Barisone News

What? Where have I been obsessed about her whereabouts and training relationships. I posted paraphrasing from her own posts how controlling her personality is.


:slight_smile: Your post from earlier today along with your general behavior throughout the threads. Why do you care if she is a control freak about her horses (not saying that she is)? Why do you care if she rents an apartment or lives in her house, which I understand was needing remodeling?

ETA: Iā€™m not talking about your obvious dislike of Lauren, you have the absolute right to your feelings.


If youā€™ve read the threads you will see I am no more or less ā€œantagonisticā€ toward Lala than several others, but I get the honor of being the so called president of the murderers club or whatever she called it because SHE has a vendetta with ME. Itā€™s all good. I can take the heat and follow COTH rules :grinning:


The last thing Iā€™m about to do is rag on someone that is practicing good horse care. So what if she wants to do a night check? So what if she does the blanketing (I do this too)? My horse is on full board but Iā€™m still there every day and do little extras. Weā€™re all horse obsessed in some way.

An apartment at the stable when I live 10 minutes away isnā€™t necessary for me at all, but if it is for her then :woman_shrugging:


Oh, that part is true. And Iā€™m not asking out that. You seem to be the only one that is really hanging on, after 2 plus years, to your interest in where she is living and what she is doing. Hence my curiosity being directed at you.

I am aware that there was intense scrutiny early in the threads from most participants over the topic of medals, her competition history, riding ability, etc.


I donā€™t care where she lives as long as it isnā€™t on any property I own :smile:

And, no, I will not provide you with a list of the current posters who have been posting on the various threads for over two years. Simply by reading the threads will provide you with familiar names.


Lol Iā€™m not sure why you are being so caustic with me. Iā€™m being polite. However, since you are deflecting and, basically, refusing to answer my questionā€¦Iā€™ll let it go and I will make my own assumptions based on my knowledge of the situation.


I donā€™t remember it that way at all.

There may have been a few people who went down that rabbit hole. But I think ā€œmost participantsā€ were interested in the events leading up to that day, and trying to figure out how such a crazy thing could have happened. Which is still the case to this day.


:slight_smile: Perhaps it just seemed like most participants because they were the most vocal. I didnā€™t make a spreadsheet!


Caustic? How? Iā€™ve answered your questions as far as Iā€™m going to.

Perhaps I also represent ā€œothersā€ who donā€™t actually post, or perhaps this is my guilty pleasure, but again, why I post is no oneā€™s concern. As Lala would say, it will all come out later.


I agree with some of this. Does anyone really worship MB though? You really think so?

Also, I donā€™t get what Christmas has to do with it but itā€™s sort of funny to me. Not necessarily in this context but not everyone celebrates Christmas or gives a fig. Itā€™s just interesting when someone goes ā€œand x days/weeks before Christmas!ā€ And ā€œx days/weeks after Christmas!ā€ Like if I park somewhere and my meter runs outā€¦ā€œhow can you give me a ticket, itā€™s weeks before Christmas!ā€ ā€œHow can anyone criticize me, itā€™s weeks before Christmas!ā€ OK, sort of a tangent, I know, just thought it was an odd thing to say. :sweat_smile:

As for MB staying in jail. If thatā€™s where he belongs (and it looks so), then so be it. I, personally, donā€™t expect him to just walk out freely.


:wink: Again, Iā€™m not questioning your right or reason for posting. Itā€™s a public forum. :woman_shrugging:t2:

If you do ā€œrepresent othersā€, please make sure your posts reflect their best interests and not your own ā€œguilty pleasureā€. Itā€™s a complicated legal world out there.


And here we go again. Iā€™m done.

For the life of me it would be so nice to have a sarcasm emoji since so many canā€™t grasp the concept.


Enter the Dragon
I mean, building inspector.


Eggbutt, Iā€™m not attacking you. I was curious why you follow Lauren so closely. You donā€™t want to answer, cool. Whatever.


My point was that according to Barisoneā€™s own lawyers, there is no mention of a demand or request to vacate, either written or oral, prior to the specific mention of a demand to vacate given on Aug 5.

My inference is that if there had been any request or demand to vacate issued (orally or in writing) prior to Aug 5, Barisoneā€™s lawyers would have mentioned it in their extensive timeline.

My interpretation is that neither Barisone nor his lawyers made a vacate demand or request, verbally or in writing, prior to Aug 5.

If you want to believe that a verbal demand was made on July 1 that they vacate by Aug 1, and Barisoneā€™s lawyers did not follow that up with filing eviction papers or make note of the earlier demand to vacate in the civil suit, thatā€™s cool.


If MB deserves jail is still a matter of contension as his trial has not happened yet.

as to barn apartments, I see your horse care and raise you a nightmare boarder.

Where LK resides is of little consequence for us, only to the person who has legal dealings with her and is trying to get her served with papers.


Iā€™m neither suggesting nor inferring anything. Iā€™m just explaining how these things work for accuracyā€™s sake. I personally donā€™t care if notice was given Aug 5 or any other date. And certainly if MBs attorneys said that it was Aug 5 then itā€™s most likely that is the relevant date.

I just want to include all possible information and detail. Nothing more. No bias, just info like I would have given a caller were I working still.


I donā€™t follow HER, I follow MB because I am interested in how a man at the top of his career and life got so sucked in to this disaster. If you notice, have I ever titled a thread anything about Kanarek? Nope, itā€™s all about MB, interest in his defense, common friends, concern for the truth to actually be revealed in the trial. Period. LK is simply the instigator IMO on these threads.


:smirk: Iā€™m pretty sure Michael isnā€™t posting Laurenā€™s living arrangements or anything else.

I agree with you 100% that the truth, whatever it is, should come out in trial.