beautiful place. Must have been an awesome experience in good times.




the absence of interior pics leads me to believe the inside was a nightmare for this price range.


Serious question for @eggbutt, @Knights_Mom, @Sdel, @Angela_Freda, and the rest of you all playing this same game right now.

If your goal truly is to just discuss the case and discuss @La-LaPopRiderā€™s ā€œhistoryā€ and pick apart her storyā€¦ have you guys ever considered making a private pm thread where you guys can throw out whatever speculations you want and you can make it whatever personal commentary you want without hurting anyone? This way you wouldnā€™t be attacking her in public and you wouldnā€™t be antagonizing her like this.

My fear is that you guys like to fight with LLPR for sport and itā€™s not really about the case itself. But if Iā€™m wrong, and you all truly want to just discuss the case in peace, why not do in in private so youā€™re not blasting someoneā€™s life in public? You guys could pm each other, exchange emails, make a fb group, thereā€™s so many better options than to keep doing this.


I agree. There are multiple possibilities as to exactly why interior pictures werenā€™t included including: outdated, many small rooms due to dividing the place up, police tape, damage, water stains, ugly paint colors, etc.


This I do NOT believe and never will. Itā€™s easy to make this claim knowing the CPS report will never see the light of day. But you said it, how would they have known where MHG was unless they stopped at the house first?


Oh, I also forgot that MHG was apparently the driving force behind this all.


Someone told them exactly where to go is my guess.


And wouldnā€™t the recording devices capture everything CPS said? I am assuming there was surveillance in the lounge.


If you go back and look at the overall tenor of the thread, I thought his level of rudeness and insults rose and fell with the tide. The tide being the general level of rudeness and insults being bandied about in the thread. To posters who responded to him politely, or at least civilly. like cantering carrot, he was respectful.

Are you saying that Eggbutt and KM were unfailingly respectful and civil to him? What do you expect?


He and I had several cordial, respectful exchanges. I respect him. I think he has been misled and blinded by love and obligation.

In fact one of his first posts in the last thread, #2177, was polite, informative and well thought out. My response to him, #2220, said as much. He did snap at a few posters but given his position (my assumption) I can completely understand his frustration. I honestly believe he learned some things here he was not aware of. He actually willingly gave information others had been questioning, such as the lawyers working out when LK would be moving out.

He did seem to become very agitated at the mention of MHG and vowed she would never make an Olympic team.


I think LK or IM or someone named the locations. If I remember right it was: LKs locker, back porch, hallway to the LK apt and one other place. If Iā€™m wrong someone correct me please.


He insulted multiple legal professionals on this forum.


mostly damage I would think.

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Probably. The porch looked lovely in that first photo.


Seems obvious.
If I was making a report, it might include that the kids were living -horrors in a barn!
I might even make it more dramatic by saying the house had been deemed uninhabitable.


Didnā€™t he say straight out that his purpose in posting here was to counter and call out lies told about LK? I frankly pegged him as a high priced lawyer who would would not waste his time here if he didnā€™t have a clear purpose. If heā€™s not a high priced lawyer, heā€™s still someone whose time is valuable.