Barisone News



I didn’t say you got the name of the referent. I said you got the statement of the complaint. By law CPS does have to tell you what you are accused of. Usually you can do the math and figure out the referent….especially if they are mandatory type reporters. A complaint involving a domestic violence it isn’t particularly hard to figure out if it was the police. Neither are referrals made by doctors or school teacher particularly mysterious and cryptic.


There have been several posts over the past few weeks suggesting MHG might be charged with something, be in some sort of trouble, or “ruined”. What would she be charged with?


I see. Here we have to redact everything that might in anyway identify the referent. Takes forever! The worker tells the person why they’re there and then after the case is closed they get a letter stating the outcome, but not the actual case notes. A lot of time they are subpoenaed for court, but we may or may not fight it.


So, in NJ the person or entity reporting abuse to CPS, even fraudulently, is not provided? Is that why some can so confidently declare they didn’t contact or cause CPS to come to the property?
That doesn’t seem right or fair, especially if the charge is determined to be bogus or frivolous.


I’m not in NJ, but here DCS can charge people who call in bogus reports. I don’t think they do though because our attorneys are so busy taking care of court cases and I don’t think the state wants to spend the money to pursue them.


True, but the state has to spend the money and time to investigate! Crazy. No accountability for some.


Exactly. It’s a pretty big mess here. There is a state legislator here who wants to open up the referent information but I don’t know if it will go anywhere. There are two schools of thought on this. 1. If referents are identified nobody will report (even though reporting is mandatory by law here); and 2. If referents are identified that will stop bogus reporting and clean up the system.


Another article. This one says Heymer checked Barisone for weapons and didn’t find any. It is strange he didn’t find the full clip the second cop said he found in Barisone’s pocket.


LK commented yesterday that she believes MB made 911 calls to time response time to the farm so he could prepare his murder plans. Did the cops all run 10-39 or 10-40 traffic so MB could accurately calculate emergency traffic? If all the 911 calls were planning for the murder, what was the reason for showing up at the PD to speak with higher ups or the Chief?


Maybe there was an inconsistency in response time, so MB was going to complain to the chief about it! I mean if you’re going to all this trouble to plan this, the least the police can do is be consistent so the plot does not get thrown off due to the police arriving quicker than they should!


:rofl: :joy: Such paranoid nonsense. Plan it all out perfectly but forget to load the gun!


Right??? You’d think someone who can get horses ready for the Olympics, move horses regularly up and down the East coast, import horses, operate two farms, etc., just might be better prepared!


Interesting contrast…


Well it is somewhat comforting to know we aren’t the only ones pushing “fake news” and it’s not just on COTH!

So many thinking “self defense” from the beginning!


That was a COTH Facebook article comment. So, related I guess.


Look at the dates on the FB post. LK replied to this woman ONE YEAR LATER? It is apparent LK searches out information about herself. That’s kinda sad.


In fairness, if the comment was around the same time of year that the screen shoot was taken only in a previous year, it could have only been a matter of a days or less between the comment and reply … the “1 year” could actually be “1 year and 364 days”.

Which doesn’t mean that certain individuals in this saga don’t display, um …. “interesting” behavior … but the Facebook counter can be misleading.


It just doesn’t add up to me (which doesn’t mean it’s not possible) how the planning with the 911 calls would’ve been so detailed oriented and methodical in order to estimate response times, yet the actual (attempted) murder was so…sloppy. Interested to see if and how this will be proven in court.


I missed this can you elaborate?