Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Today seems to be a savory, delicious kind of day, so let’s go with Julia Child’s classic Boeuf Bourguignon!


  • 3 pounds beef chuck or other boneless stewing beef, cut into 2-inch cubes and patted dry
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons kosher salt, more to taste
  • ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 5 ounces lardons, pancetta or bacon, diced (about 1 1/4 cups)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large carrot, sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 750-milliliter bottle of red wine
  • 1 large bay leaf
  • 1 large sprig of thyme
  • 8 ounces pearl onions, peeled (about 12 to 15 onions)
  • 8 ounces cremini mushrooms, halved if large (about 4 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • Pinch sugar
  • Chopped flat-leaf parsley, for garnish
  • Season beef with 2 teaspoons salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Set aside for at least 30 minutes at room temperature, or chill in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
  • In a large Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot with a tightfitting lid, cook lardons over medium-low heat until fat is rendered and lardons are browned and crisp, about 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer with a slotted spoon to a paper towel-lined plate. Reserve fat in pot.
  • Heat oven to 350 degrees. Raise heat under pot to medium-high and cook until fat is starting to smoke. Lay half the beef cubes in a single layer in the pot, leaving space between pieces. Cook until well browned on all sides, 10 to 15 minutes; transfer pieces to a plate as they brown. Repeat with remaining beef.
  • Reduce heat, if necessary, to prevent burning. Stir in onion, carrot and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and cook until soft, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Stir in garlic and tomato paste, and cook for 1 minute. Stir in flour, cook for 1 minute, then add wine, bay leaf and thyme, scraping up brown bits at bottom of pot. Add browned beef and half the cooked lardons back to pot, cover, and transfer to oven. Let cook until beef is very tender, about 1 1/2 hours, turning meat halfway through.
  • Meanwhile, in a large skillet set over high heat, combine pearl onions, mushrooms, 1/4 cup water, the olive oil and a pinch each of salt, pepper and sugar. Bring to a simmer, then cover and reduce heat to medium, cooking for 15 minutes. Uncover, raise heat to high, and cook, tossing frequently, until vegetables are well browned, 5 to 7 minutes.
  • To serve, scatter onions and mushrooms and remaining cooked lardons over stew, then top with parsley. [/LIST]

    Does anyone find it unusual that on all these threads and SM posts, so many people jump to MB’s defense or remain neutral, but so few come to post in support of LK. Does she have any life long friends and supporters who would support her no matter what? It really seems the only people who support her on SM have never actually even met her. That’s sad. I don’t feel sorry for LK, it is simply sad to me to be the kind of person who has no friendships or others to rely on to have their back in good times and bad. To me that says a lot about a person.


    It says that her friends either dont have time or care for the drama on these boards and social media. I seriously can not believe you would try and assume something about someone based on the fact she has no “friends” jumping online to back her up. You either make way too many assumptions or you have intimate knowledge of her inner friendship circle.

    In a million years I would never get my real life friends to come on here and defend me. It would be pathetic and sad to do that. I would in fact tell my friends the opposite, ignore the trolls.


    That would be you and me. LK is an attention hog and seems to love the spotlight. Narcissist? IDK. I know absolutely nothing of her “inner friendship circle” if she has one. Yes, she has many SM followers but are they really friends? IDK, or care, this was simply an observation.

    Of course, I doubt you or I would be posting on SM about our experience if we were involved in this crime.


    Any attention, even negative.
    Who does this remind us of?
    Not interested in doing the homework, the daily lessons and hard work of developing as a rider/trainer.
    Sounds more familiar, right?
    Makes up achievements that are imagined or only partially done.

    Accuses anyone who achieves success that overshadows their own successes of cheating or having it easier or buying their way up [when they in fact have actually done all of the above plus spit polished teeny tiny pretend triumphs to make them appear to exist or to be larger than they are].
    No, DT is a good guess. SW? Close. But what about NP as well?
    They are like a whole handful of peas in a pod, the lot of them.


    100% agree with this. It is difficult for me to imagine anyone more pathetic than a bunch of trolls so invested in trashing and provoking the victim of a horrific shooting, regardless of how much you disliked her prior activity on SM.


    This thread, and others, would have died out long ago had it not been for LK adding fuel to the pot. We all were becoming weary of your constant posts until she came along and revived it.

    By the way, why are YOU here posting with us trolls?


    Green, you PROMISED to ignore my posts!

    Surely you see the trolls asking her questions, insulting her, and making up unsubstantiated allegations. Then you have the gall to bash her for “stirring the pot?”

    You claim you are “weary of my posts” but then post 4 times demanding that I rehash something from a previous thread, then bash me for providing what you demanded? Of course!


    Really? I’d say perpetuating a thread you think is trashing and provoking a victim, by trashing and provoking those whose activity on the forum you dislike is right up there.

    Very meta.

    Anyone else think “metapathetic” sounds like an emo band name?


    I wonder if we counted who has posted the very most on this thread, who’s ‘name’ it would be.
    Be careful in that glass house. :wink:


    GWE, I’ve gotta try that Julia Child recipe before winter’s over! I love her French Onion Soup recipe, too!


    Well, I don’t have time to count people’s posts, but that would be (mildly) interesting. When do these frequent posters (you know who you are) have time to ride their horses?


    Maybe for the reason I did, because it is hard to watch a victim of a violent crime being further victimized on social media. It is very clear only negative comments on LK are welcomed here(“why are you posting with “US”)so frankly it is a waste of time to reply. And you know you want LK to post, the constant harassment is mostly for that purpose.


    Here is the above referenced post. PFP (in case it gets deleted for some reason).

    And why doesn’t COTH timestamp comments to blog entries?
    [ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: 2020-01-13_11-39-53.jpg Views: 1 Size: 36.8 KB ID: 10555269”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10555269”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]



    Metapathetic 😂


    Oh goody…the big three are now here. Popcorn time. I wonder how long this thread will remain open?

    LK is an attention seeker and EVERYONE on this thread feeds her need to be in the spotlight. The holier than thou behavior is not becoming.


    I’ll take a stab at this. I think she is saying that Idol’s texts PROVES LK’s accusation of premeditation, because the police reports had not yet been made public by the time the texts were sent.

    However, the texts were sent AFTER the shooting. This is the digital/info age. I have no doubt that it only took minutes for texts to start circulating, especially amongst people who were close to MK and MH (and others who worked/boarded at the barn).

    Appalling and unprofessional to respond to an innocuous COTH blog. Same for the posts on RC’s FB page. I do believe that LK is obsessively searching key words on the internet so that she can catch anything posted about MB


    Just wondering…who are “the big three”?

    I’ll take a stab at this. LK, YD and DF90.


    I would replace LK with Jealoushe personally, but sure, we can go with big 4.

    Perhaps I have become hardened in this digital age, but I really haven’t seen any bashing on this thread as YD wants to claim. At least not toward LK. We HAVE seen bashing by LK herself toward others but, that’s fair to her followers I guess. Hypocritical at least.

    There is no excuse for LK’s behavior in some of these revealing posts and screenshots in my opinion. As others have said, they go straight to character and are indefensible. Again, always the innocent victim who accepts no responsibility for her actions or words. Remember the old phrase, “the devil made me do it”?