Barisone News

I would think if you one is smart enough to plan a murder to the point of timing 911 calls they would be smart enough to not do it in the middle of the day because actually physically seeing the murder is not the only down side of the middle of the day (because we have now been taught that no one can see where the incident took place, from anywhere). Stuff like, people saw MB head from the barn to the house and then there was the sound of shooting counts as something that would happen if you attempted to murder someone in the middle of the day, versus late evening or early morning when there are no people at the barn to know that MB heads to the house.
With the house not able to have occupants why not set it up so that the people you want dead die from something like carbon monoxide poisoning while they sleep, in the house they are not supposed to be living in. Now, that is planning. Olympic level planning. Getting someone else to call the inspector to make it look like he moved his family out because of that, not as part of the murder plan.


From various IM posts in the ā€œUpdated Barisoneā€¦ā€ thread. The first two I found interesting as I searched for the one in question.


Nov 11

Obviously, I can read whatever LK has put on FB but Iā€™m not interested in that cause itā€™s irrelevant to the matter. I am aware that the girlfriend complained to SafeSport about all LKā€™s harassing FB posts and they read them and basically told LKā€¦uhā€¦ you really should stop posting on social media. They were not impressed.

The shooting took place on 8/7 at around 2pm. The police had 6 hours of daylight to do evidence gatheringā€¦ but there was still police tape when RG and JK returned a few days later. The owners of the property also wanted entry to start cleaning up the placeā€¦broken glass, etc.
Both parties called the police and were told the work was done there (it had been a few days) and were give permission to do whatever they needed to do.

ā€¢ And when lawyers did get involved (amicably and professionally) and MBā€™s lawyer sent LK a letter saying you need to leave by xx/xx/xxxx, MB, for whatever reason. decided he had to kill LK and RG even before the date his own lawyer had asked them to move.

As I read through his posts, one thing stuck out to me - almost every time he references MHG, he calls her the ā€œmuch younger girlfriendā€. He is very focused on the age difference between MB and MHG. Funny how age effects some people.


I am repeatedly struck by the apparent obsession with MHG and further obsession with MBā€™s acquiescence of her wishes.

If I was renting or boarding somewhere and one partner of a couple wanted me gone and their partner supported their wish, I would not even consider pitting them against one another or belittling the nature of their relationship hoping for some forced power play.


Hmm. I wonder where he could have gotten that mindset?


How I wish emotions had cooled before ridiculous actions were taken and people hurt.

Perhaps at best, somewhere in the tragedy and mess, there are lessons for us all. A script of what not to do.


Yeah, that doesnā€™t compute

(and only 3 bullets in the gun)


Seems to be saying LK was asked to leave. Something LK has repeatedly, vehemently, denied had ever happened at all. And then tried to insist that because eviction paperwork had not been publicly filed that was the proof that sheā€™d never been asked to leave.

I think you have to seriously ponder the implications of what it means to have someone who doesnā€™t think theyā€™ve been asked to leave until they are being evicted has on what they are saying happened on that farm: both at the time of the shooting and at any point before.


Good point.


Riding better than other women on the property? Having beauty and brains and talent? Having a boyfriend who can help her wtih her olympic aspirations? Wanting the squatters out of her house so she can fix it up and move back in? Talking to her partner about how to evict them? Wanting toxic people off her property? Sheā€™s a real criminal, that one.


The process for eviction requires verbal or written notice giving x amount of time - in my state 30 days. Once that time has expired, if the ā€œtenantā€ is still there, THEN the eviction papers can be filed in court. Eviction papers cannot be filed until this warning notice/request has been done and that given time expired.

*By tenant I mean occupant as in any person who has physically stayed in a place in excess of 30 days whether their presence be legal or illegal.


It is good to go back to the previous thread and read IMā€™s posts. He shows a fondness for MB and even attempts to explain his sarcastic personality. It is clear he is very passionate and believes what heā€™s been told as well as the truth of his participation as he recalls it. It is also very clear that their target was MHG and not MB and it is odd he doesnā€™t recognize that their relationship was none of their business whatsoever.


Maybe because apples donā€™t fall far from trees!


Itā€™s a sense of entitlement, arrogance and inability to comprehend social order and private relationships. Itā€™s an ingrained need to control everything.

As a minor example, LK recently purchased a home ā€œten minutesā€ from the facility she boards her horses. Iā€™m sure she pays a pretty penny at this facility for the care she expects and demands and deserves. Yet, she also rents an apartment at the facility so she can do her own night check and blanketing needs. Is that control or obsession? IDK.


Itā€™s called good horse care. Why are you so obsessed with LK? Seriously, is there a reason?


Ok, so Iā€™ve read all the various threads since this tragedy happened. Iā€™m not new to the COTH, but my username is new because I forgot my other one and didnā€™t have access to my old email. :grin: Not that anyone cares.

Intro finished, @eggbutt why are you so interested in LKā€™s current living and training arrangements? It, literally, does not have any effect on your life. I understand that you have a history with LK, but this really does head into creepy territory after a while.

I think there are many layers to all of this and it is an interesting discussion surrounding our judicial process. The insults and name calling on both sides are truly childish. And there is a ton of irrelevant and misinformation on these threads, along with natural speculation. We need to be careful of taking any of this as ā€œfactā€ and causing damage to peopleā€™s personal and professional reputations.

We also need to be aware of the fact that we have traumatized people on this forum. LK, certainly, has been traumatized (whatever her involvement in events leading up to the incident may or may not have been). Also, even though we are not aware of their presence here, MHG may be reading this, her children may also be reading it. Along with people who care for MB. Letā€™s not add to the heaviness of their traumatic experience.


They wonā€™t because their goal is clearly to drive LK to the point she acts out and they can say ā€œsee sheā€™s a crazy b!ā€.

I seriously do not get the obsession. These posters obviously have some sort of personal vendetta.

They can spew all the hate they want, weeks before Christmas too, but at the end of the day their little hero they worship wonā€™t be walking out of that jail. Their personalities and nasty true selves are out here for everyone to see too.

Hell, he doesnā€™t even want to leave jail! He knows what he did and so do they but they wonā€™t ever admit their hero acted like a huge POS that day will they.


Thank you for reposting these statements by IM, all of which I find believable, and useful in making sense of what happened.

The key one is #2477. This dovetails with the detailed timeline of events provided by Barisoneā€™s lawyers in the dismissed civil case. IIRC, Barisone stated that the demand to vacate had been made the day he gave the speech in the police station. That would have been Aug 5, I think.

Since the civil lawsuit was drafted by Barisoneā€™s lawyers, it seems safe to assume that if there was a demand to vacate made prior to Aug 5, it would have been noted in the timeline.

So I conclude that the first formal demand to vacate was made on Aug 5. However, according to KM, a demand to vacate could not specify a move out date prior to Sept 5, 2019.

IM has said that lawyers for both sides were working on an agreement on LK moving out. If the date for them to vacate was Sept 5 or later, there would be no need for negotiations - Barisone or his lawyers could demand they vacate on Sept 5 (or later) unilaterally.

So I conclude that the lawyers for both sides had negotiated an agreement that LK move out prior to Sept 5, perhaps Aug 15 or Aug 21. Such a date would be sooner than she would have left for Wellington in the absence of all the mega drama, but would give her a couple of weeks to find a suitable place for herself and her horses.

The major question, to a lot of people, is why LK did not leave (prior to Aug 7) given all the tension. I think this scenario goes a long way to answering that question. When things got bad, she apparently negotiated with Barisone to leave well before she otherwise would have, and probably sooner than the 30 days notice that she could have insisted on. If, as IM has stated, she had agreed through her lawyers to leave by Aug 21, for example, why would she flee in a panic on Aug 6?

IM has also stated that lawyers for Sweetgrass acknowledged that they owed RG for the renovations, which raised the question of why Sweetgrass would acknowledge the debt, given that RG was an unlicensed contractor and not in a good position should they, or Barisone, refuse to pay. If lawyers for all parties, including Sweetgrass, were negotiating to get them to leave prior to the 30 days, and the unpaid renovations was sticking point, SGF acknowledging the debt could have been part of the negotiation.

This is speculation, of course, but I think it fits with everything both IM and Barisoneā€™s civil lawyers have said.

IMs post # 2287 also addresses the controversy about RG and JK supposedly ā€œcrossing police tapeā€ to enter the house ā€œthe next dayā€. According to MHGs 911 call the next day. RG and JK were at the barn to check on and care for the horses. According to IM, it was several days later, after police had granted permission, that RG and/or JK entered the house to collect personal items.

Thanks again for reposting those posts, Eggbutt.


My reason for posting here is truly no oneā€™s business, just as itā€™s no oneā€™s concern why any other person posts here. As far as continuing to respond, LK and her friends continue to provoke, antagonize, threaten and name call other posters who are simply having a conversation, just as LK converses on other threads such as the SS thread. Most of the posters here, myself included, have tried hard to remain respectful even after being attacked. We attempt to ignore the childish junior high posts and move on. Comments that LK herself posts, such as MB calling 911 simply to gauge their response time are so ludicrous they demand push back by intelligent readers. Perhaps if some posters calmed down and stopped their childish attacks the threads would die on their own. It really is LK who feeds them but you canā€™t admit it. No one here has emphatically stated MB is innocent and will be acquitted. But, there are too many glaring holes in the story we are told to simply swallow that version and go off for tea and crumpets. Sorry if discussion of this offends you. Maybe you(g) can move over to the MacDonald thread and defend them from whatever ā€œattacksā€ are made there.


Iā€™m not questioning your right to post here or anywhere else. Iā€™m simply wondering about the level of obsession you have with LKā€™S current whereabouts and training relationships. Itā€™s really abnormal.


Unless there was a previous verbal request to vacate which could, in theory, cause the date to be earlier. When/If a petition to vacate is filed in court (at that time, Covid changed it) it specifically asks how notice was given. If ā€˜verbalā€™ is chosen the date is required. If ā€˜writtenā€™ is chosen, a copy which reads the date to vacate is included in the filing. It is possible both were done, so donā€™t make Sept 5 vacate date an absolute.