Barisone News

You revealed details that she had purchased a home 10 minutes from where she boards her horses, and, in addition rents an apartment at the facility so that she can do her own night check and blanketing. Where has she posted that she rents an apartment at the boarding facility?

It seems odd to me, as well as Anna, that you would know this. Beyond knowing these details, you used the info as evidence that she is ā€œcontrollingā€ and ā€œobsessiveā€.

I would take it as evidence that she is rich! As my screen name suggests, Iā€™m not currently in a financial position to own or board a horse (also donā€™t own a house). But if I were rich enough to board 3 or 4 horses at a top facility, buy a house nearby AND rent a pied a terre at the facility itself, that to me would be horse girl heaven.


Hmmmmā€¦.interesting profile. Any relationship to this thread?


I donā€™t understand what you are missingā€¦Lauren has posted her living arrangements! I just mentioned it by repeating her post as an example of how controlling she isā€¦that is neither good nor badā€¦just involved in everything. Dang.


Well, when you have expensive horses, it can make one slightly controlling. I bought my house because it was 5 minutes from the barn. I used to live on the farm property - I rented a room there while I was in grad school. Iā€™m there every day, two-three times a day. I donā€™t see anything out of the ordinary in wanting to be close to your horses and tending to their care.

The barn owner and I have a fantastic relationship - no one has been asked to leave or shot. When the relationship is functional, a hands-on setup is great. When itā€™s not functionalā€¦wellā€¦


Or is it a foot in the door?


I canā€™t say I blame someone for wanting to rent an apartment where their horses are, even if they have a house close by. If I was independently wealthy I might do the same.

However, LK comes across as an obnoxious nightmare in her social media posts, so if her real life personality is at all similar I donā€™t think Iā€™d be wanting to do business with her if I were a trainer, no matter how nice her horses are and how much money she has to spend on horsey things.

(Which of course doesnā€™t mean that MB is innocent. Itā€™s entirely possible there is no ā€œgood guyā€ here)


She actually did post this in a non MB thread a week or so ago.


I think theyā€™re maybe trying to (poorly) demonstrate what theyā€™d like everyone convinced youā€™re doing?

Its kinda silly, in a childish way, to tell you to stop obsessingā€¦while they, themselves, obsess. :joy:. But hey, its a slow news dayā€¦


Projection, heal thyself.


Or they are renovating the houseā€¦


Iā€™d compare it a bit to the whole NP drama llamaā€¦
Certain characters in general, but in our ā€œhobby/industryā€ in particular, it might pay to keep an ā€œeyeā€ on, know where they are haunting, so one can avoid them. :wink:

If they make it easy by sharing every move they make on SM, wellā€¦ Thatā€™s on them.
The whole point of SM to too many, is to be noticed, building a brand, create a facade, etc. The point is, in fact, to the point its literally called that,ā€¦ to be ā€œfollowedā€.


She was quite clear it was so she could shower/nap before she could go home. It said in a bragging ā€œI have so much money I can do thisā€¦.ā€ way.


OK. I donā€™t think there is anything nefarious about renting an apartment at your boarding facility, if you can afford it, and interpreted Eggbuttā€™s references to LK being ā€œcontrollingā€ and ā€œobsessedā€ for doing so as gratuitous insults. But perhaps Eggbutt was lauding LK for an obsession with excellent, hands on horse care.

Iā€™m using italics as the ā€œsarcasm fontā€.


Oh, ok, on FB?

Since I am so frequently accused of posting falsehoods, here is a screen shot of part of her post on Blanketing:


Nope, here, on an unrelated thread.


@Graymaresrule see post immediately above.

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I did not think it was false. I just donā€™t see how her extremely nice living and boarding arrangements now, in Florida, have anything to do with the Barisone cases. So why bring it up?

I also donā€™t see how that makes her ā€œcontrollingā€ or ā€œobsessedā€. At the same time, it does make it look like youā€™re obsessed with LK.




Sort of how you, and particular others, are obsessed with me? :rofl: