Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

And, now we enter the condescending phase once again with one person lauding over all the others, including the 6-8 vile, unfair, vehement, insane, indecent posters who should not be posting on this thread, but those words certainly do not apply to LK, do they?


I donā€™t understand what you mean, could you please explain? Thereā€™s definitely been some wild stuff said. I have also said things about LK that werenā€™t inherently negative (on the other thread). Iā€™m certainly not pro-LK, I think sheā€™s a bully. I donā€™t like her, absolutely. Thatā€™s based on the experience that a friend of mine had with her, as well as some of the posts Iā€™ve seen her make.
Iā€™m also not pro-MB- I know next to nothing about the man.
But I will repeat again, in no way did LK deserve or ask to be shot. Nowhere (to my recollection) have I so much insinuated that LK caused the shooting. I donā€™t recall being outright malicious (if this is false Iā€™ll gladly apologize).


Shall we start a pool deciding how long the trial will last? I suspect 4 weeks max.


Wasnā€™t the trial date set for the beginning of June? Somehow October seems to have been brought up in this thread. That would be a long trial!

Yesā€¦my error. I corrected it. As I recall, October was the anticipated original trial date.


The Chronicle article linked in the first post on this thread said the trial date was set for June 14.


Rather depends on the word itā€™s modifying, no?

Vehemently bigoted?
Vehemently anti-Semitic?

I said insanely invested and insanely vicious posters. I did not say ā€œinsane postersā€Ā.

Yes, that was a very nice feature. I miss it on this version.


Excuse me??? YOU are the one who derailed this thread with the imperious post indicating MB is a ā€œquasi-Olympianā€. How dare you say something so despicable about someone who worked their butt off to achieve the rank he did. I donā€™t care if you apologized, it was a completely VILE comment. YOU nitpick all other posts and argue with anyone and everyone who does not completely agree with your analysis and ā€œhypothesisā€. You beat the proverbial dead horse until it is nothing but bones. You have absolutely no idea who on this forum is ā€œfair-mindedā€ or ā€œdecentā€. Who do you think you are judging everyone by your narrow standard, yet give LK a pass because she is the victim of an alleged attempted murder? Are YOU neutral or aggravatingly stirring a pot?

As far as ā€œbeing accused of being her alterā€, if the shoe fits. Posters are still PMing each other wondering this exact thing. As far as misidentifying posters, I believe LK holds the bronze medal for that practiceā€¦eggbutt was supposedly someone she canā€™t tolerate, x-halt-salute was someone else she thought she should out in error. Always with the veiled threats of something happening to them for posting their thoughts legally!! Iā€™m sure there are more but these two are the ones who come to mind.

You canā€™t sit back in your easy chair deciding who is ā€œvileā€ and who isnā€™t. This is a forum of opinions and information for and by all. Not just what you want to say and who you give permission to post. Based on all the evidence posted on these threads by a variety of people, LK is the most vile of all.


For myself, I would include you in the core 6 to 8 vehemently anti LK posters. Smoofox alludes to a small group of anti LK posters completely off the rails. I canā€™t speak for her as to whether she considers you part of the core.

Were you the one you claimed with great certainty that LK had been asked to leave FR and refused to leave, supposedly in parallel to her allegedly being asked to leave SGF and refusing to leave? Causing her to be shot. 

  Since you asked.
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  I am still not an alter, a relative, or someone coached by LK. You obviously do not need my permission to post!
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What is ā€œSGFā€?


Sweet Grass Farm.

Thatā€™s a new one. Where on earth is Sweet Grass Farm?



And I apologized for presenting hearsay as something factual. I did not say her refusal to leave was why she got shot so I donā€™t know where you pulled that from. I said she had been asked to leave a property before and had refused. Please see the first sentence of this paragraph. Nowhere in ANYTHING I have posted is me saying, alluding, or hinting that she was shot because she didnā€™t leave a property when asked.

ETA: I donā€™t even know if she WAS asked to leave MBā€™s property (or whoever owns it, not the point). I donā€™t believe I ever mentioned that she had been. I said FR.


Itā€™s the name of Barisoneā€™s LLC. The actual facility is - was - called Hawthorne Hill.


Itā€™s the LLC that owns the property in NJ.


I think I posted in this thread twice and the last one, twice, maybe? How the f am I in the running for most posts here?

To answer the question then about those of us who post a lot having time to ride, well I rode 5 horses on Saturday and 4 yesterday, so I think Iā€™m doing alright in that aspect.

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