Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

That’s weird because when I read it today it said it was posted 10 weeks ago.


As long as MB is a bigger, bad’er bad guy, her transgressions pale.
As long as she can remind people that she is a victim, her own bad behavior gets forgiven.
Because that seems to be the idea, as long as she is a victim no one can mention the not nice things she has done in the past.
Like one of those giant erasers you win at the Fair.

Holding people accountable for what they themselves have done is not victim shaming.
One can agree she is a victim of being shot, and also agree that her behavior in the past was also not great.

ETA this has been said before, but I believe it bears repeating, particularly wrt the idea that maybe LK is a bit obsessed with MB, as evidenced by her comments on the COTH blog, COTH forums, and anywhere else she can get a word in.


In that parallel world, please tell me I can finally sit my horse’s trot. If so, we’re moving.


What a load of hooey. Only negative comments are allowed? Have you actually read these threads - or do you just fly through them occasionally to fling stuff at the walls and hope it will stick? There has been a very small vehement group of anti-LK posters who have gone completely off the rails at times. The majority of us who have posted in these threads are/were simply discussing the events from all points of view - not pro MB and not pro LK. We are now apparently “not allowed” to do that - as per the self-appointed moderators.

LK arrived - occasionally lashing out and swinging for the fences - and basically got the expected reaction from some. Many of us advised her NOT to post on these threads at this time. No one made her post. That was/is entirely her choice - and I still think it is not a good idea and may harm her case but I am not LK.

Certain posters who seek to run the conversation as they and only they see fit then moved in on the threads. Posters have to REPEATEDLY post that shooting someone is never the right solution, that shooting someone is not good etc. - lest they be jumped by the small self-righteous indignant posse who finds fault with everyone and everything that is not LK herself - or so it seems. When they post to play the martyrdom card about how wonderful and amazing and selfless they are for protecting LK from everyone else on the threads… it gets beyond tiresome. The claims that every other poster (aside from the martyrs) is dishing out “constant harassment” and committing “victimization” are not only untrue - but sadly laughable.


It was from 10 weeks ago and it is time-stamped on the comment to the blog… the 10w notation was cropped off of the screen capture supplied upthread… but is there on the comment at the link. I am sure it said the actual time 10 weeks ago.


Oh! Now I get it. Thank you.

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You need to go back and read your own posts.
I hardly think I am part of any big anything with my total 50 something posts. Very few of them on this one. However, I will continue to support the victim(the person shot) and to believe the police and investigators had good reason to have charged the shooter, until I see evidence otherwise. I do believe any attacks on her character are victim shaming/blaming. I am fine with being part of the group that feels that way.
But it’s all ok, keep trashing LK, whatever floats your boat. Have fun. I was done arguing a long time ago.


Ok so question here re being a victim:

This is just a general question, not a LK question, and answers may vary since this could be a matter of opinion, which is fine. I just got to thinking about this…

So if one is a victim of a violent attack (whether it is knife, gun, fight, whatever) and they are then clearly a victim of said attack, no dispute there, are they somehow exhonerated from questioning or any wrong doing they did in relation to the attack or anything else in life? If so, for how long?

It just seems like some people are claiming that a victim cannot be criticised or questioned. Now, I know some people have gone a bit overboard and it has gone beyond that in these threads, so there is that. I can understand people being upset about that.

Being a vitctim of a brutal attack such as being shot, is something I never want to experience, and feel that no one should have to experience (barring certain circumstances that are not relevant here). I think it is fine to give the victim space to deal with and handle the event. However, when they put themselves in the center of Social Media…then I’m not sure this is so simple? I think Social Media complicates things in this day and age.


I appreciate you. I’ve said some of this myself.


She was shot. It’s horrible that it happened. She didn’t deserve it. That said, being a victim in one crime does not excuse bad behavior outside that crime. It doesn’t nullify bullying other people.
Victim blaming (in my opinion) would be saying “she was mean and she deserved to be shot” like SW did. THAT is blatant victim blaming. Saying that something she did is the reason she shot is victim blaming. Discussing why MB chose to shoot her (as in why would he do such an outlandish thing), or her behavior before/after isn’t victim blaming. The only excusable reason to shoot someone is self defense or imminent life and death scenarios. From what we have heard from LK and snippets from the media, that’s not what happened. Ergo, the shooting is Michael’s fault. There were thousands of better ways to deal with whatever led to that moment. IMO with what we know at this moment, MB tried to murder LK. The reason doesn’t matter. The fact is he should not have shot her.
That said, being shot does not negate her previous altercations with people, or her odd ramblings now.


You know if you are going to blindly defend her, try to realize she’s literally revealing herself to be a habitual one-upper, insecure PD narcissist who is so embarrassing herself with her superbly petty little put downs, it’s not hard to see how she gets into the “sh!ts where she eats” issues. (I bet she loves tha I used “superbly”)

No one is really exonerating MB, but the more sh!t she and the sockettes post, the less sympathetic she appears. And flagging her on by defending half truths and one-sided statements is a ridiculous argument for “defending the victim from online harassment “.

Such horse manure. No one is coming after her. She posts vile, pompous, condescending snot, then wails victim. Sorry. That pig doesn’t fly.

MB’s lawyer can have a field day with her rampant sense if entitlement. At this point I see why people defend the guy.

Socks using “quasi”, pettily defending, but, but oh, “gotta get that condescending snit snot to make sure you know I watched a legal drama and took an undergraduate english class” it a pretty consistent posting habit.

One wonders at what point do you shed delusion and just stop helping MB? Why so adamant to prove anything to me, an anonymous stranger, when you probably should STFU and give the prosecutors a fighting chance.

Half bronze. Used to ride with a cavalry officer, no bronze, all merit. One sees through this garbage. With ease.


I use a similar recipe, but sous vide the chuck, whole, for 48 hours at 130 F. Sous vide the carrots and potatoes for 2 hours at 180.Make the stock with the wine, herbs tomatoes and more carrots and onions. When the stock is done strain out the carrots and onions and make the gravy. Brown the mushrooms and onions, cut the meat into chunks and add the SV vegetables to the gravy,being careful not to overcook the meat.

My son in law is from France and he is quite impressed.

FWIW I made this stew for my BIL who was dying from lung cancer. His wife didn’t want to cook for him because she said he wouldn’t eat it. He said this was the best stew he had ever had. For ever and after this will be known, in my family, as Tom’s stew


There used to be a feature on this BB where you could click somewhere to see exactly how many posts each person had on any thread. Unfortunately, I think that disappeared on one of the “upgrades.”


My position is that most of the posters, including you, are neutral posters engaging in fair open discussion. Nevertheless, the majority of posts are contributed by about eight or so EXTREMELY invested anti LK posters: GWE, GEE, AR, etc , and, yes, me responding to the core anti LK group.

I realize that my posts in the previous thread did paint the discussion with overly broad strokes, and I apologize for that.

But you still don’t seem to see the math that “only 6 or 8” insanely invested and insanely vicious posters can dominate the tone of a thread of 40 posters, 30 of whom are completely decent, fair minded people.

Anyone who wants to stick up for the victim is accused of being her alter, and bashed alongside her.

For myself, I am not finding fault with everyone other than LK, but responding to the 6 or 8 vehemently anti LK posters.


Maybe the people around her are following the hypothetical legal advice to keep quiet.

But not the part about the very small, vehemently anti LK group that has gone completely off the rails at times, I’m guessing.
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OMG, haven’t made that soup in ages. So incredibly easy. I’ve never added the cognac – tonight might be the night. Great with no-knead artisan bread.

For a new twist on beef bourguinon, try The Chew/Michael Symon’s chicken meatball bourguingon. It sounds odd but is absolutely amazing. Like beef b., it becomes simple to make with a little practice.

I hope it is cool with Deputy Dawg et al if I post this.


This thread has become too much like today’s politics with polarized opinions (I include myself in this statement).

In the truthful words of LK, there’s a lot that will come to light in June. I venture to say many will be shocked by what the defense presents, not because I am privy to anything, but because the defense side has been so protective of their information unlike the mountains of info LK has provided to all.


“vehemently” is actually a very positive adverb in my opinion. I will be vehemently involved in life until my last breath.
[h=3]adjective[/h] zealous; ardent; impassioned:a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm.
characterized by rancor or anger; violent:vehement hostility.
strongly emotional; intense or passionate:vehement desire.
marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous:vehement clapping.


Thank you for responding. I really didn’t feel up to it!
I also feel there are many fair minded people here that are just looking for answers.

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